2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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BBM. That's strange, because I've often noticed the opposite. JA isn't sarcastic, IMO, not considering the true definition of "sarcasm". But many people are confused on the true meaning of that word.

I think Sarcasm in most instances is a technique of weakness, meant for intimidation. I learned early on in debate that whatever I could do to get someone in a position of defensiveness was critical to winning. As soon as I would get defensive, I know I lost as well.
IMO The state was not reprimanded in any way whatsoever. Some people (talking heads mostly) are stretching it pretty thin to insinuate that it was anything to do with the state. While HHJP did not necessarily single Baez out in his speech he gave after Baez spoke, and even mentioned both sides a few times, I don't think there was anyone in that court room or watching that had any question who he was talking to.

After Ashton gave his information and argument to the judge at the beginning of the morning, Baez took to the podium and in his dissertation he whined a lot that he felt Ashton had also been playing games at other times but only Baez was threatened with sanctions and he felt Ashton should have also. A lot of whining that he was being unfairly singled out. He tried to turn the whole fiasco of his trying to blindside and ignore the judge's discovery court order back on Ashton. I do believe he failed miserably given HHJP response once Baez was done.

Also, as with his behavior on Saturday while HHJP was giving his dressing down, Baez was once again very disrespectful to the court in his body language and expressions. IMO of course.

At least the above is my take on the happenings in court this morning. Others here may have additional observations to add or corrections to make.


Except HHJP said he would inform the bar of their behavior and pretty much glossed over JB's infractions. All JA did was inform the judge that JB violated a court order...again and ask for sanctions. And now it appears HHJP gave has allowed the court to recess so JB can get his carp together. So yeah, I see this as completely one sided and biased. It pissed me off this AM and I'm still PO'd.
Just a little refresher course in the Hon. JB's resume...


"His overall behavior, they wrote, showed "a total lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system, which is absolutely inconsistent with the character and fitness qualities required of those seeking to be afforded the highest position of trust and confidence recognized by our system of law."

He worked instead as a paralegal for the Miami-Dade public defender and then taught Internet research to lawyers and started four business ventures, including two bikini companies. Before Florida Bar officials admitted him in 2005, he had to demonstrate that he had rehabilitated himself.

Additionally, the Board found that J.A.B.'s misrepresentations and lack of candor in his answers to the specifications and during his formal hearing testimony were further grounds for disqualification," the Supreme Court wrote.

That article states some interesting facts about JB. He obviously does not care about his reputation, otherwise why would he even try to take on a case of such enormity knowing his previous reputation. In a way its good because your previous reputation is only that and does not show if he has been rehabilitated. Since he was admitted into the bar maybe the bar thought he has changed for the better, or maybe he has simply filled his duties minimally to be admitted to the bar....probably the later.
O/T- Where is the psychic/ or dream thread for this case? I tried to search this site and only find closed dreams threads. I had either a dream or a conglomeration of images I have had in my head from reading so much of this trial and would like to compare mine with other posts. Anyone know how to get me there? Thanks!
yeah, i watched the scolding, saw everything that went down before perry recessed until 10:25 - just didn't know what happened after that, if the court and jury reconvened only to hear perry cancel the day's proceedings, if the dt's witness was a no show or couldn't make it within the time frame jb promised...

Some posts have the opinion that something behind the scenes must have gone on. I'm wondering too.
I see no indication he is upset with both sides. The only side being threatened with sanctions is the DT so far. The prosecution finished their Case in Chief AHEAD OF TIME. They brought their witnesses in quickly and did their questioning promptly, with no big issues or problems. They had one problem with color vs black and white photos so the judge kept the photos out. I did not see the state cry and moan about it. They sucked it up and moved on.

The judge is angry at the DT, very angry. He is angry about their unfair sliming of Vasco and Baez will be sorry about that fiasco, imo. And he is angry that the last 3 experts discussed opinions with Baez that Baez did not pass on to the state. That was a clear attempt to sandbag and blindside the prosecution. It is pathetic behavior and I hope he is sanctioned harshly in the end.

I highly doubt that Ashton or Burdick will be fined or sanctioned at that time.
Ashton does get called out for raising his voice or acting impatient, but he has not fallen to the depths of Baez'z behavior, imo.

