2011.06.09 TRIAL Day Fourteen (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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IMO, she is going to make her self puke or take a dive. Or, she is thinking of spending the rest of her life in prison, that might be it.
Is it not lost on anyone that there is a HUGELY pregnant lady right behind the podium?

I noticed. I was pregnant during the Scott Peterson trial and Caylee is only a month older than my little one so both cases affected me quite a bit, especially when I was pregnant.

BS in biology, MD, clinical pathology, forensic pathology, licensed to practice medicine....forensic path since 1997....

employed in Cincinnatti
Dr. Gary Utz
Dr. G called on 12/11/08- she was leaving town and asked take charge of case until she returned.
contact w/Hansen while @ scene bring back some items found prepared to receive and examine them preliminarly....Dr. G asked him to help w/evidence transfer issue to FBI...

bag contain garbage bags, canvas bag, leaf litter....another bag with skull w/scalp hair and tape...

first photo in series of photos taken ....taken @ his direction...

States exhibit #CM - publish - what you see....don't know if you can tell - 2 plastic bags partially torn, leaf litter & debris....it was near the bag.....zoom in on portion for jury....long bone....bone of the leg....white object....black garbage bag....laundry fabric bag - mixed in with garbage bag and leaf litter.....

pic CN = skull w/hair & tape.....once paper bag ripped away how it looks...publish....kc appears to be sinking lower in chair....

looking @ human skull facing and it is upright....over jaw and facial bones are several pieces of grey colored tape.....there is hair extended over the top of the skull..

skulll again in same position - photo from directly above....pu blish ...same item from above strands of hair flow out.....where hair mat? partially seen down @ bottom...next photo CP - skull from the side...

right side of skull , strands of hair, mat @ bottom of skull, you can see the tape....the eye sockets are in this direction and tape appears to come around the side...

CQ - photo of left side - adherant leaves and twigs - see hair matt - right side of skull partial obscure by leaf.....hair mat has thicker objects appear to be plant roots....next photo CR - pic appearance of the skull - someone is tilting the skull - himself or Dr. Schultz....it is being supported back on the skull is resting on paper bag...held up so face part can be viewed on the camera. publish

Look @ skull face on - see eye sockets...see hair covering skull...look @ pic oriented better - hair partial cover eye sockets - same hair saw underneath and behind skull....below that is tape....this part of the tape - a flap of tape separate from this part...pieces of tape attached to each ....don't recall how many pieces - maybe three - appeared to be more than one.....

CS for identification.....appearance of skull? publish skull tilted so bottom is toward camera....this is bottom of mandible jaw bone - here is portion of the tape rest of this all around base and bottom of skull is hair along with plant roots and pieces of leaves.

(kc holding her fist to chest - calming self- deep breathe, shroud pulled high on neck...)

by the time you reach human decomp - mandible not attached - skull is moved usually rolls around - mandible stays behind...in this case hair mat has in place plant material giving structure to hold bones together...tape is adhearing to ....it is.... tape itself was no longer adhesive ...still stuck in corners small portions of the hair....the fabric part had attached to hair and to the mandible itself....not sticky anymore - part of the fabric was stuck rather than tape itself....small pieces of fabric from tape as well as roots grown in around the hair mat....

removed the tape later - cut away tape and fabric small portions -

next photo - skull w/mandible removed - publish...

teased apart the hair the mandible was easy to remove....unusual where mandible was with the skull...never seen mandible with the skull...

on right side photo - leaf debris - under the skull or around the skull? skull sitting on that while in paper bag...when delievered to him it was under the skull..

CU - gone back a bit - mandible and tape are still there...publish...now we are looking @ skull again - tilted down on left side - this is the right side of the lower jaw and mandible (look up from bottom right mandbile)....backing of the tape is showing how attached to the mandible....magnified pic.....see the little strands of fabric coming from tape....sticking into mandible....on left side of pic...little bit of hair sticking to tape.....all this is fabric....some of this is actually lightly adhearing to bone of the mandible also mixed in with plant roots - seen here and here....root comes under the tape and around the mandible - appears to don't know what it was in original.....lifted edge of tape up...shows multiple layers of tape....nothing else in this photo

CV - photo tape after removed...publish....show pic on screen of duct tape (DS asks kc if she is ok - she nods)

tape separating - appears to be almost in cirular - - explains back part is tape backing....taken into evidence and given to FBI.... approach witness

envelope w/unidentified skeletal remains in evidence bag.....Caylee is in the room

She got really antsy when the duct tape pic was posted.........
I missed some of this....I thought Dr. G. did the autopsy????

She was on her way out of town when she got the call and asked Dr Utz to start the examination of remains for her...
I don't understand why Casey is acting like this testimony is bothering her.
I guess I'm thinking of all the PhotoBucket pics of skulls she collected after Caylee died.
Drawings of skulls, pics of skulls carved out of apples.

Oh, that's right. The jury is in the room.

It doesn't have to bother her for her child. She is more than likely bothered that she will not be going home--ever again.
She is 105 now????? Hmmm. I am 110 and I look alot smaller than that...oh well...guesstimate off. Back to my corner.

A couple of journalists have commented that she is much smaller (size and height) than it looks on the feed.
Shoot, by the time she works herself up it will be time for a break anyway, all for naught, KC.
Yes, it is one of those cases of "vomit or get off the pot," with apologies to all.
Whope... dry heave. Or burp.

At the duct tape... for some reason.
So this picture shows the cloth fiber backing of the duct tape tangled w roots/vines. May prove that body was there awhile. #caseyanthony
by jimlichtenstein via twitter at 12:41 PM
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