2011.06.16 Vigil Info *bump*

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What are virtual balloons?

I can't speak to "virtual balloons", but, I believe Ripley was referring to doing something that doesn't pollute.

FWIW...and certainly not wanting to turn this into a debate over the eco-plusses/minuses of things that peeps do...here's a site that provides some information regarding the types of balloons you get and their biodegradablitlity (if that's a word :bang:).

Here's an excerpt from that site:

"There are two types of balloons in wide general use - latex and mylar. This distinction is important because each type requires different handling. Latex balloons are easily identified by their elastic character and are composed of natural rubber sap and small amounts of non-toxic coagulants and pigments. They are 100% bio-degradable. When exposed to outdoor elements they are completely consumed by soil or water micro-organisms at a rate quicker than that experienced by an oak leaf under identical conditions. In much the same way maple syrup is harvested from the maple tree, the production of latex balloons contributes positively to the preservation of tropical rain forests.

Mylar balloons are made with mylar nylon, a material developed for use with the US space program. Balloons made from mylar are often coated with a metallic finish and are available in a variety of shapes and imprinted designs. Mylar balloons are not classified bio-degradable and should not be released."

Hope it helps.
IKWYM, Snow. More than one time during this case I've been reminded of the verse in Neil Young's "Keep on Rockin' in the Free World"

"I see a woman in the night
With a baby in her hand
Under an old street light
Near a garbage can
Now she puts the kid away,
and she's gone to get a hit
She hates her life,
and what she's done to it
There's one more kid
that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love,
never get to be cool."

Still...IKWYM. On the practical side, though, the larger/broader-reach a charity gets, generally speaking, the more administrative overhead they have to have in order to deal with all of the different goverments, regulations, etc., etc. I can't speak to their operation, but, on a global scale UNICEF is one that comes to mind that has been around awhile...with longevity saying something about their integrity...

Just doing something...anything...that'll benefit one child...in the spirit & rememberance of Caylee...is kinda the point. If you don't do something global...do something local...make a little extra donation to your church...your local domestic violence shelter...give blood...volunteer. IMHO, many times the local outfits that don't have the advertising dollars are the ones that really need the help, and really know the individuals that need the help better than anyone.

I'm encouraged to hear all of the creative ideas being posted. Keep'em coming! :thumb:
Wow, we really think alike. I have also thought of that song a lot since the beginning of this case. It's a great song. Sad to think that in our great nation children suffer the way they do. I'm a big believer in charity begins at home. You don't have to look very far to find a child in need.
I will be spending the day with both of my kids and we are planning on planting a special tree in my yard to honor Caylee. I will also be donating to TES on 6-16 and 8-9 of every year.
Follow-up on St. Jude Children's Hospital...a special resource to children from all around the world.

After reviewing the Terms, it appears to me a Caylee Tribute site would be problematic.



Simply fill out this form on which you specify:

1) the name of the individual to whom you want to pay tribute, (e.g. Caylee Marie)*
2) the name & address of the individual to whom you want the gift notification card sent (e.g. G&C)
3) your name & an optional greeting
4) the amount of your gift (pre-designated amounts and free-form "other" option)​

*Only the name is necessary which enables SJCH to keep track of gifts made to honor this individual

Hope that helps!
I am SO partial to St. Judes Hospital for Children. They are just unbelievable in the cures they find for children. They never charge a family a dime but what their insurance pays, and if they have no insurance it does not matter, they still get the best care and never send them a bill.

When my mom passed I asked my dad which of her charities I could take on. St Jude was her favorite and I've been donating for the last 5 years for my mom. This past year I added TES.

We know either of these two charities are worthy of every dime we send.

BJB, this is a lovely idea and bringing it up now gives us all time to be prepared before the day comes.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness.:)
Not meaning to be presumptious here, but after reading about some folk pondering the donation of money in Caylee's honor, I got to thinking that maybe some WSers might be interested in donating time -- and I'd like to point out that CASA volunteers are in short supply across the country. These are regular people, not trained social workers or lawyers, who act as advocates for children in foster care.

Now, I know that Caylee was never in foster care so that's not the same thing. But she was definitely abused and neglected by her mother, and this case did start out as a child neglect case until the bigger charges were brought against KC.

Again, not meaning to be pushy or anything.

It's just that I advocate for kids and I know there are lots of little ones out there who would be greatly helped if some of the big hearted people who post in here were to become a part of their lives.

