2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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Well......consider todays "follies", then the Judge taking his reporter with him to the jury room, now we have something showing up about juror's names. It almost makes me think the jury - or a juror or something along those lines, are/is fixing to be released.

Sadly, I agree with you.
And he did exactly that - transcript delivered this morning (I believe) he has read it once and wants to examine it further before he will be ready to cross. Oh and JB "sent" another witness to be deposed to SAO Sunday (no appt., no warning)

JA was making the more than an effort - JB was sandbagging

I guess my point is that it would seem HHJP expected a transcript be delivered to JA in time to prepare to cross-examine the witness this morning.
How the heck do you issue a report that says nothing? You just hand someone a blank piece of paper and sign your name to it? :floorlaugh:

Well, we are talking about a Jose Baez witness . . . .
It IS his fault. He allows the defense to get away with these tactics day after day. He could command the defense have 4 or 5 witnesses lined up every day whether called or not. He is the ruler of the court and he is allowing Baez to rule his court with his shenanigans. All in the name of this KC getting a fair trial. He should sanction Baez right now. Give him a $5,000 fine or something. Something that hurts so he stops this nonsense. Give him 1 day to pay up.

You can lead a horse to water... and all that. HHJP can command and demand all he likes. It doesn't mean Baez is going to comply. Hell, we've all seen that he doesn't.

It's been said countless times by countless people here that HHJP is protecting his case against future appellate issues. And yes, it's all in the name of giving Casey Anthony a fair trial. I, for one, want her to have the fairest trial possible so that when she's finally convicted and sentenced, it sticks.

Baez will get his just due. I absolutely have no doubt about that.

I think it's patently unfair to blame the honorable Judge for the shenanigans of the Defense.

As always, this is my own opinion.
And just to add to that he didn't mind fining some poor guy that got called to jury duty $400 for talking online and he didn't mind fining that poor brain damage girl $400 and throwing her into jail but he lets Baez commit violation after violation and does nothing. That looks real bad to me. I no longer admire him like I used to.

I think you might be judging the judge too harshly. He cannot berate or sanction Baez in the middle of the trial. Doing so would only ensure reversal of any verdict upon appeal. He would be allowing the possibility for Casey to walk away or have another trial if he did so. He has already promised to sanction Baez AFTER the verdict is in. That sounds fair to me. imoo
Tony Pippetone of WKMG was in the courtroom when the attorneys were summoned to the Judge. He followed them but was denied admission to the private meeting. The only council there we're Cheney for the DT and Linda and Frank George for the SA. Baez, Simms and Ashton were not present, as they were out of the courtroom when the summons for the judge came. The reporter notified Baez and Ashton as to the meeting. None knew it was happening.
It IS his fault. He allows the defense to get away with these tactics day after day. He could command the defense have 4 or 5 witnesses lined up every day whether called or not. He is the ruler of the court and he is allowing Baez to rule his court with his shenanigans. All in the name of this KC getting a fair trial. He should sanction Baez right now. Give him a $5,000 fine or something. Something that hurts so he stops this nonsense. Give him 1 day to pay up.

Amen!!! JP needs to rule this court and he's giving JB way to much slack.....

Hit him where it hurts, his pocket!!!
If JB had half a brain he would insist that KC plead guilty to first degree murder and take LWOP.
I do think Jose is after a mistrial, I hate to say it but their has to be a reason to this madness. After all he does have other counsel helping him and he is not alone. Oh my what a mess.

By now they know their OS was a big mistake and want a do over,BUT, The shenanigans over these expert witness reports started back in December,as HH pointed out this morning.
Judge Eaton on the Wesh TV site said this type of delay is common, expecially in a case like this and we have, in fact, had less delays than usual due to the Judges ability to keep things on schedule so well. He says not to read too much into it.

Which, to me, means I will read a lot into it. He's not my favorite TH.
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
I'm getting a feeling by court staffs demeanor that HHJP is livid & their is work to be done before tomorrow. Not a plea deal though. IMHOO

I think this is BY FAR the most likely scenario. It is really pretty simple.

There is enough drama w/o speculating about more. I do not believe it involves a plea deal.

HHJP is pissed and he had the jury waiting all morning for NOTHING. He probably read Baez the riot act and ordered them to work their butts off today and make haste from tomorrow forward.
Every time I hear JP say both sides I could SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me preface my question by saying I'm pro-prosecution and admire the work of the assistant state attorneys. I'm operating from memory, but I recall HHJP told JA to depose the Body Farm witness on Saturday afternoon with the understanding that the witness would be called Monday morning. Didn't JA have an obligation to be prepared for the witness this morning?

Earlier last week though it was slated for them to also get a depo from that trauma nurse that the DT wants to use.
JMHO, but there is NO WAY the SA's are going to offer a plea at this stage in the trial. Everything has worked to their favor up to this point, including the defenses "Expert Witnesses" who were so beautifully transformed into States Witnesses. Three years of work all for Justice for Caylee isn't going to be thrown out the window now by the SA's due to JB's inability to try this case.
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