2011.06.20. HLN - 'In Session' News Coverage - Caylee Anthony Case

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[ re: abuse allegation]
vinnie: how does DT prove the abuse accusation?

LKB= "the state has to first prove there was a murder, they have not done that yet so they may not even have to worry about the abuse accusations. ..and then they can put her on the stand , or not.

"You are hung up on the abuse, vinnie. It is not that important here"

[ she saw the child dead in Georges arms..]
Vinnie: how do they prove the accident happened?
LKB= "I am thinking she might testify in the penalty phase.
But they do not have to prove anything. Again, do not be so hung up about them having to prove anything they said."

Vinnie: what are they going to accuse him of?
I anticipate that they will say he was lying about kicking the skull.So what else is he lying about?
"For example,
did Kronk come across the remains and then duct tape the skull back together? "

[ oh lord, where did Kronk get the Anthony's Henkel tape?]

[George and the cover up ]
Vinnie: What about George?
" he needs to protect himself from manslaughter charges. But I want his cell phone records for the 16th, i am waiting for those. Those might be very interesting"

She said it was 'like Grant storming Richmond' the way he handled Ashton.

OMG. Is she serious? REALLY? How does she sleep at night?

I simply can not stomach her!
Why does JVM letnthese trial watchers on tv? Sorry they are furious court ended early. Didn't realize this was an entertainment show. *sarcasm intended*
Ok tonight I appreciate JVM - she is asking questions and listening
LKB - "You are hung up on the abuse, vinnie. It is not that important here"

Um, did she watch JB's opening statements? Isn't he trying to claim the reason she acted the way she did was because she was abused?

Sorry, these people that throw out things for sensationalism really get on my nerves.

Just my opinion, if she believed so much in ICA and the case, she would have stayed on pro bono.

Hilarious that her tune about the "alleged abuse" (rolls eyes) has changed, since the State didn't take that bait and change their whole case to rebut it, LOL. :floorlaugh:

The day of the DT opening statement, and the weeks just before, SHE couldn't stop talking about it.
JVM: re JA asking to defer witness
JVM: I have a problem with that, what happened with Sunday - think it has more with making JB "wrong"
JC: says he could get up at 5 am today and read the report
Excuse me, Jane? He said he received the transcript on Sunday and he DID read through it yesterday. *sigh*
Why does JVM letnthese trial watchers on tv? Sorry they are furious court ended early. Didn't realize this was an entertainment show. *sarcasm intended*

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The nerve of that girl saying how upset she was because she didn't get to hear testamony.....as if it was some sort of concert she paid tickets for.
JVM: reading charges against Ica - the Jury has to consider a slew of lesser charges - makes the verdict a lot more complicated
When Vasco was on JVM and he stated his foreman called him and said he had seen him on TV and "we'll talk about that later" I was wondering if the employer may not have known any thing about his past conviction. And that was what he was talking about when he said "wel'll talk later", Poor guy.
They are discussing charges and lesser possible against Ica -

(is there nothing "present time for them to discuss?)
JVM: points to long deliberation
Marsha Clark: a lot of issues, and require them to sift thru forensic evidence - not a fast verdict
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The nerve of that girl saying how upset she was because she didn't get to hear testamony.....as if it was some sort of concert she paid tickets for.

I couldn't agree more and forgive my miss spellings. I am on my iPad.
I simply can not stomach her!

With a straight face, she seriously offered this defense scenario:

"Did Kronk come across the remains and then duct tape the skull back together? "

I mean, come on. How would Kronk get the Henkel? And WHY would he bother taping the mandible together?

Wouldn't he be worried about leaving prints or DNA? It was a dead child. He is not worried about having a murder blamed on him?

I really hope they DO try and propose this scenario to the jury. I really do.

It seems like they are since the bug guy and Dr S and LKB have all tried to float it out there.

This shows how seriously desperate they are that they are hanging their client's life on Kronk finding a skeleton in the woods and taping it's mandible back on the skull with duct tape he stole from the Anthony house.

He reports it in August . So when does he do the taping of the skull? AFTER he calls LE and gives them his name and address or before? And then he waits 4 months and reports it again.

So how does Vasco fit in to this alleged conspiracy? What a pathetically desperate excuse for a defense this is so far.
Showing the Fusian pics and hot body contest-- I think that big smile is because she dumped Caylee into the woods, truly free. What an <modsnip>.
Speaking of the Hot Bod contest - that was 3 years ago tonight.

Just sayin'.............................
JVM: re JA asking to defer witness
JVM: I have a problem with that, what happened with Sunday - think it has more with making JB "wrong"
JC: says he could get up at 5 am today and read the report

Really. the poor guy needs time for other things JVM.. shower, drive time, eating, reading, research, preparing his cross, Father's Day, Church...sleeping...
transcription, filings.... he just finished the depo at 4pm Sat. JB had 3 yrs to do what? find VDT? :crazy:
you would think after the dressing down JB got today that he would be working on things that matter not the VT angle.

seems Cheney Mason's office is working the VT angl

IMO it's all part of Lead Attorney Baez's Trial by Ambush tactic

When I saw Matt Morgan as VT"s attorney...I just LOVED IT!!!!
John Morgan representing ZFG
Matt Morgan representing VT
I wonder who Mrs Morgan and Micheal Morgan will represent?

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