2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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And how can she honestly think anything done on her work computer is utterly irretrievable after 3 years???

Like the SA's are going to take her for her word? :deal:

Furthermore all plants produce some form of chlorophyll, due to the presence of a unique organelle called a chloroplast...hmm so any plant in her yard would most likely contain chlorophyll.
I think they wanted to show that the computer program was showing a day by day count of the visits so it on day 83 -myspace log in, next day, 84 myspace login rather than 83 visits on this day and 84 visits on the next. That's what I thought, but, it wasn't clear to me either...

It would equal 84 visits to the chloroform site - just not on the same day. Cindy also let us know that the individual components of making chloroform were searched showing me that she was well prepped for this testimony by the DT.
Also, why would there not be searches for bamboo, sick dog, very sleepy dog etc..Maybe those searches are there..but I would think they would have hit on that.
She may have been looking for other MySpace pages, KC *friends* ha, boyfriends, etc......c'mon~

Ya think so? Hope you are kidding because I don't think CA bothered to check on ICA's friends ever. I feel like if that computer went from My Space to chloroform in a matter of seconds it wasn't CA who did it.... 84 times.

Also, if CA was home so often when she was supposed to be at work, she would have figured out that ICA only had an imagi-job.
The Myspace log in combined with the Chloroform searches suggest this was ICA.

CA stated today in her testimony that she did not have a myspace account at that point. and as OMACHKA said above, the log in to myspace and the chloroform searches were done with in seconds of each other. That was not CA unless ICA was sitting on her LAP
oh she said it clear as day. CA is so dippy she will sit there and lie like she did but "forget" to not mention the unmentionable..it is more of the she loves her she hates her syndrome!

Since she mentioned the check fraud charges, can they now be introduced?
My first post....

I am sick to my stomache after watching CA's testimony. I felt sorry for her for all this time and I feel like such a fool now. How sick can she be to lie for her daughter? Wow, just wow.....
Just had a thought here. I wonder if the DT and the Anthony's came to an agreement that they would not be bringing up any more about the molestation or drowning if they would help them try and free their daughter. Anyone else think this might be possible.
I can tell you from having worked as a payroll clerk myself that CA could leave work anytime she wanted to being saleried. The people that were saleried at my job would take off to get their hair done, run errands, buy groceries or just plain go home. It was abused awfully where I worked. Just saying cuz I don't believe a word that comes from CA's mouth. I want to say that I hope today was just a preview of what's to come for both CA and GA and yes LA too.
While i was seething during CA's testimony today i have since calmed down and realized it doesn't matter. It was the computer searches to me those did not make or break the case. The science does she cannot take credit for that.

I'm going to give her this day to say she tried to save her daughters life (no matter how sick it makes me feel). I just hope she is now done with her cover stories and next time up she is more truthful. She has already given good testimony for the state that the jury heard, If i were on the jury this would not sway me one way or the other. I always had doubts about the chloroform stuff but i still considered ICA guilty.

TH heads will a field day with this mind you, glad the jury is spared all of that crap..

BTW I also think the jury would have noticed the change in demeanour etc with CA. I do not think CA testimony today is that powerful to negate much, There is the duct tape, the 31 days, and all the other lovely things ICA did that the jury has heard about.

Keep the faith.. justice for Caylee
I think the Prosecution had heard about the chlorophyll from Cindy before and I'm sure her constant covering up and lying for Casey come as no surprise to the SA. However, when Cindy brought up the "check charges" I couldn't help but wonder if she was trying to through anything out there that might cause a a mistrial. Can anyone comment on that little "slip" cindy made? I thought the jury was not to hear anything of it but when there was no objection I started to wonder....

BBM...Totally agree this is what CA was trying to do. Please watch and re-watch the Morgan Diposition, that will give you the true faces of CA/GA. Also today when the SA was questioning her, you can see her true face when the question came up about her medication, she smiled and very quickly went back to her fakeness.

One other thing, her and JB are on the same page this was rehearsed.
More than likely CA did not punch a time clock and there may not be any records of when she left work 3 years ago.

Yes but she did have an administrative job. I am sure she used her computer constantly and it was a Monday. Staff meeting day. Not too long now and we will know if she lied or if she told the truth. I really think she believes that because no one had her password no one could ever look. That is so false. If you ever forget a password like that (as I have a few times for our payroll) you call the control company or administration and they reset for you (after a series of identifying questions). Just like if you type it wrong 3 times, it will lock you out. She must realize this.

I also think her testimony really didn't help Casey. Caylee is still dead and they admitted that Casey was there when she died. Big deal who did the searches (although she proved she was lying with myspace 20 seconds later). She will get LWOP anyway. DP is too much of a stretch, IMO.

Who she really hurt today was Lee. Everyone is now looking at the family again as if they are not to be trusted. Something just way too off. How will he, or either of the parents, ever get a job or new, true, friends. All the good will that has been cultivated these past weeks, POOF!
If my doggy was getting tired, or eating bamboo, my first search would be:

adverse reactions to dog eating bamboo
dog overly sleepy
etc, etc.

I wouldn't be out there looking at chloroform.

And why does a nurse need to look up all those products (bleach, etc). Ummm...I know that those items are harmful to children. I know those items should be kept away from doggies and toddlers.

Nope - not buying what she's trying to sell.


BBM...Totally agree this is what CA was trying to do. Please watch and re-watch the Morgan Diposition, that will give you the true faces of CA/GA. Also today when the SA was questioning her, you can see her true face when the question came up about her medication, she smiled and very quickly went back to her fakeness.

One other thing, her and JB are on the same page this was rehearsed.

This was absolutely rehearsed. No doubt about it.
I wonder if the can check phone records, CA and KC talked all the time. Check CA phone records. Check her paperwork at work, I bet there are calls, msgs, forms and many other things that could be checked.
I'd love to understand how CA got sucked into doing this..did Baez ring her up and say if you do this KC will come home and have another baby "for you"???? Seriously! How did Baez get her to do this? I thought she was going to "just seek the truth" and I thought she was in George's corner! What the H*ll happened!???
Cindy is still to this day teaching her daughter how to lie.
Am I the only person that caught that Cindy said during her testimony that casey was arrested on check fraud?

I realize her cover up for ICA is huge but I also believe that the above is Huge also. Anyone know where I can find CA's testimony to prove I'm not crazy?

You are not crazy, CA is trying to get a mistrial:maddening:

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