2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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Anyone know how much expert witnesses like Dr. Spitz get paid?

I think the number was $500 an hour for time actually testifying on the stand. Something less than that when they are sitting around waiting, and travel expenses. I am not sure what the base rate for research and reports is. I think that is a budgeted and approved amount of hours at the $500 rate.

You will notice that Dr. Spitz spent a full 8 hours on the stand. :maddening:
I read that Dr. S made $141,000 from the Specter trial. And basically got very angry when asked about it on the stand. If he did this one for free?? I don't know. IMO there is something fishy about that.

I personally think it is some kind of "favor" game.

Didn't LKB contact Spitz? They may have owed one another a favor from previous trials, you know, I'll come screw up the prosecution for you, if you will do it for me kind of thing.

With these two, anything is possible.
Dr. Spitz stated on the witness stand that he was testifying for free; however, he charges $5,000.00 per day to testify. That is what he charged Phil Specter, also.

I want to see JB try and get that amount from the JAC.
I personally think it is some kind of "favor" game.

Didn't LKB contact Spitz? They may have owed one another a favor from previous trials, you know, I'll come screw up the prosecution for you, if you will do it for me kind of thing.

With these two, anything is possible.

My suggestion to JP is to throw Baez in jail for contempt for a week, let CM handle the defense... But what do I know. JB is gonna continue doing these dispicable things till he gets "time outs" like any other "child". Can JP do that and let the rest of the DT handle court proceedings?

I think it would be a plan to charge contempt, and give fees in the amount of ICAs defense....
I personally think it is some kind of "favor" game.

Didn't LKB contact Spitz? They may have owed one another a favor from previous trials, you know, I'll come screw up the prosecution for you, if you will do it for me kind of thing.

With these two, anything is possible.

LKB's husband probably knows Dr. Spitz very well...I am certain Dr. S would like to be in the top tier of forensic pathologists with Dr. Baden and Dr. Garavaglia, but Dr. G, IMO, schooled us on why he can't touch this.
What??? HHJP said he was reporting both JB and JA for their behavior. Why is everyone saying HHJP didn't go after both sides? And he pretty much glossed over what JB did. I'm hoping the reporters transcripts come out later today to see what happened there. But I'm not holding my breath.

Reporters transcripts>> :waitasec:
Never heard of those - is there a place on WS where those are posted or a link to them maybe?? TIA!! :seeya:
Good to know that VT has not been in any trouble with the law since his conviction. I hope he continues to walk the straight and narrow.

Personally, I'm not concerned with how this trial has brought unwanted notoriety his way. He's a convicted felon - DV kidnapping, IIRC. I noticed how his attorney tried to downplay the conviction, as if it was no big deal. His attorney stated "It was just a domestic dispute". If it was such a minor disagreement, then how was it that he was convicted of felony DV kidnapping and served a 10 year sentence? GMAB, Mr. Hale.

I don't think he has anything at all to do with this case, and I think it's beyond ridiculous for JB to try to connect him, but I'm personally glad his felony DV kidnapping conviction has been made public knowledge.

But then, I admit I'm biased about DV kidnapping felons, since my daughter was kidnapped and almost murdered by her ex 3 years ago.

VT (and his attorney) can cry me a river, as far as I'm concerned.

Is this witness, Vasco Thompson really going to take the stand? Seriously? I figured it was over with once it was publicized that Mr. Thompson didn't have that phone number at the time of the alleged calls. :waitasec:

(Oooh, re. your daughter - MY daughter too, 1 1/2 yrs. ago. I REALLY get upset over the dismissive and lenient attitudes some courts and LE have toward domestic violence.)
Anyone know how long the rebuttal part will last and then also jury instructions?

Thank you
What??? HHJP said he was reporting both JB and JA for their behavior. Why is everyone saying HHJP didn't go after both sides? And he pretty much glossed over what JB did. I'm hoping the reporters transcripts come out later today to see what happened there. But I'm not holding my breath.

He chastised both attorneys, but the way I heard it was that Baez was the only one he threatened with some sort of reporting after the trial is over.

Perry called the omission "quite intentional" and said he would consider contempt proceedings against defense attorney Jose Baez at the conclusion of the trial.
He renewed the threat Monday after Baez complained to Perry that Ashton deliberately refused to take a deposition from a witness, DNA expert Richard Eikelenboom, on Saturday.
Ashton told the judge that Baez had sent Eikelenboom to his office with a half-page report that "indicated nothing, essentially," leaving him with little for questioning.
Perry warned any further deliberate violations of his orders to reveal evidence and opinions to opposing attorneys could result in the exclusion of that evidence from the trial. BBM

There was a huge huge blowup about this back in December and January.

