2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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Hey guys, I apologize if I stepped on any toes today. It certainly was not my intent. That's why I love it here so good, but yet again , I (myself, no one else) have to keep in mind that EVERY WS member has a right to their own opinion. And no, I didn't get a warning or such. I just hate the thoughts that I may have stepped on toes FOR ANY reason. Again my apologies, and warm hugs all the way around for each of you. Thank you for making WS the best forum on the net. :)
Yes, but you said your kids went to the park, to CC and the beach...they at least were given the opportunity to be around other children...Caylee may not have had much of that.

Well, if I were in a court case such as this, people could make the same argument against us is all I meant. Both boys rather play together than interact with other children, and for the most part I welcome that. They are well behaved and well mannered young boys and other children I have witnessed (not all of course) are rude, mean, foul mouthed, spoiled, and wild. Some parents dump their kids as to not deal with them. Some traits I would rather not have my children pick up on to be honest. Sometimes I reflect and say, boy I am judgmental, but so far I think the boys are well adjusted and quite a bit ahead of the pack as my wife gears them up for home schooling in the coming future. I guess I was raised in the same fashion. I had an older brother and for the majority part of our young childhood we were together and not around other kids much until school started and I think I turned out okay as did my brother. You are right though, that we can't be sure if Caylee got to experience some of the things in her short life that were imaginary in Casey's mind. That I agree is quite sad.
Ha Ha! Yeah, didn't he say he helped build a fence there???

Yeah, he built a fence, was there when the first body was put in, etc. So, I guess, he can say something about being there at the beginning, but I'm not sure if it is truly being a co-founder.
But your situation is different. You have TWO kids so they can play together. And they also play at the Y and at the park. That is sufficient. But Caylee had no other kids her age to interact with. I didn't even see any kids at her 2nd Bday party. Casey did not seek out any single moms to spend time with, she chose people who had no kids and did not spend much time with them. imoo

Life circumstances don't always allow parents to enable their children to play with others. I grew up an only child, no children in the family, and no children to play with until I went to preschool. I didn't know what I was missing, so I didn't miss it.

I turned out OK, I think.
Oh and something else about the judge. He already broke his promise that court would be at 8:30am. Today he stated at the end that court was in recess til 9am just like it always is. No wonder everyone thinks they can do as they please.

IRC its 8:30 for attorneys so court can start promptly at 9am.
Oh and something else about the judge. He already broke his promise that court would be at 8:30am. Today he stated at the end that court was in recess til 9am just like it always is. No wonder everyone thinks they can do as they please.

The judge said that housekeeping and motions would be at 8:30 and he expects the lawyers to be there at that time every morning from now on just in case anything comes up. This will allow testimony to begin at 9:00 and prevent the first thing in the morning side bars. Therefore the trial is still at 9AM but the attorneys are required to be there at 8:30.

Judge Perry is an excellent Judge and will see that Caylee
Will get her justice. He knows the law and will do his best to avoid a conviction from being overturned. If he punishes JB now, we can count on a mistrial. It has to wait until after. He's doing the best he can with this strange DT and I think we should give him a break and trust that he is doing the right thing. :twocents:
I have seen pictures of them in court with friends earlier? Does family get tickets if they want - I mean extended family and friends? Or do they have to wait for tickets.
I don't know about other family members and seating availablity for the trial. I do know that I haven't seen them (family) in other hearings, nor have I seen where they visited the Anthony's (since this began in 2008). The only time that I have seen Shirley was at the memorial.
The judge said that housekeeping and motions would be at 8:30 and he expects the lawyers to be there at that time every morning from now on just in case anything comes up. This will allow testimony to begin at 9:00 and prevent the first thing in the morning side bars. Therefore the trial is still at 9AM but the attorneys are required to be there at 8:30.

Judge Perry is an excellent Judge and will see that Caylee
Will get her justice. He knows the law and will do his best to avoid a conviction from being overturned. If he punishes JB now, we can count on a mistrial. It has to wait until after. He's doing the best he can with this strange DT and I think we should give him a break and trust that he is doing the right thing. :twocents:

This 'strange DT' is very strange, isn't it ? Off the scale & over the top and being seen to be
Interesting...the Motion to Quash that was posted earlier is no longer showing on the records site...
sunny hostens...i know shes paid to give the defense pov, however

she also represents herself as a expert who helps the viewer understand whats happening.

she gets an F on this interpretation:

as to dr <modsnip> outrage that the skull wasn't opened. she said the defense may have scored because the jurors will want to know why it was not and thats good for the dt.


since Dr G. did not open it, the jurors may discount Dr G's testimony, since dr. s. criticized it.

and thats a win for the DT


and thats it. those are the only two alternatives she offers to help the viewer understand the issue.

she did not offer a third, and most likely, alternative, which is that JA points out to the jury that it was not necessary to cut a whole in the skull (as is normally done when a brain is present) because there was ingress available elsewhere.

which JA DID in questioning dr s. and WILL DO again. He WILL make it plain to the jury that dr s's disagreement does not pass the smell test.

and sh's ignoring that most likely alternative, is inexcusable, imo.

playing the devils advocate is one thing, and I get it. but this is too much.

sunny hosten needs to be sanctioned. oh wait, this is TV. what am I thinking?
this is wiki too, so ?????

