2011.06.21 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-four)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I happened to see KB and BS leaving the media area this evening at 7:30, long day for them both when they are up and at 'em again in the morning. They're the best!
only because tomorrow is a half-day because HHJP has something scheduled in the afternoon...

HHBP is overseeing a budget committee that decides the funding for the courts, so it's important that he be there.
Does anyone know approximately when Mr. Eikenbloom complimented Jeff Ashton for being the one who introduced DNA in courts? For some reason I can't find it. TIA!
You should post this in the legal questions thread. I would like to know some of these things as well. What does TIA mean?

TIA = thank you in advance :) sometimes i am really scratching my head over the abbreviations too
Does anyone know approximately when Mr. Eikenbloom complimented Jeff Ashton for being the one who introduced DNA in courts? For some reason I can't find it. TIA!

It was fairly early in JA's cross. But that was one of the truly weirder moments of the trial. Eikenbloom seemed to truly relish his cross examination with JA. He was having an intelligent and spirited debate with someone who actually truly understood his work. A pioneer in Eikenbloom's field. The man who got DNA accepted by the courts. Eikenbloom was having a blast with JA and it clearly showed. You could almost see the pain on his face whenever his "employer" from the defense team started asking him pointless and clueless questions.

Although to be fair to Eikenbloom. He accomplished EXACTLY what he set out to do today. He showed the American legal comunity that he could be a credible and knoledgeable witness on the stand and gave a nice free advertisement for what his process and product could do for a criminal case (particularly for the prosecution). Unfortunately he didn't offer anything whatsoever of value to this case, as pretty much nothing he said had any real bearing on it in anyway. But he looked good and presentable while saying that he could really say nothing. A well spent pro bono testimony for Mr. Eikenbloom. Marketing at its finest. (Not so great for JB and ICA).
I wonder if ICA will take the stand and testify?

Well I sure hope so! LDB, in her noon hour update to HHJP talked about when ICA testifies and their new discovery.
From my point of view, LDB threw down the gauntlet and pretty much said - Double Dare Ya!

Cause when you do, here's a taste of what's going to be coming at you.

:skip: :skip: :skip: ...... One of today's really enjoyable moments when LDB gave the court a peek into that can of :worms: !

And unfortunately I fell asleep during NG, and also unfortunately woke up during Dr. Drew - LBK was "somewhat subdued" tonight - :great: :floorlaugh: :great:
You know what really concerns me? That the jury will feel sorry for the accused because she has a g-d awful attorney. Half kidding...but realistic? IDK
I don't know whatever possessed JB to think he could handle a case of this magnitude. I'm wondering if the jury consultant hasn't also worked with Baez...'cause noone could look this bad without trying. IMHO
But, I am unclear of the FL sentencing rules. Last few days there was chatter of acquittal, Based on some odd, court requested mistrial, dbl jeopardy ?
I was wondering if the charges against ICA are an 'all or nothing' deal.
Meaning, if the DP is reduced to aggravated manslaughter...what happens with sentencing on all of the additional charges? Not served consecutively?
Or, if there were a mistrial, what happens to the remaining charges? Would ICA be sentenced for those separately? And, remain in jail awaiting trial on just the murder/DP charge? :confused: TIA!

Please try not to worry. The TH's love to stir up all kinds of reasonable doubt inuendos and insinuations that she might get an acquittal. All to drum up ratings. Have faith!
But, I am unclear of the FL sentencing rules. Last few days there was chatter of acquittal, Based on some odd, court requested mistrial, dbl jeopardy ?
I was wondering if the charges against ICA are an 'all or nothing' deal.
Meaning, if the DP is reduced to aggravated manslaughter...what happens with sentencing on all of the additional charges? Not served consecutively?
Or, if there were a mistrial, what happens to the remaining charges? Would ICA be sentenced for those separately? And, remain in jail awaiting trial on just the murder/DP charge? :confused: TIA!

Strange! Please link to *chatter on acquittal*. TIA.
Handy dandy [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132555"]Abbreviations and Acronyms Thread.[/ame]
RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby
@bobkealing Good news for #CaseyAnthony defense, tomorrow can only be half-as-bad as today was.
The benefit of reading backwards...omg...just way too funny. I think RH has missed his calling.
RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby
@bobkealing Good news for #CaseyAnthony defense, tomorrow can only be half-as-bad as today was.

Gotta admit - the Orlando local talent sure is having a good time regarding Mr. Baez during the "defence process".

Do we have any idea who Baez is putting on in the morning and who JA is taking apart shortly after that?
You know what really concerns me? That the jury will feel sorry for the accused because she has a g-d awful attorney. Half kidding...but realistic? IDK
I don't know whatever possessed JB to think he could handle a case of this magnitude. I'm wondering if the jury consultant hasn't also worked with Baez...'cause noone could look this bad without trying. IMHO


IMO - Er - Umm - No! They have been able to watch that cold empty face six days a week, they've watched her laugh inappropriately, flirt with her attorneys, make her very best effort to cry when she thought she should be doing that. And best of all, they know she did nothing to help her child, did nothing but party and shag around for 31 days before CA caught up with her. The jury feel sorry for her? Not a chance.
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