2011.06.11 Sidebar (Trial Day Sixteen)

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Watch Casey's middle finger 26:15 and 27:07, not the first time she has flipped off the court.


:gasp: WOW! You know, I saw a reference to this elsewhere - but with the two instances you give right there, you can clearly see this is intentional. Watch when she switches sides for the wipe -- she doesn't keep the middle finger in the same position. Sort of argues for intentionality.

I'll say it again -- what a piece of work.
Don't think we've heard the last from Andrea ... LOL .... look what I found ....

Casey Anthony: ‘20/20′ puts $200,000 payment to use again

"For Friday’s report, the newsmagazine hyped that it was talking to former Anthony attorney Andrea Lyon. The more crucial interview was with ABC legal analyst Dan Abrams, who usually has intriguing things to say. Correspondent Chris Cuomo asked, “Is not liking how she behaved enough to convict her of something you’re not 100 percent sure of as a juror?”

“Shouldn’t be,” Abrams said.

Lyon told “20/20″ that she is still “100 percent convinced” that Casey isn’t guilty of murder, Cuomo said. (If Lyon said otherwise, wouldn’t she be violating attorney-client privilege?)

Lyon dismissed the prosecution’s case as “she’s a bad person, she didn’t report her child missing, she told lies, her daughter’s dead, she must have done it.” Lyon attributed Anthony’s “inexplicable behavior” after Caylee went missing to Casey’s psychological background as an alleged sex abuse victim."

Still barking up the same tree .... a bit hypocritical if you consider why she is no longer by KC's side .... MONEY (supposedly) ... guess she's found another way to keep herself in the case, ride the publicity and make some of that MONEY she wasn't making when she was on the case? :waitasec:

It was never found out why Lyons, Nejames, Conway and any other lawyers left their respective clients?
Can anyone give me a brief summary of what went on in court after Dr. Haskell. I had to take the Elder Feline Queen to the vet, and missed everything from that point on.

P.S. Off topic, but for those wondering, Jezebel came home with us today. Mommy (and vet) decided it was not her time. She's resting comfortably on our bed as I type. :)

That's great news! We are cat people, with 5 in residence and I know how special and how much a part of the family they are. We have one elderly lady that's beginning to show her age at 16 years. Spending more time sleeping, but will on occasion show some kittenish spunk.
Okay.............. I need some help here remembering a term. What is too smart for common sense mean? TIA. There's a specific term, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet.
Wow, just finished watching one of the videos from today and I am so upset about the other piece of duct tape they found that wasn't directly with Caylee's remains.

To think that it could have been used to bind her little arms so she couldn't remove the duct tape from her face :(
Okay.............. I need some help here remembering a term. What is too smart for common sense mean? TIA. There's a specific term, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet.

Oo jezz skipped my mind to.. but when i worked at a lab the chemist was that way.. Heck he was the smartest man i ever met.. but couldnt even button his lab coat rite lol
My earlier question was not answered, was the area the remains were found searched in July or August??

It's complicated. The body was found on Dec. 11. Cindy demanded they look for an alive Caylee, despite that TES came in with special equipment in August but the area was flooded by then. If they took the equipment into the area, little bones would be pushed into the silt, a body could be upset and damaged and evidence could be changed under those conditions. TES was correct in their assessment according to how the body was found. LE was conducting searches too but I'm not sure where and in what order but it's all on threads somewhere here. Plus all the Kronk reports involves LE in the area but NOT in the EXACT area iirc.

People on foot looked but couldn't go in due to water levels. Remember Caylee was not missing until July 15/16 and the A's claimed it was a kidnapping. Some searches were performed though in July and August - you can read the threads on TES (Texas Equisearch) and you'll find out all the areas they searched. They worked in conjunction with LE. Cindy was desparately trying to be the boss.

:rocker: :rocker: Great catch ! This makes total sense !

This is one of the best explanations I have seen regarding ICA's behavior ...

I get so tired of the talking heads saying she didn't want to see the remains ... bull !

:rocker: Ya'll nailed it -- ICA "would" give herself away !

