2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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I guess it depends... I'm technically "salaried" but I still have to clock in/out. I get comp time for anything over my regularly scheduled hours, and ever once in awhile I get overtime if it's approved in advance.

My husband is salaried he gets the same pay every week no matter how many hours he works. the hospital i work at does not require salary folks to punch a time clock they don't get overtime they used to get comp time but the policy has been changed they only get pal time (vacation/holiday/sick pay rolled into one)
Does anyone remember if Cindy said back in the depositions that she looked up chloroform in relation to her chlorophyll search? She still thought Caylee was alive back then, so could she have fibbed then and has to stick with it now? We all know Casey mimics, could she have seen the searches and gotten an idea about making chloroform or had she already been making it.....
I'd like to know if the dog got better pretty quickly.

If this is something that had to come out because it had been said in the past, at least some things did get out to the jury if they're alert enough to pick up on things:

Something suspicious was wrong with a small creature in that house. Symptoms that chloroform could cause

Cindy was concerned about chemicals in addition to the dog

Cindy got the check charges out there

Cindy did not look up how to make chlorofrom

Cindy says she wasn't on computer very long and could have gotten on there right behind Casey then Casey get right back on
I see her as the same vile creature, who trampled all over Caylee's dead body again today.
It's not even about saving ICA... for CA it's all about winning. You could see in her face how much she enjoyed being combative with LBD, she was just reveling in the lies, trying to outwit her. I understand why her own daughter loathes and despises her.

BBM, this is so true. Everytime I see that portion of the testimony it makes me sick. It reminds me so much of her Morgan deposition and we all know how horrible she was in that.
And now I have lost all respect for Lippman. Can't he get into trouble for letting Cindy perjure herself on the stand? I am just so disgusted right now!

And my mother has been nurse longer than CA and barely knows how to use a computer. She knows off the top of her head about medical stuff. When I ask her a question about symptoms, she answers me immediately with her knowledge as a nurse. I have NEVER seen her use a computer to look medical stuff up. My sister is a vet, though, so my mom asks her about vet questions. Still, I think she would know what is toxic to dogs or not also being a dog owner for a long time. Cindy is either the worst dog owner and nurse out there or she is completely full of it!!!!
I wonder why LDB did not address that at that moment. I hope she had a reason other than just being so angry it sliiped past her. I pray she is saving it for the big bang rebuttal

I think this it's going to be a major triumph for the SA when they recall Cindy. Not only will they show Cindy as a liar but it will also show she is trying to cover up for her daughter. Cindy may have just inserted the final nail into Caseys coffin, we just need LDB to hammer it in!
I am sure they keep their employment records, time sheets, patient medical records, staff assignment lists, for many years. If CA was working 8hrs on those days ( and we know she was) there is a paper trail a mile wide.

YEP - just thinking of IRS requirements!
I feel like I've been punked. :sigh:

Listening to Mark Lippman, is really making me think that this BS today by CA was orchestrated a long time ago. He is making excuses for her performance by saying the state never asked her specific questions.

This leads me to believe that they (DT along with GA CA and ML) reviewed her depo in depth looking for specific things that were not asked. Kind of like the past few days of bringing in experts to say what wasn't present in the evidence. This seems to be the DT's newest theme.

just reviewed Cindy's deposition-done under oath. She did mention looking up chlorophy for the dogs but didn't think she got into chloroform. She flat out denied ever doing a computer search on how to make chloroform. All3 SA's were there for her depo. Burdick was asking the??questions at this point. Perjury?? SA going to hit this onrebuttal.
they will get CA's cell phone records for those days.....what about the my space or fb from ICA way back in march? I remember reading it all before it was deleted....did we save it here somewhere? ICA was talking to LA about Dad getting a real job, and how Mom cleans house on the weekend, and how ICA was letting Caylee play with CA's panda bears while CA was at work.....do we still have the facebook from back then??
Is there a thread for HLN shows tonight I can't find one and don't know how to create one?
If anyone on the jury is even somewhat computer savvy, they know she's full of it. Instead of just saying "no" when asked if she searched for neck-breaking, she says "No, but I remember a pop up of a youtube skateboarder that said 'neck breaking stunt.'" So a random youtube video popped up out of nowhere? And that resulted in a record of a google search for "neck breaking"? Please.

Lets not forget folks we have a IT tech on the jury!!
They need to hammer this home. I only caught it because I knew she didn't have a myspace because I know non-testified to info from following the case forever. It really needs to be spelled out in black and white....she does not have a myspace in March, the chloroform searches were made DURING myspace hits.

