2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Morning Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Good explanation of touch DNA (which is a relatively new procedure, relative to DNA testing itself).
uh oh JB has his chart out

(ICA moves over one chair again - sitting in JB's chair?)

Q-13 and Q-14 were identified as swabs from spare tire cover.

Above items marked as EXHIBITS 15 and 16 with no objection by JA.

Phenolphthalein test is first test to identify blood - negative for both swabs.

Regarding Q-23 (S-138), another piece of spare tire cover - had brownish stains. They were swabbed and all were negative for the presence of blood.

Next item was Q-24 (S-139), left side of spare tire cover - had brown and yellow areas which were swabbed and negative for blood.

Q-25 (S-140) right side of spare tire cover - all negative for blood.

OBJECTION BY JA - asked and answered - OVERRULED.

These swabs are not retained by the lab after the chemical test is performed.

Q-22, 23, 24 and 25 were swabbed and DNA typed. Results were no DNA profile generated.

Why did you do the tests?


Tests are done for stains that could not be observed.

DNA is done on any cell with a nucleus - any cell but red blood cells.

Q-33-43 (State and Defense have stipulation on these clothing items)

JA states these are the items collected by CSI Bloise.

Q-33 - dark grey pants - visually examined for biological stains. None observed and no chemical testing done.
Q-34 - light blue pants - faint brown yellowish brown spots - tested negative for the presence of blood.
Q-35 - blue jeans - visual exam showed no biological stains and no chemical testing was done.
Q-36 - light grey skirt with faint yellow stains - tested negative for blood.
Q-37 - light yellow skirt - faint red spots throughout - negative for blood.
Q-38 - light beige skirt - faint yellow areas - negative for blood.
Q-39 - light blue long sleeved shirt - faint discoloration on pocket - negative for blood.
Q-40 - light beige short - faint areas of discoloration - negative for blood.
Q-41 - bright pink shirt - no stains observed and no testing done.
Q-42 - light pink shirt - no stains observed and no testing done.
Q-43 - green shirt - no stains observed and no testing done.

No blood on any of these items. She did not receive any other clothing from the home.

Q-44 (S-323) - piece of spare tire cover - spot tested for blood - negative
Q-45 (S-142) - another piece of spare tire cover - spot tested for blood - negative.

Both items were then swabbed of the entire item and they were processed for DNA. There were no DNA typing results obtained.

10/9/08 report - Items examined - Q-46 (shovel), Q-46.1 (label from shovel blade).

JA - these are items testified to by the neighbor earlier.

The shovel was examined for the presence of blood. Some areas were tested - negative for the presence of blood. DNA was also performed and a DNA profile was not generated. A sex typing test did not satisfy lab criteria.

Can you explain how DNA is left.
OBJECTION BY JA - leading and compound - SUSTAINED

Touch DNA?


Touch DNA cannot always be typed - depends on how much is there.



OBJECTION BY JA - relevance -


More to come.....
This questioning and answering is so riveting, I'll bet the jury is on the edge of their seats.....Seriously, any tweets about how many jurors have dozed off?
He's boring me to tears. I hope the DT doesn't drag their case out too long.
Well, he's completely lost me here. Why would there be any "blood" anywhere if Caylee "drowned in the pool"? And, are they testing for ANY DNA or only blood??
So that leads me to wonder if high amounts of chloroform will destroy any kind of DNA on anything?

Seubert w/JB - portion of spare tire cover swabbed....phenothaline test detect possible presence of blood....results of each swab - negative for blood....Q-13

Q-22 ....
Q-23 piece of spare tire cover negative for blood. repackaged and sealed

spare tire cover - brown and yellowish stains.....swab w/water....negative for blood presence.....round circle type with particle board type backing....

Q-24 - left side of trunk liner - (SA #139) dark grey carpeted section w/multicolor fabric backing....brown and yellow areas swab for blood - negative

Q-25 - right side of trunk liner - (SA #140) another section dark grey w/multicolor back....brown and yellow stains swabbed = negative for presence of blood.

spare tire cover, left and right sides trunk liner all areas tested and negative for blood....after swab taken and chemical test done.....period of time where other color changes and it is not retained by FBI if negative.

Q-22 piece of spare tire cover
Q-23 spare tire cover

dna typing for trunk of car - no dna profiling generated from those items....phenothaline test for blood....tested for more types of bodily fluids (object-sustain) why do dna test?
biological cellular material detected thru swabbing or any other stains there could contain dna material.......get dna contained in every cell in your body except red blood cells....skin/hair root dna is same in all of cells.....

Q-33 thru Q-43 - SA objects? agreed clothing from A home....closet from east room @ A home....

Q-33 pair of pants - dark grey - visually exam no bio stains observed - no chem. test
Q-34 pair pants - lite blue-had faint brown yellow spots - tested negeative blood
Q-35 pair pants - blue jeans - no bio stains thru visual
Q-36 skirt - lite grey faint yellow stains = tested negativ for blood
Q37 light yellow skirt - faint red spots - neg. for blood
Q38 light beige skirt - faint spots - neg. for blood
Q=39 light blue button down collared shirt - faint spots - neg for blood
Q-40 light beige button down shirt - neg for blood
Q-41 shirt - bright pink sleeveless turtle neck - no bio stains observed
Q-42 shirt - light pink button down 3/4 sleeve - no stains observe
Q-43 shirt - green button down 3/4 sleeve -no stains observed

not any blood on any those items of clothing....didn't receive any other clothing from the home.

q-44 (SA #323) - piece of spare tire cover grey carpet cutting = faint brown areas....negative for blood....combined w/next item for dna test

q-45 piece of spare tire cover cutting - faint spots - negative for blood.

both items swab with water combined to process for dna - no dna

report of 10/9/08....item discuss.....Q-46 shovel - Q-46.1 label from shovel.....Brian Burner's shovel.....examined for presence of blood....visual ...some areas tested on shovel negative for blood....dna was performed and profile not generated.....sex typing ....did not satisfy reporting criteria of the lab.....when someone touches and item possible dna is left....how much dna recover, force used.....touch dna? refers to (object- overrule) type of dna testing very limited amounts of dna left behind...not a lot contact with person....a piece of paper - possible cell from hand on that paper....dna result that is typable and usable.....leave skin cells behind......limited contact samples....

JB asks question ....relative flurescent unit.....Sidebar

12/16/08 report....

Oh great, JB's got the sharpies out. :floorlaugh: They really need to bring the game show "Win, Lose, or Draw" back. Jose could be the new game show host. He'll need a job after this trial.
Does anyone else think he uses the big paper pad to try and show the SA has "unlimited resources" and all he has is a paper and tape ruler? Which is stupid..at least get a digital camera and use the courtroom's technology.
Oh Gawd! The big rumpled pad of paper! Please, no!
Considering a drowning victim or a child cloroformed and with duct tape covering nose and mouth would you expect to find BLOOD? No more questions....

What do they call the area where GA & CA are sitting? Gallery?
Sidebar. SA wants to know relevance. I hope they ask if DNA is destroyed by high heat...
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