2011.06.06 TRIAL Day Eleven (Afternoon Session)

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You would have to be eating a hamburger raw with a bag over your head. - Dr. Vaas

I don't see what's so funny. I lay down in the trunk of my car and eat raw hamburger meat with a bag over my head at least 3 times a week.
Ok, all I gleaned from the past five minutes is that there was marijuana in a hamburger in the trunk. WTH?

Before JB said they weren't talking about adipose tissue, and now he's talking about it.

"Makes sense if you don't think about it"
You'd have to be eating raw hamburger with a bag over your head. AV

QUOTE OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a sense of humor.....I love him! I hope JB goes home and does that little experiment.
JB trying to address Dr. Vass and the use of DB at Barker ranch (Charles Mansen ranch) causes sidebar
I am shocked, they found products of Pot in Casey's trunk???

Chicken? Hamburger?

Someone with the munchies?

Baez is obsessed with food. Seriously.

Eating hamburger with a bag over your head... LOL

Whow! So now he's proving that KC is connected to illegal drugs as well as lying and stealing. What is he thinking?
See, there is an explanation. Casey was eating a raw hamburger with a bag over her head.

just wait, after court she's gonna tell JB "omg I totally remember now! Tony and I were trying that out. that explains it all!"
I doubt court reporters make what they're worth.

I don't know the specifics, but when we have had to get trial transcripts of the day before's testimony, I've cut a check in the range of 2k to 3k to the court reporter in her name. And I've done that more than once so it's a common fee here. If that all goes to her (again, I don't know how it works) - then that's good money. Very good.
Were they eating raw hamburgers after smoking the wacky tobaccy?

I have never had either of those but much more of this and I may be tempted. Good Lord this is awful.
Are you kidding me, I've cleaned 2 of my bathrooms, and swept my sewing room floor, and JB is still questioning Dr. Vass????? WOW!!!!
Wow, so Baez can't count, and can't spell the elements he's arguing about. *facepalm* How. Did. He. Pass. LAW SCHOOL! God, I know law schools have standards!

I think it's either you pass on the first 7 tries and on the eigth try, if you fail, but have sold bikinis, you become an attorney at once! :floorlaugh:
Sorry guys - I just lost my whole post since the last sidebar. Somehow I was still in the sidebar thread and when I went to post, it said the thread was closed and my post disappeared:(
Doesn't Casey look lonely sitting there. Nobody is sitting in either chair next to her. She has nobody to chat with. ...oops, I spoke too soon. She nearly climbed into Simms chair, motioned WS to scoot over and talk with her.
:silly: You'd have to have several pounds of hamburg, it would have to be raw with the right conditions like a plastic bag over your head? :great:

Baez needs to sit down now!

All Jose is proving is Casey was also a drug user! :floorlaugh:
I don't see what's so funny. I lay down in the trunk of my car and eat raw hamburger meat with a bag over my head at least 3 times a week.

That is a Kat thang. People don't understand.

Seriously, the defense is stretching here. JB still has that defeated look.
I am embarrassed for JB. Yes, I know this is an unpopular view. But when Dr. V is telling him that to get these results on the paper towels, you would have to be wiping up after someone eating huge quantities of raw meat with a plastic bag over their head, well heck.
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