2011.06.06 Sidebar (Trial Day Eleven)

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Somehow I missed that there were Home Depot videos that the State has apparently held back from discovery, with what I assume to be no objection from the defense. As much as I enjoyed watching Vass put a hurting on the defense today, I am more curious about these Home Depot Videos!
"A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet..." ~ William Shakespeare

Who here thinks that a rose would smell like pizza, or raw hamburger, or garbage, or maryjane, or ...?

Who here thinks that an expert (with 2+ decades of olfactory experience) in the odor of human decomposition would mistake the odor of a rose, or pizza, or raw hamburger, or garbage, or maryjane, for the "unique" odor of human decomposition?

I vote: No Way.
Watching IS....someone just said she can see Vass selling his machine to cops after how well he did today - with it being his first time testifying. I don't see him selling anything. He's the guy behind the research. jmo

On another topic - is LKB calling around for someplace to appear every day? Can these shows decline her offer?
Im actually embarassed for JB every time I think of him, screeching in court in his OS, WHAT DID YOU DO? (CA s words) I can see ica mimicking those exact words back to him at the end of this fiasco... the apple truely will not have fallen far from the cart...
Hi Turnadot. For a good run down on everything,visit the body farm. This man has more credentials than China has rice..There is info on everything they did.
Its really a good read, I go back now and then just to refresh. :seeya:

Do you have a link? TYIA
I guess I don't understand why they don't let them smell the cans. I mean they showed chromatograms, video tapes, pictures (visual evidence). They played tapes of phone calls (auditory evidence). Smell, touch and taste based evidence are out though?

It's kind of an interesting thought, actually.

Judge Perry had stated that "Jurors are not witnesses", I agree.
The jury doesn't really need to smell anything, I think they got the message loud and clear today from the Man of the Week, Dr Vass.
"A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet..." ~ William Shakespeare

Who here thinks that a rose would smell like pizza, or raw hamburger, or garbage, or maryjane, or ...?

Who here thinks that an expert (with 2+ decades of olfactory experience) in the odor of human decomposition would mistake the odor of a rose, or pizza, or raw hamburger, or garbage, or maryjane, for the "unique" odor of human decomposition?

I vote: No Way.

I think it would depend. In your hypothetical would this expert be a chemist? :innocent:
gosh dont we have a thread for support love and adoration of dr vass??? I'd make one but I fear the mods believe I have overdone my hyperbole for the good doctor! :heartluv:

dear dr vass if you ever read here, I'm your biggest fan!! I know hungarian too! :biglaugh:
I always knew KC was chloroforming Caylee in the trunk of the car, drugging her etc and one time she OD's her. Thats why she is claiming she drowned by accident. She knows she would never get out of prison by saying she OD'd the baby by accident and she can't tell anyone that ever.

Yes. This is uncontroverted expert testimony on these issues. It is evidence. Manufactured chloroform was used repeatedly and built up in the tiny body in the trunk over time. When I put that evidence to the real life of what happened, my heart hurts for Caylee. IF ICA didn't want her she could have given her up for adoption.
When Dr. Vass was testifying about the high levels of chloroform in the trunk as a result of exposure to manufactured chloroform "over time", was he referring to the closed trunk for 31 days or multiple exposures over time? I wish that had been clarified.
I guess I don't understand why they don't let them smell the cans. I mean they showed chromatograms, video tapes, pictures (visual evidence). They played tapes of phone calls (auditory evidence). Smell, touch and taste based evidence are out though?

It's kind of an interesting thought, actually.

I actually hope they don't open the can. The jury's imagination is probably going to be far better than sticking their noses in that can anyway. Besides, the whole open the can and wave it in front of the juror's noses thing just reminds me too much of the OJ glove incident.

What if the stench is not as powerful as the jurors imagine it should be? What if it doesn't smell like what they imagine a dead body should smell like?

Too much can go wrong with that tactic IMO.

I hope the smell stays exactly where it is, in the can, and in the imagination of the juror.
Somehow I missed that there were Home Depot videos that the State has apparently held back from discovery, with what I assume to be no objection from the defense. As much as I enjoyed watching Vass put a hurting on the defense today, I am more curious about these Home Depot Videos!

Yeah! Where can we read about this? I keep hearing bits and pieces. Do we know what date she went? Or anything about it?
Watching IS....someone just said she can see Vass selling his machine to cops after how well he did today - with it being his first time testifying. I don't see him selling anything. He's the guy behind the research. jmo

On another topic - is LKB calling around for someplace to appear every day? Can these shows decline her offer?

They should decline. Every time I turn around I see her on a different show. I have to wonder where she finds the time for all of the rejuvenation she is having done.:innocent:
Judge Perry had stated that "Jurors are not witnesses", I agree.
The jury doesn't really need to smell anything, I think they got the message loud and clear today from the Man of the Week, Dr Vass.

Right, but what about the fact that this evidence is a smell would make them "witnesses"? They aren't witnesses, yet they saw videos of her in the stores shopping, and they saw pictures of her car, and they saw a lot of other evidence - it's not like they've just been told "there is a car" and have to believe it - they were SHOWN the car. They could have just been told about ICA's conversations from jail, but they were SHOWN the conversations, allowed to experience them. And that didn't make them witnesses.

So I'm just wondering why allowing them to smell the thing people were talking about smelling would be any different than showing them things people were talking about seeing. ??
Question you guys: If I'm not mistakes, Caylee was wrapped in a Winnie the Pooh blanket right? If I recall, Linda made a huge point of stressing that her room had a Winne the Pooh theme.
I just watched a bit of HLN with Vinnie

They were showing Ricardo's Win her over with chloroform picture and Dianna Tennis said the DT will say no one was home when 1 of the chloroform searches was conducted (IMO.they will IMO bring in Ricardo somehow into this.He did say he went over for breakfast and the DT may accuse him of entering the A home when no one was home IMO)

Vinnie started taking about chloroform and chlorine and the pool...I guess Vinnie does not know the A's used a Chlorine-Free product in the pool...
Somehow I missed that there were Home Depot videos that the State has apparently held back from discovery, with what I assume to be no objection from the defense. As much as I enjoyed watching Vass put a hurting on the defense today, I am more curious about these Home Depot Videos!

I hope somebody provides a link for the Home Depot vids.
ALSO, I had to miss most of Dr. Vass' testimony today. Could somebody please post the link for where I can watch the video of today's proceedings? I thought I had it bookmarked but can't seem to find it. Thank you!
Uh oh. I shouldn't have brought up LKB. Vinnie just said she's up next. He actually got cut off by the commercial.....he only got out LK. Time to walk the dog.
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