2011.06.20 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-three)

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Not sure I understand your point, but it sounds like you’re saying that the State should not have brought this case to trial?

What I am trying to say is the court system needs a massive revamping. In both our Country's.
According to B. Shaeffer he had someone double check his opinion while they were on air. His opinion is that jeopardy could be that they were in the middle of the trial, there was no request from the defense to call a mistrial and that what is happening may not be considered a reason for the judge to declare a mistrial. The higher courts could say it was jeopardy for the defendant.

I'm not a lawyer I'm just reporting what B. Shaeffer stated. I'm waiting for his recap to pop up. It isn't there yet they are probably trying to get the scoop.

Thank you. Very confusing stuff!
I think those of us not from FL should try to vacation there and give back to their economy . We can all wear Caylee /WS T-shirts so we recognize each other :seeya:
:mickey: :sunshine: :cool2: :parrot: :rollercoaster:

I just got back from a week long vacation in Orlando yesterday, and lemme tell you...between me and the kiddos...I think we gave FL a slight economic boost all by ourselves!!!!!:angel:
As far as Rodriguez claiming to be co founder of body farm., this is what I found:

"Bill Rodriguez, one of Bass' graduate students, wrote his doctoral thesis on information gathered from this facility...."

Hardly sounds like he CO FOUNDED the body farm


He DID co-find the site:

"The program began with the arrival of Dr. William M. Bass in 1971 to The University of Tennessee Knoxville. "

Yes! As a general rule lawyers do take court orders seriously. It is wired into them to do what the judges order says. To hit the third or fourth time of a violation of the same court order is literally unheard of.

This may have given KC her IAC appeal right there. I can't see how JB does not face some massive Bar sanctions above and beyond any contempt findings the judge hands down after the trial.

I hope he leaves a little left for the JAC. I'm still thinking about RH's post that if the JAC finds out he mishandled or misspent his clients funds he can be disbarred.

The fact that JB was telling expert witnesses in Dec 11 that there was no money, after he had most likely already struck the deal for $200K with ABC, and was later given $70 by TM - none of which I can see accounted for in any kind of work product on this case (he only took a couple of depos from like LA and AH, and I'm not even sure it was for the capital case) other than perhaps his investigators Lyon and Bolin (we know he didn't pay DC) is just staggering to me. I cannot imagine what he spent the last three years doing other than filing late and incomplete motions to avoid deadlines and harassing innocent people like TM and attending some state depos (telling CA to "Zip it!") and making media appearances. He didn't ask Dr. Huntington to even start that stupid pig decomp debacle until last November. I hope they do a forensic audit on him, imo he is a cheap little crook that stole his client's money (and the irony would certainly be rich, JS, there!) and nail him for something criminal.

And I also hope the the presence of CM after AL and LKB bailed will prevent her from an ineffective counsel claim. It's not like she was in the dark about any of this from the minute her parents warned her in jail to the repeated hearings she was required to attend and the access she had to very competent co-counsel these last three years.
I can just imagine Baez's txts in court to Sims or whomever on his team.

911. sinkn fast.
I have been reading about this exact issue on another site.
Wikipedia had him as a co founder but that was changed yesterday.
Wikipedia supposedly was the only place that listed him as a co founder. I am only going on what has been posted somewhere else. From what I read this information was sent to Ashton on the weekend.

I don't know if I can talk about stuff on other forums so I will leave it at that.

this is wiki too, so ?????

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Tennessee_Anthropological_Research_Facility"]University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

The University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility, better known as the Body Farm and sometimes seen as the Forensic Anthropology Facility,[1] was started in late 1971 by anthropologist William M. Bass as a facility for study of the decomposition of human remains...

Bill Rodriguez, one of Bass' graduate students, wrote his doctoral thesis on information gathered from this facility
Wasn't there supposed to be a deposition of a "grief" expert on Sat.?

If it's the nurse/lecturer who was mentioned previously, her website indicated that she had a speaking engagement out of the country and was due back on the 19th (yesterday). I don't think she's been deposed by SA yet.
OK I know I don't always trust this show but on IS Sonny is saying that perhaps the attorneys met in judges quarters, offered up the olive branch and decided to take this time for the State to come up to speed on the material just now given to them. That they agreed they would start fresh tomorrow.

I can see that happening. I can also see Baez totally off his game (pun intended) after what happened today. He got caught... he got burned. He may have some clean up to do with other witnesses also today.