MOO MOO and MOO ...
I just heard on HLN that the attorneys get a preview of the pics. They mentioned a juror letting the judge know that she could see the monitor (not sure whose-LDB?) prior to the info being published to the jury. Could Casey already know what's coming?
Speaking of Dr. Vass...did you know he used to be my boyfriend? Yep. He was.

Right up until I met Dr. Haskell. ;)

Well, I wonder what Mrs. Haskell, (whom I heard keeps her windowsills fly-free :wink:) would think about that!:crazy:
Okay.............. I need some help here remembering a term. What is too smart for common sense mean? TIA. There's a specific term, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet.

I've got a couple of ideas, but I'm pretty sure they'll get me tossed for TOS. :crazy:
:gasp: WOW! You know, I saw a reference to this elsewhere - but with the two instances you give right there, you can clearly see this is intentional. Watch when she switches sides for the wipe -- she doesn't keep the middle finger in the same position. Sort of argues for intentionality.

I'll say it again -- what a piece of work.

Didn't KC once refer to baby C as "the little snot head" -- sometimes your own words will come back to bite you -- pity:loser:

Always JIMO JIMO!!!
Oo jezz skipped my mind to.. but when i worked at a lab the chemist was that way.. Heck he was the smartest man i ever met.. but couldnt even button his lab coat rite lol
Thank you. Hopefully, someone will help us out eventually. :banghead:
That's great news! We are cat people, with 5 in residence and I know how special and how much a part of the family they are. We have one elderly lady that's beginning to show her age at 16 years. Spending more time sleeping, but will on occasion show some kittenish spunk.

Jezebel didn't start showing her age until she was about 19. She's 21 now. The past year she aged FAST(despite relatively good kidney function for her age).

We have 3 feline girls inside...Jezebel, Deej, and our 6 month old Etta James. And 2 rough and tumble farm dogs, Hope (white lab/shep mix) and Bear (black lab). All strays, except for the Elder Feline Queen. Wouldn't trade a single one of our adopted babies for all the world. Even if they did, as a group, cost me almost $800.00 this month! :)

Yes mods, I know. Off topic. But please indulge me this once...it's been a rough week.
Okay.............. I need some help here remembering a term. What is too smart for common sense mean? TIA. There's a specific term, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet.

:floorlaugh:Sorry but the first word that came to mind was "Bloviate" which means alot of things..one is "Blow Smoke"..here's a whole list~~


Synonyms: attack, bloviate, blow hot air, declare, decry, denounce, harangue, hold forth, inveigh, lecture, mouth, orate, perorate, pile it on, proclaim, rail, rant, recite, soapbox, speak, spiel*, spout, talk big

Yikes it describes precisely what KC does in her interviews....:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
There are too many things - they never got off their own butts to search for Caylee and when KC came home they never pressed her for answers - she played around with Tracy and went to her Lawyer's office all day. Why? Because they've know all along what happened to Caylee.

Down deep inside both CA, GA and LA have finally realized quietly to themselves (probably) that they are relieved KC is behind bars. They know that life with KC was similar to walking on egg shells, never knowing what could set her off and thereby KC taking off with Caylee. This progression of KC's control of the residents of the house grew once she realized just how important Caylee was to her parents. She milked it out as long as possible with finally figuring it was Caylee or herself. They figured that KC had Caylee hidden somewhere so they played along. Never figuring they had cultivated a monster.
im trying to figure out who ive not seen yet.. testify.. I think next week they will have the person that saw the residue on the tape of the heart sticker..

Plus has there been any mention yet of the stain being in the shape of a child laying in the fetal . from the trunk?
I wonder if ICA used to flip GA the bird like that, and that's why he thought Morgan was flippin him the bird when he pushed up his glasses with his middle finger.
I agree but even so haven't we heard or read depos that say the remains would have been completely skeletonized 2 weeks after they were dumped at that time of year?
Anyone else remember that?

That's what I'm saying. The body would decompose earlier rather than later. It may have been skeletonized already since Caylee wasn't reported missing for a month. My guess would be that was part of the plan/script. How long everything remained bagged is anyone's guess.
I have known a number of people who were very book smart and had not one lick of common sense.
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