2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

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An aside......a poster mentioned the book Stiff....the other day. I can't recall who it was, but I downloaded it to Kindle and am half way through it.

Just facinating reading.....here is one of the most touching parts so far..

One young woman’s tribute describes unwrapping her cadaver’s hands and being brought up short by the realization that the nails were painted pink. “The pictures in the anatomy atlas did not show nail polish,” she wrote. “Did you choose the color?…Did you think that I would see it?…I wanted to tell you about the inside of your hands…. I want you to know you are always there when I see patients. When I palpate an abdomen, yours are the organs I imagine. When I listen to a heart, I recall holding your heart.”

Roach, Mary (2004). Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers (p. 37). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.

In a way... I kind of see Caylee like this student viewed her training cadaver... A person that remains with you in many ways...one that reminds you of the sanctity of life.
Caylee will live on through the future cases argued for other children. Her case touched so many LE and other related professionals and has impacted how searches, recovery, and prosecution is handled.

Well said, SOTS. I agree, and hope one way Caylee is memorialized is by legislators in FL (and other states) passing some laws limiting payment to parents and other relatives of missing children for pictures, etc. That rules are changed about anyone involved talking to media - to make gag orders automatic say, and that either side will have to argue to lift them. Or automatic gag orders on any attorney who is leaves a case, talking to media until after case is totally done (this means after verdict and any appeals, etc.)

Just some thoughts I have been having.
what did she say???

Dr D said he spoke to GA ex. She said that she thinks that ICA got the lying gene from her dad. She also told him that GA was a very nice guy. That is all I heard.
I've been doing that. Not to upset anyone. I just sometimes see the trial threads full of complaining about how the testimony is "boring". It bugs me.

This is real life, and not a TV show meant to entertain people.

I only post stuff to remind people what this case is about. I see what you are saying, but I wanted to clarify why I have been doing it.

And thank you for doing it Softail - the trial is not boring when we are talking about solid evidence which is what this trial is all about. It's not about the who said what to who in this trial. Not about the gossipy stuff.

It's about the hard facts and I am one of the people who is loving it.
Facts like chloroform X84 times give me a nice happy glow.
My first reaction was omg she was planing to kill her parents, that explains her comments to friends about her taking the house over from her parents, somewhere along the line her murderous intentions shifted to poor Caylee.

I thought the same thing she wanted to get rid of the parets and get the house.
I think Caylee's death came about when she put her in the trunk when she went out to party.

I think that poor little girl died in that trunk. She took her back to the house and was going to burry her in that back yard but couldnt find a good place.
Even if it was 84 times in a year..... how many times does the average person go to a website that has instructions how to make chloroform? What reason could she possibly have for accessing that particular website even once, much less 84 times.... no matter over how long a period.


Piggybacking - and then deleting it but not deleting other searches????
It kind of makes me sick that so many of the talking heads don't think the prosecution have proved any points and seem to think Jose has made inroads into his defense. So many seem to think there is not enough good evidence. Its like there is no perfect evidence in this case. Some one else could do the searches on the computer, dogs didn't find anything yada yada....
Even if it was 84 times in a year..... how many times does the average person go to a website that has instructions how to make chloroform? What reason could she possibly have for accessing that particular website even once, much less 84 times.... no matter over how long a period.


LOl well i know i looked it up a few times today LOL
I have another question for you guys and then I have to run for a bit.

How do you like having the Sidebar thread for more casual conversations during the day? We've been trying to keep the Trial thread on task for the trial and this one for more of a general discussion. I'm thinking it's been all good, but wanted you guys to weigh in too. :grouphug:

Although I'm still trying to catch up on this case and haven't posted, I love, love, love the side bar. After watching cross examinations during the day, everyone needs a chance to get off their hands. :crazy:
It kind of makes me sick that so many of the talking heads don't think the prosecution have proved any points and seem to think Jose has made inroads into his defense. So many seem to think there is not enough good evidence. Its like there is no perfect evidence in this case. Some one else could do the searches on the computer, dogs didn't find anything yada yada....

Why i think that is....is because they dont know how she died...
I would. I refrain from comments in the trial thread because maybe I am gonna break a rule.
Maybe trial thread should be commentary only... for those unable to watch?
Also for those watching that missed something
That way everyone could catch up much quicker!!
I'll follow either way!

If I want to catch up quickly I just follow JBean's Twitter thread...I usually have that on one open window and the trail thread on the other.

Heavens, now the defense has some consultant to their case on Dr. Drew. They have their team spouting junk on all the shows trying to show she is not guilty and it was the accident and it is the father's fault. molested etc.
I have another question for you guys and then I have to run for a bit.

How do you like having the Sidebar thread for more casual conversations during the day? We've been trying to keep the Trial thread on task for the trial and this one for more of a general discussion. I'm thinking it's been all good, but wanted you guys to weigh in too. :grouphug:

Oh, keep it please. It's very helpful when you run in the house, turn on tv to watch the trial and their at sidebar. :crazy:

Seriously...this is one of my favorite threads. I can hardly keep up with the trial threads when not home from beginning to end; and this helps fill in the blanks for me.
Is that Dr Drew you are talking about? I guess I will have to watch his show later, much later. He should have stayed with Loveline I am beginning to think.
Anyhow, I don't know who he is talking to, but George did not have an ex-wife, I am pretty sure.

I have to say I am very pleased with the way Dr. Drew has come around in terms of this case. The first show he did you can tell his bosses forced him to do the subject and he knew next to nothing about the case. He assumed she was a run of the mill, regular SA victim, and he was very sympathetic towards her. Apparently he was over run with angry e-mail and tweets and so he did go ahead and do some solid research. And NOW he is a rabid anti-Casey fan. He believes she is guilty of cold blooded murder I think, and he even lets that leak out a little, but then tries to give her some defense in response. But he is a smart and compassionate man so his heart went right out to Caylee, as it should.
He was, and his ex has kept silent til now.

Wait...what...saw this tonite too. Did we here at WS know this (rings a bell)?
And why in the world would she not have been investigated. Does she live in Ohio? She is now saying he had a tendency to lie..and maybe ICA got it from him. This could help SA...do they know about her?

Um..who the heck is she?!?! (did they have any kids?)
Piggybacking - and then deleting it but not deleting other searches????
ar ar ar. Show's just how stoopid she is. Of all the places we scouted in Florida, who could of thunk that she throwed her off the road 15 houses down from her own. She is simply stupid and the fact that she approved of the Defence's "story" says as much.

Heavens, now the defense has some consultant to their case on Dr. Drew. They have their team spouting junk on all the shows trying to show she is not guilty and it was the accident and it is the father's fault. molested etc.

Saw the show....she was tongue-tied at best. Clearly had no facts of the case whatsoever. Spouting talking points. Poor thing.
Wait...what...so this tonite too. Did we here at WS know this (rings a bell)?
And why in the world would she not have been investigated. Does she live in Ohio? She is now saying he had a tendency to lie..and maybe ICA got it from him. This could help SA...do they know about her?

Um..who the heck is she?!?! (did they have any kids?)
She was "sleuthed" at the very beginning. A very brief marriage. I can't remember if there was possibly "overlap" between her and CA. Not much to glean there.

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