2011.06.21 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-four)

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I refuse to watch any show or segment that has Linda Kenney Baden on, BUT today I would be interested to see how she will spin todays events into a pro-defense moment.

I thought that yesterday but there she was, blaming the SA attorney for everything. :crazy:
We have to take the kitten back to the vet at 3:30, so I doubt I'll get to hear much more testimony today.

What did I miss from the netherlands guy? Anything important?

I'm sorry Ms. Mock234, due to your inability to listen to the DTY's bull..., er CIC, we may have to replace you with Mr. Mock546.

But for those following the saga of the under-achieving kitten: I landed on the idea of chicken baby food yesterday. So far, we have a winner. :)

I used to eat turkey baby food (b/c, at least then, it had more protein than any other variety that I could find) on reduced-fat triscuits. This was when I had a nutritionist to me me away from eating disorder habits and gradually back to real foods. I didn't love it, but I have to say, it wasn't bad! I just smeared it on, like a pate I guess.

I am super-sensitive to sugar (it makes me sleepy and mean) so I would join those of the dieting persuasion in the fruit breakfasts. But oh, I do love eggs and bacon. Especially eggs benedict.
anybody got any super strength tylenol :banghead:
listening to JB whine about the state not doing his work for him is maddening
If you are going to say your client's father found Caylee in the pool and she drowned wouldn't you have checked to see what she was actually doing that day and not just take her word for it. Also since there were only two adults at home on the 16th, KC and her father wouldn't someone on the computer during this time be a GIANT RED FLAG that once more that your client is, again, lying. And this is the State's fault because defense did not think to cover their bases on this matter??????? jmo

Remember his opening statement... she drowned sometime in the late morning, no sometime in the early afternoon, oh no wait it was late morning. He couldn't even keep their made-up time frame straight in the OS.
So is this April W the surprise witness?

I see JB is back to his usual complaining about he didn't get it, didn't have the right things, State didn't do it, need more time. Eikenbloom and this last argument had been gone over before. Guess since Eikenbloom got in JB took it a step further, again.

Baez seems to want evidence that comes from SA to be in a format that is simple and straightforward so that he doesn't have to spend an inordinate amount of time on it. In other words, JB wants everything neatly handed to him on a silver platter and that someone else has done the assignment for him. :loser:
I can't help but think this morning that ICA killed her baby and wove lies instead of admitting she was wrong and didn't want to raise her. She saved face in her own mind by just getting rid of her and not letting her mom know she was right. She could have just given her parents custody and moved on.

And, now, she's committing suicide by not admitting she was really, really wrong in selecting her attorney. She'll just keep saying she's happy with counsel in order to save face. She could have admitted this guy just isn't up for the job and got a decent lawyer, but nope, her family questioned it before so now she has to hold fast in her "beliefs" that he's really good.
I think Perry is getting incredibly annoyed by Baez, with good reason, but is trying hard to be fair because he wants the defendant to get a fair trial. I think the fact that the defense keeps screwing up can make it look at first glance like he is "biased" because he has to keep calling them on the carpet. I don't think he is biased in favor of wanting a conviction for the defendant but he expects people to behave professionally. He also seems very protective of the jury's time which is being wasted by these endless delays and arguments.
IMO, HECK NO!!! I think he's been more than fair. In fact, I think he could have and should have been harder with the DT in some instances and he wasn't. JMO

So in another chat thread I'm in some select people feel the judge is being biased, in favor of the state.

your thoughts?

I actually feel he is being pretty fair but I am not well versed in the law.
Can someone give me a quick recap on what happened the last hour or so... had to go out and clean up the yard, had a storm last night and it made a mess, small branches down and such. Thanks, appreciate it so much !!!!

Look up posts by mombomb and wenwe4.

They are doing excellent recaps!
Add just a bit of baby rice cereal to the chicken baby food. This will help put a little weight on. :)

O/T She's not eating at all now and can barely stand. We're running her back to the vet ASAP. Soonest appointment I could get was 3:30. And my car is out of commision too, so hubby has to leave work. UGH! :(
So ,if I got that right, ICA may have overheard conversations of April Whalen's describing
her toddler's drowning and the Grandfather finding the little girl drowned.
Also,there is computer and texting evidence from June 16th to rebutt the scenario timeline JB put forth.
JB claimed Discovery violation.
It certainly would! But, I think they are implying that ICA heard AW's story from either AW herself, or other inmates there in jail.

The prisoners talk through the vents and even though AW may have been telling a prisoner other than KC, KC may have overheard the whole conversation. I believe LE is still investigating this story. If KC tries to use this defense.......they will have the best rebuttal witness ever if it is true proving KC is a liar and probably has lied about her father and brother, too.

Will not sit well with the jury. When you tell one lie you might get away with it. When to tell the second lie to support the first and go on and on and on it WILL come back to bite you big time. Apparently this may be what is happening. jmo
So in another chat thread I'm in some select people feel the judge is being biased, in favor of the state.

your thoughts?

I actually feel he is being pretty fair but I am not well versed in the law.

I believe that he is biased towards ICA - she is facing the DP and he is extremely conscious of this. If this were some run of the mill case I believe he would not be so lenient with her attorney's shenanigans.
Well, I'm pretty lost since I'm at work and trying to follow the action. I don't think this witness has testified yet? I understand the computer issues just discussed. But the DNA witness from the Netherlands - has he testified? Is he going to be allowed to testify? Sorry to jump in like this and if you don't have time to answer I'll wait and catch up tonight. Thanks.
I wonder how ICA found out about AW's child drowning if she is in solitary? Isn't she supposed to be in solitary?


OK, my post got lost in the netherlands, netherworlds, netherwords, ether...

Just wanted to say that I remember a: Trial Flashback.

When JB gave his OS he said it in a nonconvincing, mumbled, garbled way--clear giveaway that he was lying.

Camera panned to ICA. She was digesting this lie (that she was well aware would be put forth) into herself, you could tell by the swallowing (schwallowing) she did upon hearing this broadcast in the courtroom. From body language it looked as if she had then digested it and compartmentalized it permanently behind a false facade (wall), although later, that wall cracked.

I made what I believe to be a Freudian Slip when I first attempted to post this. I spelled compartmentalized, as conpartmentalized, then corrected it.
Okay, what I'm getting from this is that Jose and Casey came up with the June 16th drowning story just lately and neither of them had the smarts to see if there was something that could refute the timeline. I am assuming there are smarter lawyers in the team but so far it looks like they don't really care if Casey gets convicted or no.

I'll just speak for myself but I think I credited Casey with smarts she obviously does NOT have - because I do now think she got her opening statement story from this April person. Stupid me, I thought she got it from the jail visitation video of "surprise, surprise" which in actual fact would support her story but for the fact this sociopath will NOT take any blame whatsoever and wants to waltz out of jail free and clear.

It's so delicious that ICA keeps doing herself in with her sociopathic tendencies.
Ok, Caylee just died in the pool what do I need to do now? Hmmmm, yes I will research Shot Girls on the net. Wonder if Tony wants to rent some movies tonight?
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