2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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I really hope they go through all of GEntiva's records. It is a Hospice so they must have very detailed records for legal purposes.

By the way, Amazing that you typed that on a BlackBerry. I can barely type on mine, the keys are so tiny. lol
Hospice and Home Health...
This whole dang family shouldbe facing some sort of charges for lies being told either before trial or now. I hope the judge slaps them with something. I also hope the jury is smart enough to see thru these people. So why would ICA want a mistrial if she said her atty woud get her a mistrial? She really has no clue does she?
Didn't Cindy say Caylee was potty trained when she went missing and only wore pull ups when they were taking long trips? If so, there is a LOT more room in a pair of pants or shorts with or without a diaper. It is quite possible while wearing a diaper 2T's would have been a little snug but fit fine with training pants (the cotton type with a little padding) or little girls underwear. Remember, Caylee didn't go missing while on a long trip, so there was no reason for her to have been wearing a diaper or a pull up on July 16 2008.
Bill Schaeffer was just saying that one of WFTV's viewers brought to his attention that the searches for chloroform were done within a few seconds of a viewing of My space. Under LDB cross exam CA was asked about whether she had a Myspace on that date... She said no. I totally missed that because I wasn't sure why she asked CA about Myspace at that point. I am sure that during rebuttal LDB will be able to completely impeach CA with that little bit of testimony. ICA is the only one in the house that had a My Space page on that date! :woohoo:

Cindy said (paraphrasing) that Casey would be on the computer and Cindy would come home from work and would ask if she could use the computer for a little while. That explains the myspace/facebook searches in between the searches Cindy did. Cindy Anthony is not on trial here Casey Anthony is.
I was watching On the Record last night it's on Fox News here in Ireland one of the few American News channels we get.
Greta was Interviewing MR Lippman the Anthony's Lawyer when she asked him about "Breaking Neck" he said talking about Cindy "The Idea was presented to her that she was doing a search and a popup came from a UTube site with a skateboarder breaking his neck or something along those lines but she did not write break neck into the search bar...." If any one could get a copy and forward it to Mr Ashton because it sounded to me like she was told to lie about it.
It has to be completely obvious to the jurors after Cindy's and Lee's testimony that they are siding with the DT. If I knew nothing about this case I would be dumbfounded as to why they would do that with the allegations the DT put forth in their opening statements. I have no idea what they might think of it.
Does anyone know why the SA is objecting to these pictures being put into evidence?
I am sure they know what they are doing, but to me, not knowing any better, it looks like they are trying to hide this ? After the 1st two objections, I would think by continuing to object, it would raise a red flag to me as a juror.

Which pics? The pic of a pregnant ICA with CA would go towards how in denial this family is. Defense can bring out again how CA lied to her brother's Rick at his wedding that ICA wasn't pregnant. It would all go towards the dysfunctional family that made ICA be a liar. Then, alluding just alittle about GA sexually abusing ICA. It helps explain the 31 days and ICA as a victim. :sick:
I haven't read the whole thread yet, but this has been just fascinating to me. SHE is the reason I got into this case in the first place. That Cindy is truly a piece of work.

I feel just a little naughty, because I was actually laughing all the way through her testimony yesterday, and I know this is no laughing matter. But good gracious, this woman is so ghastly, it's hilarious.

When she said even Casey's friends used the computer, that was so transparent. Cindy, you are a real... I wanna say a bad word. Is jerk a bad word? Casey's friends were never even in that house except maybe at Caylee's birthday party.

I loved it when she was so insistent that there is NO POSSIBLE WAY!!!! to find her emails and computer activity at Gentiva from three years ago, and there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that anybody but she, herself, can access her email because she has a password that only she knows. Has she not been paying attention? Does she not know that the only way to erase your computer's history is by taking a sledge hammer to it? She clearly has no conceptually understanding of servers and all that entails. An employer can get into your computer in the blink of an eye, even if you have enough passwords to last a lifetime.

