2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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Reading all of the media reports on this morning it would seem that the press is all equally landing on JA and there is no mention about the second discovery violation with Eikenbloom. Ummm WTFrak?
I beg to differ. The state attorneys have never put themselves in front of the camera. Nor has Judge Perry. The defense, on the other hand....

There is cameras in the court room. That video is public domain. So I do not understand your statement here.
Why is that everybody in the USA wants to be at the trial except the DT witnesses? Good grief they are fighting to get in there. JB manages to find the one person that can't won't.......curiousier and curriosier.....
you cannot tell the difference between 100 lbs of rotting meat and a corpse because the difference between THAT MUCH meat and a corpse is not that obvious.

a corpse smells a lot like 100 lbs of rotting meat. (i imagine) but 100 lbs of rotting meat is not an everyday smell, like garbage.

people can tell the difference between garbage and a corpse.

there may be a few other smells that approximate that of a corpse, but they are unusual events that most people never smell.


that doesnt mean that a corpse smell is not unusual itself.

it is.

I would agree that not everyone has the ability to tell the difference.

I personally can not tell the diference between 100 pounds of rotting meat and human decomposition. I've smelled human decomp, a man in the woods under a piece of paneling....and I've had a chest freezer, in my shed loaded with meat ( dog kicked out the cord ) It was last July ...I don't know how many days it had been when I discovered iit by opening the lid. The smell was exactly the same to me and filled the backyard.
Who is Dr. Bach and did they depose her? Did she submit a report in discovery process?

Yes, wasn't she one of the ones they did by Skype during pretrial stuff? IIRC, we were not impressed at all with what she said?
Do you think it has anything to do with this?

Think she'll change her plea to insanity?

Impossible. Casey's actions have all shown a deliberate act of deception. She has calculated her lies and has self-corrected at times (Universal studio, for one). Casey is a lot of things, but insane, even to a legal description, is not one of them. Doing bad things and getting caught and pretending like you did nothing is not the same as not knowing you're doing bad things at the time you're doing them.

She knows the difference between right and wrong, and knows that even an accidental drowning gets reported. She also knows that at any point along the way, instead of telling more lies, she could have told the truth as to what (she wants people to believe) happened. She chose not to.

That is the act of a mind fully capable of discerning reality and distortion.
The fact that Caylee wasn't around other kids her age, I believe, is keeping with the dysfunction that this family fosters. Notice that the family has no other family members in court for support, I would think there would be. The family needs to keep a tight circle, because others don't fit in well with their way of life.
Jean on IS seems to think something is going on other than the fact that the DT didn't have their witnesses. She says there was an elderly woman sitting in the witness area and thought it was the person they were referring to when they said they needed to "go get her". She definitely thinks something is up.

It is has been said that Dr. Bock was seen in the witness waiting area.
She is the Defense expert on Botany


Dr. Jane H. Bock - Colorado - EXPERT - Botany - reviewed State witness
Dr. David Hall of Univ of FL - report and inspected scene -
added Nov 30, 2010 - was on June 30, 2010 List - not on Aug 30, 2010 List
[State depo Dec 21, 2010 via Skype - another depo Jan 18, 2011
State depo January 24, 2011 via Skype
State depo set for Feb 12, 2011]


  • Dr. Jane Bock plant expert.JPG
    Dr. Jane Bock plant expert.JPG
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I think those of us not from FL should try to vacation there and give back to their economy . We can all wear Caylee /WS T-shirts so we recognize each other :seeya:
:mickey: :sunshine: :cool2: :parrot: :rollercoaster:

Sounds Great but Please visit one of our other Tourist Attractions and not this Circus!

How Embarassing...

Being a Canadian, I have a bit of an outside view here in the court procedure here. What I see shocks me. Just how much money do the good tax player have to put up to pay for this madness? $10 million is surely a low number here. Does every charged person get this kind of money wasted on them? Of course not. The court's in Florida has been discriminating in favour of the media here from the beginning. A trial held for the media with no concept of reality involved is going on here. No system is perfect. But this system is ludicrous. Personally I like the Israeli three judge tribunal system. That system at least makes for a much quicker cheaper trial. Which is not a burden on the tax players. Gee a trial with no sidebars, no ethnologist or DNA 101 classes, etc... And lawyers that have to plea their case to the judges, not the media and the jurors as a secondary issue.

Not sure I understand your point, but it sounds like you’re saying that the State should not have brought this case to trial?
Wasn't there supposed to be a deposition of a "grief" expert on Sat.?
OK I know I don't always trust this show but on IS Sonny is saying that perhaps the attorneys met in judges quarters, offered up the olive branch and decided to take this time for the State to come up to speed on the material just now given to them. That they agreed they would start fresh tomorrow.

I can see that happening. I can also see Baez totally off his game (pun intended) after what happened today. He got caught... he got burned. He may have some clean up to do with other witnesses also today.

It is very possible there were more lightening strikes to clean up. That is why I wonder about Dr. Bach and whether that discovery was indeed shared.
Yes they are replaying his testimony now and he did say he was co founder and the "senior" something or another.....so thats not true?

I have been reading about this exact issue on another site.
Wikipedia had him as a co founder but that was changed yesterday.
Wikipedia supposedly was the only place that listed him as a co founder. I am only going on what has been posted somewhere else. From what I read this information was sent to Ashton on the weekend.

I don't know if I can talk about stuff on other forums so I will leave it at that.
As far as Rodriguez claiming to be co founder of body farm., this is what I found:

"Bill Rodriguez, one of Bass' graduate students, wrote his doctoral thesis on information gathered from this facility...."

Hardly sounds like he CO FOUNDED the body farm


source: wikipedia
IS discussion on Dr. Spitz's testimony---they said he said he thought the babysitter took Caylee? What?

He did say that. I literally bursted out laughing. The defense witness doesn't even have the story straight!
It's a reference to when the cardinals sit in the Vatican to "elect" a new pope. Each vote that the cardinals make is burned into a special stove and depending on if they have been able to vote in a new pope the smoke appears either black or white. White smoke means a new pope has been elected.
With engine smoke : White means burning oil and black equals a carburetor issue. JB would like use to believe he has been burning the midnight oil..hence white smoke yet in reality he has been having trouble getting the engine started so it is actually black.
Can't imagine being one of the spectators that finally got their seat to watch today.

Doesn't mean it never happened - but we have not heard of any opportunities that Caylee may have had to explore the world and play with other children. I think that is why it is so astounding....at least for me.

It's developmentally appropriate at that age for children to not "play" together. I had plenty of playdates with my son at that age and he never was interested in playing with other kids - just snatching what they had in their hands and running off to play with the toy himself.

This day and age - it is almost an unspoken rule about kids and pics and internet - you just don't publish pics of other people's kids on line. I have a rule with my friends - they can take pics but I don't want my son's face up on the WWW for the world to see. Maybe pics of Caylee with other kids were not released to media for the same reason.

ETA: My son had many playdates - I never thought to take a picture of him at them.
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