University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility, better known as the Body Farm and sometimes seen as the Forensic Anthropology Facility,[1] was started in late 1971 by anthropologist William M. Bass as a facility for study of the decomposition of human remains...

Bill Rodriguez, one of Bass' graduate students, wrote his doctoral thesis on information gathered from this facility

Rodriguez only mention is the line you have bolded above. Nothing else in wiki about him. I think he exaggerated his role in the early body farm. JMO
Beth K on IS said that there was an elderly woman sitting in the witness box just before they went to recess and she doesn't think it has to do with not having a witness available. She said no one knew who the elderly woman was but it made sense that the DT said they had to pick her up due to her age, etc.


I wonder if the elderly woman is this one - Dr. Jane Bock, botanist

Here is (IMO) the biggest problem for defense experts.

Back in 2008, the DT theory was that Caylee was taken and killed by an imaginanny. They tailored their testimony to support those theories. This was sort of 'set in stone' regarding opinions once the discovery orders of December 2010 and Jan 2011.

Just SIX weeks prior to trial, the DT fashioned a ver different theory, they admit to ICA knowing the baby was dead, they claim it was a drowning and that ICA was not involved in the disposal. This new theory also includes Mr Kronk moving the body.

All of this was unsupported by the majority of the experts, since they were working on bolstering the SODDI theory.

Now experts are being questioned by the DT on issues that were immaterial prior to the new story........and so the web becomes more tangled.

This is the DT fault. Even if ICA fed them this new 'tale', they should have strongly advised her against this. I bet that JB will soon regret that attorney/client meetings are NOT taped at the jail. This will come back to bite him.
But your situation is different. You have TWO kids so they can play together. And they also play at the Y and at the park. That is sufficient. But Caylee had no other kids her age to interact with. I didn't even see any kids at her 2nd Bday party. Casey did not seek out any single moms to spend time with, she chose people who had no kids and did not spend much time with them. imoo
*In bold for emphasis by me*
My son is an only child and I'm a stay at home mom, because of this I try to find other moms like myself so that my son can have some time around other children instead of just relying on kids being at the park to play with, ICA could have used meetups or Facebook to hookup with other moms and arrange play dates for Caylee, that fact that she didn't speaks volumes to me.
Not sure what your point is then when comparing our system to that of Israel, were you not trying to say that that system is better than ours? I think the USA has one of the fairest court systems in the world.
I would not want to be tried in Israel. mo

We are all entitled to our opinions. I fought for that concept in Vietnam in the 101ST Airborne. So I respect your opinion. But please explain what is "fair" about this. In this case endless money is being spent on the prosecution and defense cases. In all areas. Yet the most minimal amount is spent on "ordinary" indigent people's" cases. Most $$$broke people go to jail because of a lack of proper lawyers representation. Or do you think the jails incredible imbalance of very small numbers of white rich people being in jail is just a flute. In relation to poor ethnic minorities. A statically abnormality of sorts.
I watched the local channels here, WESH, WKMG, and WFTV yesterday morning. WKMG and WFTV both did a fair job of reporting. I couldn't believe how slanted WESH was. They made it look like both attorneys got an equal smackdown, and they made no mention of anything negative about WS. They didn't talk about his confusion or anything. The only thing they said about JA was that he threw a book on the desk angrily. Excpet for watching RH when he is on WESH, I refuse to watch them anymore. Even my husband watched their reporting last night, because WESH is our go-to news, and had to laugh at how ridiculous they were.

Good morning America covered it this morning and at first I thought they did a horrible job, but Dan Abrams straightened them out.

Some of that is encouraging, but I mostly did my reading via the major news online reporting. Mainly a reposting of the AP article by most. It made no mention of the cross exam, and strictly reported that Dr. S said the work was Shoddy on the autopsy. Nothing about him knowing little facts in the case or how he was exposed with his hysterical supposition of duct tape being put on after the fact. Disappointing to me. I noticed the online voting go up in favor of Dr. S here as those reports of the day came out because I can see how one could ascertain that from just the larger news reporting. Even the short reports on CNN and HLN and other channels seemed to be guided via the AP report with no mention of the cross examine.
Will/can we ever know what happened in HHJP chambers today with no court reporter in the room?
This was quoted up in the "today's news" thread...from the Orlando Sentinal..

In January, Perry slapped Baez with a fine and sanction for a "willful" violation of his court order to share expert witness testimony with prosecutors. At that time he spared Baez a contempt citation.

Meanwhile, a Florida Bar ethics complaint against Baez that surfaced at about the same time is still being investigated. The details of that grievance have not been disclosed.

So....did we know about this?
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