2011.06.10 TRIAL Day Fifteen (Afternoon Session)

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Someone please correct me if I am mistaken, but isn't this type of computer-generated visual used in court cases all the time to illustrate evidence? Have I been watching too many movies?

:rocker: YES ... it is being used more and more.

:waitasec: And no -- you have not been watching too many movies. I have seen these computer animations of skeleton bodies used in Forensic Files, 48 Hours ... shows like that ...
Someone please correct me if I am mistaken, but isn't this type of computer-generated visual used in court cases all the time to illustrate evidence? Have I been watching too many movies?

I think the issue is with having the actual photo of Caylee. Other times they just use an artists rendering. I could be wrong. wouldn't be the first time!! lol
This is really just a visual aid for the jurors.
In many court cases they use visual aides and props, so this is nothing out of the ordinary, but what is different is who the defendant is and the possibility of the DP.
This is making me sick.

Casey is just sitting there.

But she gets hysterical when the jury is in there.

She makes me physically ill.

She truly made my stomach roll this morning. I kept my eyes averted from the Casey Cam because I just couldn't stand to look at her one more second.
Dr. G says "there is no child that should have duct tape on it's face after it died."

Watching recaps.
I just tried the same thing and it covered my mouth and nose as well! And that's lightly applying, not with force as I imagine Casey did.

I just got this mental image of a bunch of WSers putting duct tape over their noses and mouths and cracked up.

Maybe Dr. Warren could try putting some duct tape over HIS face. I bet it'd still cover his nose and mouth, and he's a full-grown man.
I hope the judge lets the animation in. The defense had made points about the duct tape not being on the left part of the skull.

I am sick over this.

It wont or rather shouldnt prove the tape waas placed before death. It is a theory. An educated theory but still a theory.

I feel the state is banking on emotions and opinions which cannot be proven. Right now ,with the experts not being able to provide anything concrete that proves Caseys murder her little girl Caylee.

And I know I am not in the popular opinion but this is bigger to me then Casey Anthony's trial. I know everyone is hoping for conviction and I was hoping for the state to prove she did,not for me to rely on my feelings on her quilt or innocent.

They had proved the body in the trunk. Beyond reasonable doubt.
This video cannot prove anything but what "could have happed" and everyone already knows it could have happened.
Before or after she might have drown in a pool.
IMO, the video will come in because it aids the jury. It is a visual tool for them to use in their deliberations. :truce:

They could have just as easily have used a series of time lapse photos instead of an animation which IMHO is a bit over dramatic.
I wish they could have saved Dr G for the very last witness. What a one-two punch she was..Wow! just doesn't seem like a big enough word..

I think Caylee will be the very last witness. They will play her video singing "you are my sunshine" to her grandpa...

And I believe this will be done on June 16th, the day she died, 3 years later.
Wow...when they pan out and show more of the courtroom you can really see how BIG it is!! Very high ceilings!!
Animation has been used by both sides many times in all sorts of criminal cases, it isn't at all unusual. I think the Judge will allow it. I do think they should have been able to do some sort of generic presentation of Caylee though, once they had her dimensions, but I can see why they've done it with her photo so that there is no room for believing it's not possible.

I'm not uneasy because it's new technology or anything. I'm worried that the jurors by now have bonded with little Caylee, have been horrified and outraged at the things she and her body were put through. I'm just a little uneasy that they will be resentful of this animation, see it as coarse or somehow disrespectful to Caylee... and that they'll blame the Prosecution for having it made and showing it to them (more than the ICA for having committed the crime in the first place).

On the other hand, I can see how and why it would be powerful for the State.

I just don't know. I don't want to see it.
My opinion is that it is too prejudicial....I agree that the visual would be easier to understand, but if the pic is Caylee WITH Casey in the picture, I can also understand why the defense is spitting nails. I have very mixed feeling about this.

This is what I am thinking too.
Why do they need this? Just giving Casey grounds for her appeal. The jury has seen plenty of photos of the remains. They know what Caylee looked like alive. This just seems pushing it to shock rather then to aid in any scientific explanation.

Baez was actually making sense for once but he stayed true to his usual hypocrisy.

I am sure HHJP will make the right decision.
Bill Schaeffer said the case the judge is reviewing says that if evidence can help to illustrate findings, then they should be admitted in court. He said if Judge goes by that case, then he probably will let the picture into evidence. I don't think it will 'risk' anything...it will give jurors a visual image as to how the duct tape was placed, since Mason said it wasn't on the nose.
My personal opinion is this is going to sink her boat if the animated video is allowed in...is this brand new type of evidence being allowed in court or has it been done before in FL?
I don't know about FLA, but in the Michael Peterson case, the defense was allowed to show an animation video of their view of how the victim died. That was in North Carolina.
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