What??? HHJP said he was reporting both JB and JA for their behavior. Why is everyone saying HHJP didn't go after both sides? And he pretty much glossed over what JB did. I'm hoping the reporters transcripts come out later today to see what happened there. But I'm not holding my breath.
I don't know the average time, but I've heard of juries coming back in one hour. I am not joking. And this case, I expect them to come back in like ten minutes because of Baez and Casey. I will be completely shocked if they go over an hour, no, half an hour to deliberate.

I agree. I don't think they'll be in for long at all.
Except HHJP said he would inform the bar of their behavior and pretty much glossed over JB's infractions. All JA did was inform the judge that JB violated a court order...again and ask for sanctions. And now it appears HHJP gave has allowed the court to recess so JB can get his carp together. So yeah, I see this as completely one sided and biased. It pissed me off this AM and I'm still PO'd.

The judge has to hold his tongue or the verdict can be reversed upon appeal. He has to say ' their' behavior or he will be accused of judicial bias. But the only attorney that has been threatened with sanctions so far is Jose Baez.

The judge HAS TO give him time to get it together. His client is facing death.
Except HHJP said he would inform the bar of their behavior and pretty much glossed over JB's infractions. All JA did was inform the judge that JB violated a court order...again and ask for sanctions. And now it appears HHJP gave has allowed the court to recess so JB can get his carp together. So yeah, I see this as completely one sided and biased. It pissed me off this AM and I'm still PO'd.

I think HHJP is using the old parent, whose patience has been tried to the max, trick of speaking to all his "kids" in general about the bad behavior when everyone in the room knows which kid it is actually being addressed to.

HHJP must go above and beyond in attempting to be evenhanded in his dealings with the DT in this case in order to try to keep any judgment against ICA unimpeachable via appeal. If he speaks to all the attorneys even though it is apparent to most informed viewers that the infractions have been pretty darned one sided, then he continues to be fair and impartial in that way.

It is a trick every parent knows, and should one of my kids be silly enough to speak up and say but mother dear, I have not done the thing of which you speak, then my response is "then you know I am not speaking to you, don't you?"
I would like to know too.
Someone said that he is the Judge's Intern.
I have seen him go in and out of the door that the Judge comes in and out of.
The Judge called him back there today.

Thanks! I missed him going back today. He's done a great job of keeping a good poker face. If I had to sit behind JB every day, watching him blunder through this trial, I don't think I could keep such a straight face.
What??? HHJP said he was reporting both JB and JA for their behavior. Why is everyone saying HHJP didn't go after both sides? And he pretty much glossed over what JB did. I'm hoping the reporters transcripts come out later today to see what happened there. But I'm not holding my breath.

I've watched the trial video several times today and I do not hear HHJP specifically say he is reporting both sides, or even one side for that matter, to the bar.

What I heard HHJP to say is that it is very obvious there is friction between the attorneys and that is for the bar to deal with. He never said he was reporting either side to the bar. Of course, one can deduce from what he said that he might but he did not say implicitly that he will be making any reports to the bar on either of them. Other than that one comment, I find nothing else that HHJP said today that would lead me to think he was addressing any of his comments to JA. JB is the one that has repeated violated the court order for discovery and that is what he rest of his speech was about, or at least that is what I heard. MOO
I had a similar experience at the ballfield this weekend with a toddler sitting on her mother's lap singing this very song. When she saw the tears start to fill my eyes she said "let me sing a different song." Her selection? Jesus loves the little children. I had to walk away. I was too emotional.


Something along the same lines...one of my granddaughters looks just like Caylee, same age, one month apart. I'm in the process of moving and cleaning out years of things I've collected. Just came across her program from Kindergarten graduation.

The song they sang during the processional was You are my sunshine...

Made me stop in my tracks and couldn't do anymore that day.

Completely understand.

I see no indication he is upset with both sides. The only side being threatened with sanctions is the DT so far. The prosecution finished their Case in Chief AHEAD OF TIME. They brought their witnesses in quickly and did their questioning promptly, with no big issues or problems. They had one problem with color vs black and white photos so the judge kept the photos out. I did not see the state cry and moan about it. They sucked it up and moved on.

