2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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I heard Cindy testify today that her employer ORDERS her to LIE about her time worked on her company time slips so that (as she so disingenuously put it) she doesn't get overtime during any week.

Maybe its just ME, guys, but I'm 54 years old and have held jobs with various employers since I was 16 years old and ALL of them THREATENED me with immediate dismissal (firing) if I ever FALSIFIED a time slip. Maybe her company is the exception to the rule, eh? Or maybe she's still a great big LIAR?

Maybe LDB sent an investigator over to Gentiva to ask about their policy. IIRC, wasn't one or two of Cindy's supervisors deposed?
Please don't shoot me, but I've just done a quick review of the relevant testimony from the deposition (about the chloroform/chlorophyll) and I do not see an inconsistency between what she said today in court and what is in the deposition.

Did she lie about something else?

Her deposition is almost verbatim to what she said today. The only thing I didn't read was if she was or was not at work those particular days in March. I do not think she lied today, I DO think she lied on Tuesday, July 28, 2009. Why would she change that testimony today?
She was pretty much locked into that statement, she said she took it down right in the beginning impossible to get out of the statement. Added to this is Cindy wouldn't actually fess up and say it was her fault just to save her daughter, that's George's job.

But George said that he didn't molest KC. Probably in his next testimony he will begin to remember something, right? :)
I heard Cindy testify today that her employer ORDERS her to LIE about her time worked on her company time slips so that (as she so disingenuously put it) she doesn't get overtime during any week.

Maybe its just ME, guys, but I'm 54 years old and have held jobs with various employers since I was 16 years old and ALL of them THREATENED me with immediate dismissal (firing) if I ever FALSIFIED a time slip. Maybe her company is the exception to the rule, eh? Or maybe she's still a great big LIAR?

It's actually against the law (labor). You must fill out and sign your own card. If done electronically you must login under your own ID and password. No one is suppose to do that for you. CA was not smart stating that because her employer will never admit to it. My understanding is that she has reported overtime on her card before and just because she is salary does not mean she does not have to report it her time off. If she put 8 hours on her card and not a check mark, she has to report her hours worked and her time-off. The company must maintain her timecard records for at least 7 years. If SA does not have them, the subpoena is on it's way before the close of business today.

Also her computer would show many activities she had regarding any documents she may have typed, changed and any other work she would normally be stored on her computer for that day. If she's lying....KC's done. Another door opened. When will they learn. jmo
.....I'm glad I reserved judgement. That's the Cindy we all know. Glad I didn't see this live..OMG!
Cake video? I'd like to see that. Can you direct me to where it is posted? TIA

and another thing, amazing how she didnt need any help on or off the stand today. remarkably she was sooooooo ok today. what a difference the change of cic makes??
There has been much made about why ICA lies so much. I think she lies because she comes from a family whose first nature is to lie. I thought CA was finally beginning to tell the truth but her testimony today proves otherwise. What a family!

They all need to be fed Ivory soap for every lie uttered. It worked on us youngins! :D
Ok, first of all - I AM JUST ILL because I have to DRIVE from NC to NY tomorrow and this iphone BETTER KEEP THE SKYFIRE CONNECTION THE WHOLE DA*M WAY TO NY !!!!!!

Second of all, are you telliing me we are to believe that BIG MOUTH, NON-STOP TALKING, GUM-CHEWING CYNTHIA listened to ALLLLLLLL the HUNDREDSSSS of news reports that there were searches about chloroform on her computer and NEVER SAID ANYTHING FOR 3 YEARS????? I guess that MATCHES good 'ol George not saying anything and letting his daughter face the DEATH PENALTY for an accidental drowning ???

I CANNOT BELIEVE the moral character of these people.

I need a tranquilizer.
You know what's really sad? The only people fighting for her are the ones who never even knew her.... Not the people with a duty to protect her, the ones she trusted....
well, another BIG day for CA's ego, whose appetite is boundless. it's like a shark which doesn't register having consumed a meal and is constantly ravenous

the previous BIG/BIG day was when she was writhing in agony on the stand during the playing of the 911 calls

betcha GA won't be able to get near the remote tonight 'cause CA will be doing all the channel surfing, looking for her "cameos", listening to all the THs who are calling this the BIGGEST day of the trial

this mother and daughter are constantly jockeying for position
If my dog were eating bamboo shoots and appeared sick, I would logically google "is bamboo poisonous to pets?" or something like that.
Not meant to pick on you in any way, but I'm curious. You say there were 84 searches for chloroform. What would your reaction be if you learned that there was only 1 search and that any information you've heard otherwise is false?

I'd say bring on the evidence you think you have...unless this is just a lesson in semantics.
I say give me some of those meds that CA is taking, so I can remember how to search hear and find ICA's Myspace pages from way back......early onset....
Interestingly, March 17th is St. Patrick's Day. Could be a day that would stand out in the mind of a Cindy co-worker.

Regarding the computer searches: Where the Prosecuters are going to trip Cindy up on those searches is the BROWSER they were made on. Remember, all of the suspicious searches were made on a Firefox Browser that was set up under a totally separate User Account on the desktop computer. And these files were then deleted at around 4:00am when Yuri Melich had just interviewed Casey at the home.

IIRC the computer forensics showed that neither George nor Cindy EVER used the Firefox Browser. Their usage was on Internet Explorer, located within a totally different user account.

This is why Cindy was asked today about when she got onto the desktop what did she have to do to use the internet? Her answer was that it was "just always on".

Cindy obviously doesn't know much about how computers are set up, doesn't know much about multiple users and multiple browsers.

Casey knew a little more. She went ahead and set up her own User Account on the hard drive, probably password protected it. She then downloaded the Firefox browser into THAT User Account. That way, no snoopy mom or dad could click onto "History" and see where she had been browsing.

Oh, and if there's an IT guy on the jury - he already knows this.
I'd love to understand how CA got sucked into doing this..did Baez ring her up and say if you do this KC will come home and have another baby "for you"???? Seriously! How did Baez get her to do this? I thought she was going to "just seek the truth" and I thought she was in George's corner! What the H*ll happened!???

I am also questioning the timing of their lawyers' statement yesterday to Cnn reporter..

TC, Robin
Not sure if this is the right place to post it, but I am wondering if CA WAS searching because of her listless dog, because ICA was practicing on the dog. It has bothered me all along that the searches were several months before Caylee went missing. So perhaps ICA was finding information and trying things out on the dog. Horrible thought.

My computer does offer "hints" when I type in a word to search. Possibly CA typed in the first few letters of clorofyll and it offered cloroform from ICA's previous search records??? If they were switching off and on using the same computer then maybe ICA had already been on the site 80 times and the others were CA's. I think i'm just trying to find an answer as to why CA would get up there and say she done those searches. It makes me sick to think she would knowingly get up there and lie:waitasec:

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