If you're curious about CASA, you can visit there site at http://www.nationalcasa.org/.

God bless everyone here!

Tiger :blowkiss: You're not being pushy! Anything that brings people together to help kids is worth mentioning twice!
Tiger :blowkiss: You're not being pushy! Anything that brings people together to help kids is worth mentioning twice!

I couldn't agree more! In fact, that was the idea behind the thread.

In memory of Caylee...

  • Some will spend special time with their children and pause to reflect more deeply on their blessings
  • Some will plant a flower, tree, etc. or go for a walk to reflect on the beauty of their blessings
  • Some will volunteer their time and/or treasure to a neighbor or a friend.
  • Some will volunteer their time and/or treasure to a charitable organization.
  • Some will spend time in prayer.
  • Some will light a candle.
...and on...and on...and I appreciate seeing all of the wonderful ideas shared here :blowkiss:

"Take heed that you do not your justice before men, to be seen by them: otherwise you shall not have a reward of your Father who is in heaven. Therefore when thou dost an almsdeed, sound not a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be honoured by men. Amen I say to you, they have received their reward. 3 But when thou dost alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth. 4 That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee." Mathew 6:1
WOW already a year? this is my daughters birthday so I will for 1 celebrate my daughters 10 year bday and mourning the loss of little caylee.. sad..
Follow-up on St. Jude Children's Hospital...a special resource to children from all around the world.

After reviewing the Terms, it appears to me a Caylee Tribute site would be problematic.



Simply fill out this form on which you specify:

1) the name of the individual to whom you want to pay tribute, (e.g. Caylee Marie)*
2) the name & address of the individual to whom you want the gift notification card sent (e.g. G&C)
3) your name & an optional greeting
4) the amount of your gift (pre-designated amounts and free-form "other" option)​

*Only the name is necessary which enables SJCH to keep track of gifts made to honor this individual

Hope that helps!

Bumping as time marches on and 6/16/09 draws nigh...

Locals planning anything as a group? Candelight service?

Also still interested in hearing from others what they'll be doing in rememberence of Caylee.

I'll be remembering Caylee that day by making a donating my time here locally (Montreal region). We don't have a children's hospital nearby but I'll contact my daughter's school and offer to read a story to the kids. I will be writing the story about a little girl named Caylee but with a happy ending. It will include life lessons on generosity, sharing, love and safety.

I'll also make sure we have green beans with our dinner !!:)
My plans for 6/16/09 will be to send a handmade card to Yuri Mellich & John Allen expressing my gratitude for all of their dedication in bringing lil' Caylee home...

I will be offering someone I know respite from her children, a free, no-strings attached, no questions asked, break from being a mother to go and do what she would like without guilt, anger, stress, or a curfew. Everyone needs a break. And I want to be with those children that day of all days.
I would be very careful of allowing the anthonys access to my personal information even a return address on a acknowledgement card or my full name . Keep safe peeps !
My plans for 6/16/09 will be to send a handmade card to Yuri Mellich & John Allen expressing my gratitude for all of their dedication in bringing lil' Caylee home...
That is exactly who I wish to send a note of thanks for being placed in the situation of being Caylee's first advocates. Although I'v been recently told by a fellow W/S member who spoke with LE that they expect no gifts for a job they do daily, but a letter or card would be more appreciated than a theme cake I was going to have delivered by Anna Cakes in orlando. I might have some flowers sent along with my thanks for the integrity they posess throughout the investigation. This I fear is going to be a dark day of rememberance of a life cut short. I'll also be thinking of my fellow W/S members and how many of us from the beginning have helped each other out in more ways than I can post. This even includes posters who do not share my ideas because they have helped me think before I'v made an opinon. Mahalo to all who represent for Caylee. :)
I really like the idea of donating to one of the dedicated missing child organizations, (TES or NCMEC).
I would love to be a part of a candlelight gathering at the Suburban site on 06/16/09. I live about 100 miles away but would like to go if I could meet up with some other W/S people. I have wanted to go there for a while and add my condolences to the memorial that people have made. I am a little on the older side of the hill and would not want to get there and not know anyone else there. I would feel comfortable around other W/S people. Would appreciate a nod if any one else is planning to attend. TIA
I would be very careful of allowing the anthonys access to my personal information even a return address on a acknowledgement card or my full name . Keep safe peeps !