The judge is angry at the DT, very angry. He is angry about their unfair sliming of Vasco and Baez will be sorry about that fiasco, imo. And he is angry that the last 3 experts discussed opinions with Baez that Baez did not pass on to the state. That was a clear attempt to sandbag and blindside the prosecution. It is pathetic behavior and I hope he is sanctioned harshly in the end.

I highly doubt that Ashton or Burdick will be fined or sanctioned at that time.
Ashton does get called out for raising his voice or acting impatient, but he has not fallen to the depths of Baez'z behavior, imo.

Ashton and Burdick did an excellent job of presenting the case. They could have thrown in so much more of ICA's carp, but they didn't because they have compassion for the Jurors and they are smart. JB can put himself on the same level as his client. Nothing he says is true! How can he get away with lie after lie on the stand? GA molested ICA, this poor guy with the wrong phone number, Caylee drowning, none of it is true. :banghead:
What??? HHJP said he was reporting both JB and JA for their behavior. Why is everyone saying HHJP didn't go after both sides? And he pretty much glossed over what JB did. I'm hoping the reporters transcripts come out later today to see what happened there. But I'm not holding my breath.

I used to work in the public school system. When a student or two was acting up, it was much more effective to hold the entire class accountable, and threaten to bring them en masse before their teacher when she returns.

I think the judge is going on record criticizing both sides to prevent being accused of bias.
O/T- Where is the psychic/ or dream thread for this case? I tried to search this site and only find closed dreams threads. I had either a dream or a conglomeration of images I have had in my head from reading so much of this trial and would like to compare mine with other posts. Anyone know how to get me there? Thanks!

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72575"]Psychic Discussion,Visions, Dreams, And Impressions - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
It was reported that Dr. Boch was seen sitting in the courthouse right before recess. I've read the deposition that was giving to her 2 parts of 80 pages each and in the 2nd part, JA stated he needed to set up another time to go over the large amounts of photo's the DT gave her to look at. Some were from her visit with DT PI. I have never seen another Deposition on her. JB tried to say in part 2 of the 1st depo after JA was trying to set one up JB said something like "We will go on her schedule and nobody else. When it is convenient for her.

My guess is that JA has tried and tried to set up the second depo for Dr Boch but was stonewalled and I bet she too today was going to testify to something that wasn't in PART 1 and 2 of her first depo!
My mother used to tell the story of a shy little boy's mother who explained to the teacher at the start of the school year that it wouldn't actually be necessary for her to correct Johnny. "If he misbehaves, just correct the little boy next to him and he'll straighten up." I imagine JA is feeling rather like "the little boy next to him" this evening!
I also think Judge Perry is angry that he was not notified of this housekeeping issue, he has told Baez time an time over to contact him at 8:20 so the court wud contact the Judge an it wud be discussed by 8:30..but NO every morning we have heard Baez say "Oh I have something to discuss."..The Judge is always thinking of the Juror's an what a inconvenience this is due to Baez stupidity. He has had 3 yrs to prepare to get these witness Depo's an now during trial he is bringing them in..WTH.. I wish he wud say enough is enough NO MORE depo's...period..u missed the DEADLINE..GRRRR.:banghead:
HHJP never did let JA respond to the accusations made by JB against him. Some of the mud slinging was personal. HHJP has been coddling JB from the beginning. Why?? Maybe, his good buddy CM?? How close are they??

I don't think JA would have dignified JB's little tirade with any kind of response.
It was reported that Dr. Boch was seen sitting in the courthouse right before recess. I've read the deposition that was giving to her 2 parts of 80 pages each and in the 2nd part, JA stated he needed to set up another time to go over the large amounts of photo's the DT gave her to look at. Some were from her visit with DT PI. I have never seen another Deposition on her. JB tried to say in part 2 of the 1st depo after JA was trying to set one up JB said something like "We will go on her schedule and nobody else. When it is convenient for her.

My guess is that JA has tried and tried to set up the second depo for Dr Boch but was stonewalled and I bet she too today was going to testify to something that wasn't in PART 1 and 2 of her first depo!

Well...if that is in fact the case, that he never got to finish his deposition of this witness and she was the one they were going to put on the stand as a last ditch effort to get at least one person testifying today, we might very well have our reason for why court recessed until tomorrow morning. Good grief, imagine that chambers discussion. MOO
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