I also found it laughable that she thinks Gentiva wouldn't hold on to any of her old records, time sheets, or whatever. There is something called the Legal Document Retention List, it may vary state to state, I'm not sure, but it's a list of all kinds of records and by law how long the company has to keep them for. For example, time sheets = 5 years, expense reports = 3 years, accounting journal entries = 20 years, payroll/taxes = PERMANENT. As for Legal issues, I believe that's pretty much a permanently stored box of files. And you darn well better believe that the SECOND this hit the airwaves on July 16, 2008, Gentiva locked that stuff up tighter than a battleship.

I think my favorite part was when she said something like I didn't do that, but I don't know what my computer does on its own. HAHAHAH. That was great.

By the way, did anybody catch Linda Drane Burdick's face as Cindy left the stand? Watch that part, it's HILARIOUS. She looks up from under her eyeglasses at Cindy, and her expression is so beautiful.

I didn't get to hear all of Cindy's testimony yesterday, so I didn't know that she said the IT department didn't have access to her emails. That is a load of hooey! I just today pulled all the email from a certain person who was terminated from my work last week. I copied all of his mail files, dating back to 2007 to give to his ex-manager.
:banghead: :sick: :furious: :mad: :slap: :behindbar:

I guess that covers some of the way I'm feeling right now. I am a day behind so I am watching the DVR of yesterday now.

I've watched this whole trial. Haven't missed a day. Do I feel like a fool right now? BIG TIME!!! This family is pulling the biggest "Gotcha Moment" of this trial. They got me. I sat here and felt for them, thought they had turned a corner and actually thought they wanted Justice for Caylee. Thought they were standing up and being honest and done with the BS.

Today I see the opposite.
I think she is lying through her teeth and hope the state proves it.
I don't get how she could watch all the defense has done/said and then carry out this BS!

Your lawyer slips up and says you think your daughters not innocent. Then follows that up with TRUTH and JUSTICE and CAYLEE. Then you go back to being the parents that created the monster and LIE. I dread GA getting back on that stand...


I agree, but I've never backed down on how I've felt about Cindy. Just could never trust the woman, from day 31. George is right up there too with his mistruths, half-truths, too much embellishments to his answers,etc.

BTW, I love your siggy pictures of Caylee's heroes!:)
Cindy's lies on the stand Thursday, 6/23/11
1. Sleepy puppies: puppies normally sleep all the time. She had Yorkies. She would have of course first Googled "Yorkies"
2. What made her leap to "bamboo?"
3. Then what made her leap to "chlorophyll?" btw...from what I understand, there is no history of chlorophyll search on their home computer. The computer then magically transports her to the world of chloroform.
4. Searches that day, on the computer are interspersed with MySpace logins...which are not of Cindy's account, cuz it didn't exist then.
5. Gentiva must have had an interesting day to day. Cindy admitted to falsifying her time cards and leaving work in the middle of 2 dayw to search "chlorophyll" and injuries from a 'friend who was in a car accident" (sound familiar)...like a health care agency would not have internet and access to medical information
5. Cindy, an RN, an experienced mother and grandmother, testified to having left work early to have to look up the Horrific Hand Sanitizer Scare of '08..which contained what ingredient? alcohol...which then prompted this long time RN/Mom/Grandma to look up household products like acetone cuz she didn't know that if Caylee got ahold of nailpolish remover...it might harm her.
6. Oh yeah, the whole family used the computer, including all of KC's friends. What friends?
7. She bought the car with the "stain" already present

What did I miss?
Which pics? The pic of a pregnant ICA with CA would go towards how in denial this family is. Defense can bring out again how CA lied to her brother's Rick at his wedding that ICA wasn't pregnant. It would all go towards the dysfunctional family that made ICA be a liar. Then, alluding just alittle about GA sexually abusing ICA. It helps explain the 31 days and ICA as a victim. :sick:

No, I was talking about the pictures of them going into the pool.
There are several things that stick out in my mind here. The "press release" the day before the testimony that ICAs parents think "she is not innocent", then the addendum to said press release that "saying someone is not innocent is not the same as saying they are guilty" and dont forget, that press release said FLAT OUT "ICAs parents would do ANYTHING to save thier daughter from getting the death penalty" I say again, ANYTHING.