The long and short of it. Florida is a reciprocal discovery state. Both sides are supposed to know what the other is bringing to court. There can be no "Perry Mason" surprise witnesses or moments in Florida. JB and ICA signed on to the reciprocal discovery early in the process. That meant that they had a legal obligation to provide the state with a certain amount of defense discovery. Such as some reasonably detailed information as to what their expert witnesses would be testifying to. They had a deadline to provide this. It was in November. They missed it. HHJP pushed it back to December. They missed it again. Pushed back even further into December they missed it and then tried to cover by filing some complete and utter BS. In the end JB just provided a handwritten single page summary of his defense experts. Stuff Like "Dr Lee will talk about forensic stuff".

Now both sides are supposed to be able to ask reasonably inteligent questions of the other sides experts. Part of the purpose of reciprocal discovery is to shorten the deposition process and lessen its costs and minimize the impact on all involved including the experts. Providing the basic info up front allows the opposing council to frame the needed questions regarding the witnesses area of expertise and expected testimony without having to interogate them under oath for their resume and such. It's a good system. JB repeatedly blew it off.

Finally after blown delay and lie after blown delay and lie (it was obvious that JB at that time still had no idea who he was going to call and really had no idea on any of his experts, and was just trying for delay after delay much like his clients begging for "just 1 more day"), JA requested sanctions from the judge. HHJP came down on all like a ton of bricks. He wrote an order mandating that for any and all expert witnesses, reports were to be provided. If an opinion was not in the report or was not stated at deposition the witness would not be saying it at trial. It was a very very clear cut order. It gave the defense 2 more weeks to get reports from all of their witnesses. HHJP had had it with the game playing and the delays.

JB blew the next deadline and only provided the above scrawled notes. he ended up facing a contempt hearing and got fined and a complete dressing down. The sort of dressing down from a judge that would have any more ethically sound or intelligent attorney rethinking their career choice and that maybe real estate or bikini sales would be the better option after all. In JB's case the message was seemingly lost.

So now with that order in place, and after a few other scuffles on this subject during the Frye hearings we find ourselves at Saturday and today. First JA discovers that Dr. Rodriguez who I believe is the defenses forensic pathologist, is about to testify about duct tape. Something that is not in any of his reports, he has never been deposed on, and he has not been presented as an expert on. (Note the defense had also previously tried to add "expert on cadaver dogs" to Dr. Rodriguez's skill set simply because he had seen the dogs used a few times. That got shot down in the Frye hearings. By all appearences Dr. Rodriguez is JB's "will say whatever you want about any subject for money" go to guy.). JA brought this up on Saturday asking for the sanctions to be looked at again. HHJP shut down the witness until the state could at least depose them on the subject, and has scheduled yet another contempt hearing for JB as soon as the trial ends. (and HHJP was FURIOUS).

Which brings us to today. Today we discover through JA that another defense expert, Dr. Eikenbloom, the DNA guy(maybe, no one knows for certain) for whom he had a roughly 2 sentence report on record, came up to him after Saturdays hearing expecting to be deposed on the spot, and provided him with a more lengthy report and a powerpoint presentation that the good doctor expected to use in testimony today. Needless to see JA sent him packing. he did not have even the basic info needed to consider starting a deposition, and to just pop one up with no notice like that and months past any deadlines for doing so was beyond rude and disrespectful and into criminal.

At this point HHJP is in something of an incandescent white hot rage. But is keeping things seemingly calm in order to preserve the integrity of the trial for the defendant, in spite of her attorney now deliberately violating court orders at least 4 times in an effort to be Matlock.

Does that sum it up any?

Great post - for the late comers wondering WHAT happened today!! :bump:
I heard one of the legal Talking Head's tonight make a statement that made me laugh out loud.

The panel was asked what they thought the outcome of the trial would be.

This one panelist stated that s/he felt that Casey will be "convicted of at least manslaughter."

Guess who the panelist was....


Linda Kinney Baden

I saw that too. LOL

Did you hear her say something equally as shocking earlier?

IIRC, she was asked if Casey was going to take the stand. And I swear, she said [ paraphrasing] :

"She won't take the stand during the guilt phase but she may during the penalty phase to avoid the Death Penalty."

Here's a transcript of part of what was said Saturday and Monday from a couple of videos I found.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Tape starts -- Judge Perry addressing Jose Baez

JUDGE PERRY: . . . slip. This was not some sub-issue of a major issue. It was not inadvertent. The question is, is whether or not Ms Anthony should be punished as a result of this. The case law seems to indicate the following: contempt, an instruction to the jury concerning the violation that has occurred and let them use it in judging the credibility or the legalbility (?).

So what other opinions is this witness going to give that have not been disclosed in his report?

BAEZ: I will also . . .

