2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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Have you got a link to this? It is not that I doubt you but I just saw Vasco and his attorney interviewed on JVM tonight and they said they had not yet made a decision about seeking punitive damages. (His attorney was not affliliated with Morgan & Morgan.)

I'm confused.

The press conference that Vasco Thomas gave last week was with an attorney from Morgan and Morgan. I believe it was Matt Morgan that was with him at the press conference. Odd that he'd have someone else with him on JVM. IMO
Have you got a link to this? It is not that I doubt you but I just saw Vasco and his attorney interviewed on JVM tonight and they said they had not yet made a decision about seeking punitive damages. (His attorney was not affliliated with Morgan & Morgan.)

I'm confused.

"On June 17, 2011, HLN’s Nancy Grace interviewed Vasco Thompson and Matt Morgan of Morgan and Morgan regarding the new claims in the Casey Anthony case that George Anthony and Vasco Thompson shared an exchange of four phone calls on July 14, 2008...Morgan & Morgan also represents Zenaida Gonzalez, a woman who claims that Casey Anthony’s lies about “Zanny the Nanny” abducting Caylee Anthony has ruined her life. Matt Morgan also spoke about Zenaida Gonzalez’ case, “You know, Nancy, this whole thing began with Casey dragging Zanny the nanny, Zenaida Gonzalez into this, and our firm was able to clear her name..."
Me too! I can never use the searches and find anything. I have better luck googling the subject and usually websleths is one of the choices.:rocker:

Little tidbit that helps - When you go to the search feature, click on "Advanced Search." Then on the far left you will see an option to search by "Keyword" with a drop-down menu. From that drop-down menu, choose "Search by TITLE". Then type in whatever keyword that may be in the title you are looking for.

HTH. :)
From the News thread...

From Local 6's Facebook:

Tony Pipitone is two hours away from breaking another big exclusive in the Casey Anthony Trial. Who do you think just contacted Local 6 and what do you think they're saying about Caylee's death?
Oh and it went on and on...for months...she would spend all day at her attorneys office doing ahem "research.." Okay.

I did'nt get into this case until I heard the OS from JB....I remember it from 2008 and then I forgot about it..The OS caught my interest and since then I've read everything about this case. I am now addicted.
"On June 17, 2011, HLN’s Nancy Grace interviewed Vasco Thompson and Matt Morgan of Morgan and Morgan regarding the new claims in the Casey Anthony case that George Anthony and Vasco Thompson shared an exchange of four phone calls on July 14, 2008...Morgan & Morgan also represents Zenaida Gonzalez, a woman who claims that Casey Anthony’s lies about “Zanny the Nanny” abducting Caylee Anthony has ruined her life. Matt Morgan also spoke about Zenaida Gonzalez’ case, “You know, Nancy, this whole thing began with Casey dragging Zanny the nanny, Zenaida Gonzalez into this, and our firm was able to clear her name..."

Thank you! :blowkiss:

Maybe that was Matt Morgan I saw with him on JVM. I had no idea and did not make the connection!
06/20/2011 Motion to Quash Subpoena


Casey Anthony trial: Perry adjourns court until 9 a.m. Tuesday – no explanation given

By Anthony Colarossi and Walter Pacheco , Orlando Sentinel
Mon Jun 20 2011 1:01 PM

Vasco Thompson is a 'non-party' in Casey case
Also filed today was a motion to quash the subpoena for Vasco Thompson, the man the defense listed as a late witness last week.

The motion, filed by attorney Matt T. Morgan, says Thompson is set to appear before Perry at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday.

It goes on to say Thompson "has no personal knowledge of facts relating to the alleged killing of Caylee Marie Anthony."

The motion calls Thompson's subpoena for trial "a misguided attempt to draw attention and publicity to an already highly publicized matter."

Thompson "believes that the defendant's subpoena for trial is only a delay, to create confusion in the evidence and a ploy to create an illusion of reasonable doubt," Morgan's motion says.

It adds that the subpoena "was filed in bad faith against the non-party Vasco Thompson" and creates an undue burden on him.

The motion asks Perry to quash the subpoena and enter "a protective order prohibiting the defendant, Casey Anthony, from further contact with" Thompson.

Rut Ro...me thinks another widdle whippin' is coming for JB...at least in this case, HHJP can't put any blame on JA.
I admit it...I suck at finding things here...well and at home too. Can someone point me to Kronk's deposition? Thanks so much!

I never saw a deposition for RK. I know the hinky meter has a good, easy place to look for discovery items, but I don't know if its updated much. I only saw the police interviews with RK.
Thank you! :blowkiss:

Maybe that was Matt Morgan I saw with him on JVM. I had no idea and did not make the connection!

I watched JVM and it was Matt Morgan. If you google VT and MM, you will discover that each is following the other on Twitter.
JB said after JA refused (snort) to do a depo he instructed RE to complete a report and anything he would be using to testify.
That was done in a few hours,and JB sent it over (faxed or e-mailed) to JA(Sunday evening/night).I don't think JA saw it until this morning.JMO
ETA ,JB acts like he did a great favor to the State for doing all this Sat/Sun,too,even though it was court ordered in Dec.