Additionally, I have had dogs eat plants in my backyard AND googled possible causes. NEVER NEVER NEVER did it occur to me to type CHLOROPHYLL. I typed in the name of the plants, and dogs throwing up because they ate plants, emergancy vets names, everything, but not CHLOROPHYLL. It doesnt make sence, and I usually subscribe to Occums Razor theroy....the simplest answer is usually the correct one...Cindy LIED...flat out to save her daughter from the DP (or at least in HER mind that is what she thinks) (sorry for any typos or misspellings, I am half blinded today)

I didnt understand that either. I would just type in toxic plants-pets never Chlorophyll. I worry sometimes about stuff out in my backyard. It just seems if you wanted to get answers to type in pet+ toxic plants? Mine seems to eat grass when he has an upset stomach. If he acted lethargic and sick I would call Vet.
Does anyone know why the SA is objecting to these pictures being put into evidence?
I am sure they know what they are doing, but to me, not knowing any better, it looks like they are trying to hide this ? After the 1st two objections, I would think by continuing to object, it would raise a red flag to me as a juror.

I didn't hear the objection - she might have just been objecting to the pictures being published without the prosecution having seen them (or something), or for relevance - I didn't hear the specific objection. However, the interesting thing about them is that later HHJP said to the defense that their defense strategy seemed to be "constantly changing" and the only reason that he'd allowed those pool pictures in is because he was told their defense was that Caylee drowned in the pool. He said that any piece of evidence has to be relevant to prove or disprove something specific - that they could not just throw unrelated things out randomly and hope something sticks. (obviously that's a paraphrase, lol)
I didn't hear the objection - she might have just been objecting to the pictures being published without the prosecution having seen them (or something), or for relevance - I didn't hear the specific objection. However, the interesting thing about them is that later HHJP said to the defense that their defense strategy seemed to be "constantly changing" and the only reason that he'd allowed those pool pictures in is because he was told their defense was that Caylee drowned in the pool. He said that any piece of evidence has to be relevant to prove or disprove something specific - that they could not just throw unrelated things out randomly and hope something sticks. (obviously that's a paraphrase, lol)

No, I didn't hear the specific objection either, and that is why I was curious, after being over ruled 3 times , as a juror, I would wonder why he did not want us seeing these, but as you say, there ended up being some relevance to the objection, or HHBP would not have brought that up.
Oh, well a unimportant point now...thanks for your input though !
Listen to link below @ about the 2:40 mark.

Part 8 http://www.wftv.com/video/28350540/index.html

Court Clerk: Do you solomely swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?
Cindy Anthony: So help me God, yes.
My :twocents:

I think it's possible that CA was at home on the days of the computer searches because I know that people can and do fudge their time cards/ work hours. Happens all the time. that issue is no biggie to me.

But the fact is, the search was for how to make chloroform, and CA's explanation doesn't fit with the search.

Also, while I might believe that she looked up alcohol because of the hand sanitizer/danger issue, it also does NOT fit with searches (unless we are not seeing the whole list of searches.) I would expect the google entry to be 'alcohol content in hand sanitizer', 'Hand sanitizer risk to children' or something along those lines.

I also would NOT expect her to then look up acetone etc to know if it was a danger to a child. That's pretty basic. A no-brainer, and more so for someone in the medical field.
I've been a CA supporter from the get-go, but this is obviously pure fabrication in an attempt to remove premeditation.

I still empathize with CA, but it's beyond frustrating to see her still trying to cover for ICA after all the evil things she has done.

I'll have to go back to check her other oaths because I noticed in today's one she said "So help me God, Yes"...and I don't recall her saying that before.
To me it was almost like she was saying "Please forgive me God for what I'm about to do".


BBM She said it again today, the same exact way. I thought of that too "God forgive me (for lying under oath.)" In her mind, the ends justifies the means, IMO.
CA's testimony convinced me that not only does she think KC choloroformed Caylee, she thinks her dogs may have been cholorformed by KC months before as a test to see what the response would be on a child.

A body language analyst said it was obvious CA was going to lie because hse had her hand tilted back instead of straight up and down.

IMO, once you've made a deal with the devil it doesn't matter how many times you "swear," the deal is done.

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