JUDGE PERRY: Well, this is what I'm going to do. What other witnesses do you have available for the day?

BAEZ: We have Dr. Spitz as well.

JUDGE PERRY: This is what we're going to do. We're going to stop today at one o'clock. This witness is going to step down. You can take his deposition this afternoon, and he will testify one day next week, Monday.

I will entertain a possible instruction -- if the State wants to draft one -- about this violation, and I will decide whether or not I will do it. I will reserve the decision whether or not I should proceed to contempt proceedings at the conclusion of this trial.

BAEZ: I would request that the court also look at the answer filed by the defense where I clearly laid out that Dr. Rodriguez would be called also to rebut any issues raised by the prosecution in trial. This does fall under that category.

JUDGE PERRY: Mr. Baez, this is not my first radio . . . rodeo, rather.

And let me say this, sir. I've tried one or two cases as a lawyer. And there was a case that I tried called the case of The State of Florida vs Judy Bwan-ahano. (?) At the conclusion of the defense's opening statement and after the first ten questions that the defense asked in cross examination, I found myself in a boat without a paddle, because they raised an issue that you could not tell they were raising up until the time they asked certain questions. And at that noon recess, I asked my investigator to find certain things out, and by four o'clock that afternoon, my investigator had located about four or five additional expert witnesses. I talked to them that night. The next morning in court, I filed a supplemental discovery of those witnesses, and I set them all up for depositions the following evening, so the defense would have an opportunity to take those witness's depositions to determine what they would testify to, so the defendant would not be surprised.

All my order simply tried to do was to give both sides an opportunity to know what each expert would testify to so they could prepare, so we would not have no gotcha moments where someone would be caught unprepared.

So what we will do is, we will take a ten-minute recess. And, Dr. Rodriguez, be prepared to give a depostition this afternoon at one o'clock, and then we can ferret out all of this.

But let me say this: Lightning does not strike twice in the same place. Even though the case law says you can't be punished by exclusion the first time, if there are other opinions that you know that he is going to give, they need to be laid out, because I am not making any promises or warranties about what I will do if it happens a second time with this witness.

BAEZ: I would like to place the state on notice that we are going to take our own experts' depositions at the conclusioin of today. If they wish to present, they can be present. And [unintelligible] . . .

JUDGE PERRY: You don't have to take your own expert's deposition. I'm making him available for the State to take his deposition. It would be totally unfair to Ms Anthony to have this testimony excluded on this critical issue. But we will deal with the after-effects afterwards, and that's the remedy that I have chosen to give.

We will be in recess until five minutes to the hour.

End of Tape

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tape starts --

ASHTON: . . . so those are my requests at this point: is that Dr. Rodriguez not be (put?) to testify till I've had time to review and prepare for cross examination, because of the last minute nature, and that Mr. Eikenblume be ordered to appear.

I will be presenting the court with additional requests for sanctions to alleviate the prejudice.

BAEZ: I specifically noticed that Mr Ashton was intentionally omitting -- or may omit, I should say -- to prevent himself from taking these depositions. And I brought it up at a status hearing, and I warned the court that this may be an issue later on because the state is attempting to use this both as a sword and a shield.

We did not intentionally look at this order and say, "We're going to disobey it." Just the mere thought of that disturbs me greatly. And it disturbs me that anyone would either (a) make the accusation or (b) even assume it to be true. And I say that because I have labored on this cause daily, nightly. And it was made clear by the court to me that this court intended on issuing orders and enforcing them if need be. I think it is a severest due-process violation to try and limit our testimony, limit our presentation of case because a prosecuter decides on his own, without assistance or acknowledgement from the court, to omit his professional responsibility and to omit his duty to carry out and utilize those tools which are afforded to him under the rules of discovery and then attempt to use that as some form of sanction. It's not bad enough that he wants to omit these responsibilities in the effort to take a human life; he wants to go after her lawyer, too.

JUDGE PERRY: It has never been the intent by depositions to alleviate the responsibility, and that was not the intent of this court's order, to rely . . . say, "Well, you could either take their depositions or the report." The orders are quite clear to me.

This court does not make threats; this court simply applies the rules. Yes, there has been gamesmanship in this particular case, and it is quite evident that there is a friction between attorneys. That is something that I guess the Florida Bar will deal with. And at the conclusion of this trial, this court will deal with violations which may or may not have occurred. But it is not proper for the court to deal with it now. I have a sequestered jury who live under severe restrictions. and if y'all don't want to act professional, then I will work you real full days. Enough is enough. And both sides need to be forewarned that exclusion, even at the price of having to do it all over again -- which I don't think I'll have to do it all over again -- because of repeated violations, exclusion may be the proper remedy if it continues.

End of tape
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