WHAT?????? Were you reading my freakin mind? OMG
What about part name and State? I was gonna put the whole 9 yards on there.
I would love to be a part of a candlelight gathering at the Suburban site on 06/16/09. I live about 100 miles away but would like to go if I could meet up with some other W/S people. I have wanted to go there for a while and add my condolences to the memorial that people have made. I am a little on the older side of the hill and would not want to get there and not know anyone else there. I would feel comfortable around other W/S people. Would appreciate a nod if any one else is planning to attend. TIA

That would be a great idea. I am Pa but there are many here from Fla. I hope you guys get together on that day. That would be very special. Makes me wanna cry. PLEASE! If ya'll get together, post so we know---when/where so we who wanna, can sit here and be with ya'll in spirit. Thanks!:blowkiss:
On June 16th, 2008 I picked up my daughter from work. With my two granddaughters in tow we went to lunch to celebrate. It was my daughter's birthday. It was a beautiful day; we took pictures of the girls as they laughed and played.
Now, almost a year later, I remember that day in another way. While we were having fun and celebrating, little Caylee lost her life. This memory is indelibly etched in my mind. I will never again celebrate the birth of my daughter without remembering the loss of a beautiful child. Her special day will become Caylee's as well.
Every year, on that day, I plan to make a donation in Caylee's name to an organization involved with child abuse. Any suggestions on a worthy cause would be appreciated. I'm so jaded after the kidfinders network thing and I want to put my money where it will be most effective. There are so many Caylees out there. I think this is the best way I can commemorate her life.

This is a wonderful idea. June 16th is also my birthday so like you I was celebrating last year. It is hard knowing that this day was most likely Caylee's last. I would love to donate to an organization instead of asking for gifts. I most definately do not need anything and I would love to honor little Caylee.

On June 16, 2008, my 14 year old Sheltie, Foster, my baby before I had children, was euthanized between 1:30 and 2:00 pm. He would have been 15 on June 19, 2008. It did not occur to me until later last summer that Caylee and Foster had departed this earth on the same day.
Since that realization, I have derived much comfort, especially on the many difficult days in this case that Caylee and Foster are together. Regardless of whether they left separately or together, now they are safe, warm and protected and no longer suffering from fear, pain or loneliness. Two beautiful, innocent, kind and gentle souls who will comfort each other through eternity.
For the rest of my life, June 16 will forever be a special day, not just because of what I lost, but because of what all of us lost. At least Foster had lived a full and happy life and it was merely his time to go, but the As and the rest of the world lost an innocent, healthy little angel way too soon.
I do not yet know what I will do every year on June 16, but I'll be sure to keep everyone advised and would welcome suggestions.
I like to think that Foster and Caylee are welcoming all the other innocents who have been taken from this world. Perhaps the best way to honor both of them is to find a way to save some of the other children from meeting similar fates. Maybe by June 16, 2009, we will have come up with something substantial to truly make a difference in this world...hey I can always hope. After all, that is only a little more than 3 months away, and I know we Websleuths can accomplish quite a bit in that timeframe when we set our minds to it.

My plans for 6/16/09 will be to send a handmade card to Yuri Mellich & John Allen expressing my gratitude for all of their dedication in bringing lil' Caylee home...

I will be offering someone I know respite from her children, a free, no-strings attached, no questions asked, break from being a mother to go and do what she would like without guilt, anger, stress, or a curfew. Everyone needs a break. And I want to be with those children that day of all days.

Gosh. All of the above posts brought tears to my eyes. :cry:

What beautiful ideas you all have for remembering sweet Caylee, thanks for sharing.
I am SO partial to St. Judes Hospital for Children. They are just unbelievable in the cures they find for children. They never charge a family a dime but what their insurance pays, and if they have no insurance it does not matter, they still get the best care and never send them a bill.

I, too, am a strong supporter of St. Jude's. :blowkiss: (I am a 2 time cancer survivor and have a very special place in my heart for those special kids.) I will send my June donation in Caylee's name. I would also like to send a note of thanks to all of the LE, SA and news media (like Kathy Belich, et al) for persisting in their search for the truth for Caylee.

Guess I better start writing those notes today - could take awhile.

Also, my 3 yr old grandaughter, my daughter and I will let our pink LATEX balloons go for Caylee. (thanks for the "heads -up" on use of latex , BJB)

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