Exactly, Jose figured he'd make it look like he's complying and give Aston no time to prepare for his testimony ... IMO Ashton must be pretty pissed and will rise to the challenge even put in extra time if he has to in order to be ready quickly for the witness to testify ... I think this will backfire on Jose in the long run ... He's really underestimating the prosecutions experience, knowledge and dedication ... JMO
Rut Ro...me thinks another widdle whippin' is coming for JB...at least in this case, HHJP can't put any blame on JA.

Can't think of many things that would start my Tuesday off with a better laugh. :great:
Something about watching JB get a whippin' is just good for my heart!
I know there is probably no average time, but how long *should* or would it take for a jury to come to a descision on this case. In other words, what is the average length of time for a jury to deliberate on murder trials?

I don't know about average cases, but this case?...hmmm....about 1 minute! :floorlaugh:
A little O/T but does anyone have a link to a really good bio page or comprehensive article about our man Ashton? Gotta luuuvvvv that man!!
From the News thread...

From Local 6's Facebook:

Tony Pipitone is two hours away from breaking another big exclusive in the Casey Anthony Trial. Who do you think just contacted Local 6 and what do you think they're saying about Caylee's death?
All right,I'll play.....:drink:
I'm guessing it's LP ,who just returned :abduction: and he has the REAL story of what happened to Caylee Anthony.
BBM. ITA. That is what kills me. How in Hades is he supposed to depose an expert without knowing what the expert's opinion is? How is he supposed to know what questions to ask? *headdesk* He can't possibly just depose the expert on possible opinions or guess at what the expert's opinion is. Baez has on obligation to get that dang report to the SA in a timely manner, not in the middle of the trial, so JA can do his job properly. Stuff like this drives me CRAZY. There are rules and procedures for testimony and depositions for a REASON.

Baez has been doing this from the very beginning...remember his initial list of experts and what they would be testifying about?

example: Dr. Jane Bock-Botanist-she will be testifying about Botany-related issues. *HUGE eyeroll*
My impression is that the DT is clearly in the wrong and it's the DT that the judge is very angry with. But if he constantly goes after the DT it will have the appearance of the judge having a bias against the DT. So, as we saw today, he included JA in his comments making a general reference to the ongoing "battle" between JB and JA. But even though he included JA in his general comments, it's JB and only JB, that he's threatened with sanctions. HHBP has indicated he's considering referring this case to the Florida Bar Association after the trial concludes.

I think it's safe to say that when this trial is over, Jeff Ashton will remain a highly respected prosecuting attorney for the state. But, Jose Baez is likely to lose his license to practice law.

Thank you for making this point, Leila! :tyou:

This is one of those things that I see others concerned about all the time and I never seem to have time to address it.

Judge Perry is keenly aware that every. single. word. he utters is being recorded by the court reporter and is a part of the official record. When this case does go up for appeal, ALL the appellate court looks at is this record. The appellate court does not hear witness testimony, they simply look at the official record and see if decisions were made according to the law.

So, when you hear HHJP include both sides when he is admonishing, it is to protect the record so it does not appear he is biased. Can you even imagine someone reading it 3 years from now if HHJP specifically stated only, "Mr. Baez!" everytime he was irritated? He makes a special point to not do that. He realizes how important it is to make sure the official record reads as neutral.

No matter how it appears to the viewer, I can assure you everyone - Baez, included - knows exactly who Judge Perry is addressing in his admonishments. ;)
I keep seeing references to Eikenbloom being addressed as "Dr. Eikenbloom."

If I recall correctly, this man is not a Dr.--he does not have an MD, nor a PhD. Therefore, he should be addressed as "Mister Eikenbloom."

To continue, he also does not have a degree in forensics, yet he is planning to testify about DNA, or rather, the absence of DNA.

I have been trying to find where all of this was discussed a while back, but apparently my search efforts are not what they should be as I am unable to locate the appropriate thread(s).
Baez has been doing this from the very beginning...remember his initial list of experts and what they would be testifying about?

example: Dr. Jane Bock-Botanist-she will be testifying about Botany-related issues. *HUGE eyeroll*

Speaking of Dr. Bock - I read her depositions today and I am looking forward to her testimony. She sounds like a character in her deposition. I can't wait for Ashton to cross examine her. I got tickled just reading the deposition.

I do wonder, though, why the prosecution didn't call their botanist to the stand. I suppose they will if they need to in order to rebut what Dr. Bock says.
From the News thread...

From Local 6's Facebook:

Tony Pipitone is two hours away from breaking another big exclusive in the Casey Anthony Trial. Who do you think just contacted Local 6 and what do you think they're saying about Caylee's death?

Today's current news says Levi Page is saying it's River Cruz.
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