It is very possible there were more lightening strikes to clean up. That is why I wonder about Dr. Bach and whether that discovery was indeed shared.

I would be more apt to believe IS about this IF JB and JA were in the chambers since they were the two bickering the most, but from tweets and reports, they were not- it was CM and LDB/George
I've thought the same thing a number of times. It is sad, little kids should have friends. Thats hard to do though when the only thing your mom thinks about is herself.

Think of all the babysitters Caylee could have had if her mom knew how to share. Networking is something that a successful event planner would understand...but since the defendant was no such thing, well...
Baez and Cheney M. look too smug in that pic, imo. WTH.

Maybe just stage-craft ? Or are we being primed to accept a mistrial, resulting in the accused 'walking' ? JB was, imo, deliberately provocative today (in addition to exhibiting blinding discourtesy towards the judge on several occasions). JB appeared to be reading from a script. He doesn't work alone, so it can't be that he scripted his performance whilst under the influence, therefore it's to be suspected the far more experienced CM at least vetted that script prior to today and was equally determined it should be as offensive and provocative as possible

Was JB being deliberately provocative with regard to the judge, the prosecution team and the world at large in order people will 'understand' if the judge deems a mistrial pronouncement the only response ? Did the 'talking head' (can't remember his name) jump the gun by telegraphing to the public that should the judge halt proceedings, it would be regarded as double-jeopardy, hence KC would 'walk' ? In stating that opinion, did the 'talking head' inadvertently tip us off as to what is to come ?

Are the judge, the defence team and possibly also the State, all party to such a scheme ? If so, who would have the clout to arrange it and why ? Who could KC know who would go to such lengths to see her exonerated ?

If any of the above has any basis in truth, would the State be 'rewarded' for their co-operation with assured convictions of bigger criminal fish ?

I'd hate to think we're captive audience to an elaborate performance, at a cost of many millions of dollars to Floridan taxpayers
Sounds Great but Please visit one of our other Tourist Attractions and not this Circus!

How Embarassing...


I plan on making another contribution in the Ft. Myers/Sanibel Island area
next winter. Really beautiful area.
Hallo everybody

Is this the thread for "your honor, the dog ate my homework" Anonymous?
Bruce at WFTV: I was waiting to find out what they knew. One of our producers told me that because the first two witnesses were put on hold for the day, and the defense expect those two to take all day, there wasn't another witness ready to go. Both sides agreed to recess for the day.

So... when Baez said the next witness was thrity minutes away, he was lying - AGAIN?
Yes, but my point is that if one side's gamesmanship is so egregious that it violates the Court's rules, then how can both be just 'as at fault'.

they can't. there is no similarity. jb is going to pay.

the only question in my mind is, is it intentional or incompetent?

i think the judge assumes intentional.

i'm not that sure.
My niece just turned 3 last week and she doesn't really have "friends" yet. She does have an older brother and a cousin close to her age, but all the neighbor kids are older. My SIL is going to start her in pre-school in the fall, that is when my other two nieces went also, when they were three. I don't think it's all that unusual for Caylee not to have been in pre-school quite yet.

Right, so your niece has a cousin and an older brother to play with. Caylee was about to turn 3 and had no brothers or cousins, nor any playmates that we know of. There were no other kids that I saw at her Bday party even.

It is usual for a toddler to have some playdates with other kids by this age. It is vital for their happiness and their emotional and physical development, imo. It just tells me a lot about where her head was at. Most single moms befriend other single moms, so their kids can play together and the moms can trade babysitting and also talk to other adults. But Casey chose to hang out with the single party crowd, which says a lot to me.
JA: "Mr E showed up at my office yesterday afternoon for potential deposition but I sent him away because without a report I have no way of deposing him."

Of course the major point that JA is describing here is how, once again, JA has tried to withhold depositions from the State. But I find it exceedingly sad that JA had to even be at his office yesterday through no fault of his own ~ Happy Fathers' Day, Mr Ashton ~ sent with love from Jose. :furious:
Not quoting, but summarizing. Please correct me anyone!

Bill S. said. That ICA could plea to the appeal court that there really was NO reason for the state/judge to call a mistrial. She could say that the jury was fine and there were no issues that should have caused this. ONE of the results of this position could be that the appeals court would rule that she was correct, that there should have been no mistrial, and that she would not be subjected to double jeopardy by being retried and therefore, could walk free.

No comment, I am sitting on my hands right now!!! :maddening:
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