Bill Schaeffer was just saying that one of WFTV's viewers brought to his attention that the searches for chloroform were done within a few seconds of a viewing of My space. Under LDB cross exam CA was asked about whether she had a Myspace on that date... She said no. I totally missed that because I wasn't sure why she asked CA about Myspace at that point. I am sure that during rebuttal LDB will be able to completely impeach CA with that little bit of testimony. ICA is the only one in the house that had a My Space page on that date! :woohoo:
Cindy never loved Caylee. I expressed this opinion earlier this week and found it was best if I "take it back" by the responses I received to my opinion. I'll bite again and see if the coast has cleared...I am a little worried that Cindy could decide to cry again. :dunno:

IMHO: Cindy is as bad as her daughter. Cindy helped to create Casey. Neither Cindy nor Casey EVER LOVED Caylee.

(note: my idea of love is not what has been expressed by this family for Caylee. This is my opinion only. )

of all your choices #4 is the most interesting to me. The Prosecution is so thorough..certainly they would be prepared for this Chlorophyll/Chloroform hooey..and the FACT that CA & GA were at work had to be substantiated...didn't it???

To me, Linda Drane Burdick seemed outraged, but she also did not keep CA on the stand long. I hope they have a swat team getting those Gentiva emails right now (unless they already have and they are setting a trap for CA). It would be delicious if they would charge her with obstruction and perjury!

I was dumbfounded today. Now I can happily return to despising Cindy Anthony, she had me fooled for a couple of days

I feel exactly the same, I had said from the very beginning I felt these were Scott Peterson's parents all over again. Then when Cindy testified the other day, I felt the gut wrenching loss she was feeling, but she fooled me, she was a totally different person today. Wonder where Casey gets the lying skill from? This family is very skilled at lying by omission and I'm just sick because I believe the case now is lost because of Cindy's testimony today.
On a company intranet server, the likelihood that all her information (not directly pertaining to a Pt) has long since been overwritten on the HDD's. What reason would they have to retain any non-work product that she didn't already hand off to others when she left?

Payroll will even be hard to prove when she was actually there or not, I doubt the DT went into this without making sure they weren't exposing their flank.

Because she already said most of her work was done with patients and others via e-mail and if that's the case, Gentiva will not be deleting all these records since they are a medical association. ALSO, I'm sure the SA ha already gotten back ups of CAs e-mails in that time period when this all went down.
Trust me, there WILL be something.. even if its an authorization for a patient OR the testimony of her co-workers.
My heavens!! Judge Alex and Vinnie saying it's ok that CA lied!! Now, Vinnie is doing a tribute to her.

OMG! What about Caylee, Vinnie??? Caylee loves her?? How dare you!!

Done...first time I'm so mad I'm crying. I'll turn off HLN and never turn it on again.

Bless you, Caylee.

I had to turn it off also. I could not stand listening to the TH's saying this was a big win for the defense. Whaaaaaat? She LIED! How is that a big win?

How is that justice? It's sickening!

It will have been a waste, but it is going to be a while before Cindy realizes that. She is tragic, imo. :twocents:

I couldn't agree more. I recall reading some of Cindy's letters to Casey in jail. They were very Christian in their content and tone. And - they seemed to be sincere. I think that's where the real tragedy lies. If Cindy truly is a Christian, then she must believe in the reality of the existence of hell. No one in all the Bible spoke of hell more than Jesus spoke of hell. And murder is one of the three sins that cries out to heaven for vengence. Just as Cindy allowed Casey to get away with lying without appropriate consequence, so she seeks now to allow her to get away with murder without appropriate consequence. But as Christians we know it's the suffering of the consequences that enables us to grow, to learn, to become cleansed. No consequences, no learning. Cindy thinks of her "self-sacrifice" for Casey as an act of love. And perhaps it is and as she intends it as such, it may well contribute to the salvation of her own soul. But what of Casey's soul? Therein is the true tragedy, I think. Cindy's selfless act robs Casey of enduring the suffering that could ultimately teach her selflessness as well. Casey's actions killed Caylee's body. As horrible and wretched a thing as that is, it was but the death of her body. We can envision Caylee in heaven, with our merciful God. What Cindy is doing - in allowing Casey to escape the just consequence for her actions and all the learning that comes from that - is contributing to the killing of Casey's soul. And as a Christian, Cindy should know that that is a million times more tragic that the killing of an innocent's body.
OMG! My hubby texted me at work about this but I couldn't check it out until just now. Not sure where to start.... so were Cindy's dogs and/or bamboo shoots in the trunk of the car accounting for the chloroform spikes?? And what do the dog's timecards say???
Just.... gobsmacked.
Does anyone who spent time looking at the computer forensics stuff know what the timeline is on the other searches? Like were any of the other searches for stuff Cindy is denying having looked up done during the same browsing session??
Just... still gobsmacked.

If ICA = Inmate Casey Anthony however will we differentiate if CA is arrested on perjury charges and become Inmate Cindy Anthony?
I vote for ICMA, but according the AZlawyer who just posted on the legal thread, she doesn't think this will happen.

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