2011.06.10 TRIAL Day Fifteen (Afternoon Session)

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Well, someone has brought it to the Court's attention that Casey lingers way too long. She didn't even have time to wind the cord.

If it was one of you guys....thanks a bunch!!
If anybody missed that....WHAT A HUGE slapdown by HHJP to JB re mistrial motions. He denied the motion (of course) but more or less said...I will reserve my ruling for any future motions for mistrial. I don't have to even rule on them until I read the verdict.

HA - take that you ....... unusual person you JB.

Sooo In other words....if we get a not guilty verdict, I can declare a mistrial on one of the EIGHT HUNDRED MOTIONS FOR MISTRIAL FILED BY THE DEFENSE...and we can do it ALLLL OVER AGAIN!
If this was duct tape that was not attached to the body, then yes, I would have to agree that the duct tape with sticker could have come from anywhere.

BUT, if the state shows me an identical sticker found at the Anthony residence...I'm gonna say, nope. Not casual trash making it's way into the scene.
The doc dump does indeed show a partial sheet of identically shaped stickers in the Anthony residence.

It's just a theory and my opinion only, but I think what probably happened (if you accept that Casey used chloroform on Caylee) is Casey probably accidentally killed Caylee with the chloroform, and was very careful not to get any prints on the duct tape. I think she was thinking about the nanny story long before this happened, and was ready to set up the fact that someone that cared about Caylee kidnapped her. In her mind, I bet she thought the heart on the duct tape would show that whoever did it loved Caylee. I have a feeling Caylee was already dead from the chloroform, and the duct tape was only there because she thought the chloroform wouldn't be found. I believe she probably wanted people to believe it was the duct tape that killed Caylee. This may have already been disproved, btw.. again, just my opinion!

If she accidently killed Caylee with chloroform why in the world would she have a ready made pre positioned fairy tale of a zanny the nanny story waiting in the wings? Wouldn't the fake nanny story being contrived in advance prove premeditation? Not to mention that using the drug on a child in the first place is like playing russian roulette and any parent concerned about their child would never ever even think of using it. Add to that chloroform is a carcinogen and long-term health effects include damage to the liver, kidney, and nervous system, just to mention a few. This was no accident!!!
JB face when denied.

wahhhhhh wahhhhhhhnnnnn /debbie downer


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Boy they took ICA out of the room quickly at the end of the day. She was busy winding up computer cords and they made her leave. Guess they are not putting up with nonsense anymore
I swear one of HHJP's eyes can move and look over at the DT while the other stays on JA......

I love him. But it is true,one of his eyes is not as open as the other, almost like he has had a stroke. Does anyone know that?

He seems just so laid back but I know the type,,,he will strike like a viper and so fast you will not even see it!!

Did I say I just love him for the bazillionth time?
So do you all think the judge will call a mistrial on this issue at some point? He seemed inclined to. What do you all think his ruling meant? It was weird. what happens with a guilty verdict? He then calls a mistrial???
A raise a glass to the prosecution today!!

That was worth the 3 year wait IMO -- have they done their homework or what!!! :great:

I sure will!

I cried after Dr. G's testimony. She is one of Caylee's angels. Thank goodness.

So proud of all of the prosecution team and witnesses. Today they really gave our little ray of sunshine a voice.
Did anyone else notice how mad ICA looked when the police guy made her stop wrapping the cord and go with them....lolololol
She looked rather peeved that she didn't get to wind that cord up, didn't she? lol
That little act reminded her in a big way that she is not a support staff member of the DT team; she is the inmate defendant.
How many pieces of duct tape were stuck together and actually on Caylee's face???????????????


And one that we've speculated may have bound her arms - although Baez, in his infinite "wisdom" speculated today that one piece 9 feet away "could have" bound her ankles.

Was that just a typical Baez eff-up or misspeak or an attempt to mislead? Or is that actually where the tape was?

I vote it bound her arms.
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