2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Listen to link below @ about the 2:40 mark.

Part 8 http://www.wftv.com/video/28350540/index.html

Court Clerk: Do you solemnly swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?
Cindy Anthony: So help me God, yes.

I heard that too, and for some reason it echoed around my brain for a few... So, like, she's cut a deal with The Big Man as to how true the "truth" really needs to be and what the definition of "whole" is, exactly? An imitable CA rationalization. Bewildering.
You should never ask an Anthony to tell the whole truth. Maybe if they had asked do you swear to tell half truths then it would have applied.
One of the body language experts that was on IS today was talking about the way Cindy raised her right hand. She bends her hand back from the wrist. The expert said that this is an indication that she is going to be mistruthful!
I believe she thinks that if she says that, the jury will believe her.
It just gets me that she does lie. I guess I have to face the fact that I hate liers. It really makes me mad that they get away with it.
It truely makes me want to cry that Caylee was thrown away like trash by ALL of the Anthony's. IMO they only think of Caylee when it has anything to do with blood money.
Poor, poor little girl Caylee.
I'm not being snarky, but this is something that is posted often. What evidence is there that she cleaned the car? Is there a link, or is this just speculation?
I know she said she removed some things from the car, put the dryer sheets in there, and wiped it down with her hand, but I wouldn't call that cleaning...especially for the OCD Anthonys.

On a separate note, I'm confused/curious as to why she would admit to searching for chloroform, acetone, hydrogen peroxide, but not the neck
-breaking, shovel, household weapons.

If she's trying to cover for ICA why not claim she made ALL of those searches? :waitasec:
Wonder if LA or GA will take the fall for those searches?

I might just perch myself on the fence for a while till we hear more. :fence:

BBM Cindy is a more intelligent liar than Casey, IMO. Casey lies indiscriminately but Cindy peppers her lies with some truth ('half-truths' 'mis-truths.)

Cindy could find a rational reason (i.e., a friend who'd been in an auto accident, or dangers of hand cleaners for toddlers) for searching on medical terms such as the ones she admitted to making; the others (neck breaking, household weapons, how to make chloroform, shovel) would have required more of a stretch to believe. Even the reasons she gave for the searches she took credit for were not very likely (as someone said, she's confusing her fantasies with Casey's - Zanny was in an auto crash, and why would a nurse need verification that alcohol and acetone are poisonous for toddlers?) However, what possible credible reason could Cindy have for searching on those other terms that she did not own up to? As another poster said, she could only help 'sweetheart' so far....
Cindy's lies on the stand Thursday, 6/23/11
1. Sleepy puppies: puppies normally sleep all the time. She had Yorkies. She would have of course first Googled "Yorkies"
2. What made her leap to "bamboo?"
3. Then what made her leap to "chlorophyll?" btw...from what I understand, there is no history of chlorophyll search on their home computer. The computer then magically transports her to the world of chloroform.
4. Searches that day, on the computer are interspersed with MySpace logins...which are not of Cindy's account, cuz it didn't exist then.
5. Gentiva must have had an interesting day to day. Cindy admitted to falsifying her time cards and leaving work in the middle of 2 dayw to search "chlorophyll" and injuries from a 'friend who was in a car accident" (sound familiar)...like a health care agency would not have internet and access to medical information
5. Cindy, an RN, an experienced mother and grandmother, testified to having left work early to have to look up the Horrific Hand Sanitizer Scare of '08..which contained what ingredient? alcohol...which then prompted this long time RN/Mom/Grandma to look up household products like acetone cuz she didn't know that if Caylee got ahold of nailpolish remover...it might harm her.
6. Oh yeah, the whole family used the computer, including all of KC's friends. What friends?
7. She bought the car with the "stain" already present

What did I miss?

:clap: I think you got it all. I remember WS back in 2009 (October?) discussing the bamboo chlorophyll nonsense. One of the things I said at the time, and I still would say, is that to my knowledge chlorophyll is not dangerous. That some people take (or used to, in another health fad) liquid chlorophyll. Now we have chlorophyll creating a bacteria that is related to chloroform????? And I agree, I don't remember any doc dumps that revealed "chlorophyll" coming up on the searches. And, as you point out, an RN needs to research acetone and alcohol for child safety concerns? My 7 year old would know that.

Cindy has had nearly 3 years to craft this BS. I would love to know what her former co-workers at Gentiva are saying now. Probably jumping up and down screaming at the TV.

I just wish the As wouldn't get away w/ this. It is beyond despicable.
I believe she thinks that if she says that, the jury will believe her.
It just gets me that she does lie. I guess I have to face the fact that I hate liers. It really makes me mad that they get away with it.
It truely makes me want to cry that Caylee was thrown away like trash by ALL of the Anthony's. IMO they only think of Caylee when it has anything to do with blood money.
Poor, poor little girl Caylee.

I have decided to not be upset whatever the verdict might be. I will be extremely disappointed, but refuse to get upset. Everyone will sit in judgment someday and I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of any of the Anthony's. Eternity in h_ll would be far, far worse than a lifetime in prison.

Keep the prayers going for Justice for Caylee

Look at Cindy's work records (page marked 2561 on bottom right), the March 17th day has the "homework" marked for JB. Too bad the Prosecution didn't mark the 21st for him.

Harmless chloroform searches marked on the 17th, and "intent to kill" wasn't marked on the 21st.

A quick thank you to Cindy:innocent: for not lying. Thank you to their family lawyer too. He confirms her story hasn't changed.

If I am understanding you correctly, Cindy (truthfully) searched on "chloroform" on March 17th, and Casey searched on "How to make chloroform" on March 21?

What are the odds that two different people in the same home searched on the same exact term (chloroform) on the same computer just days apart?

Perhaps I am misunderstanding you.... If so, I apologize.
CA's testimony convinced me that not only does she think KC choloroformed Caylee, she thinks her dogs may have been cholorformed by KC months before as a test to see what the response would be on a child.


If she would have been giving chloroform to Caylee for months she would have had sores all over her mouth. Also there were no traces of chloroform or any other drug in the hair of Caylee. I doubt she was giving the dog chloroform.
CA's testimony convinced me that not only does she think KC choloroformed Caylee, she thinks her dogs may have been cholorformed by KC months before as a test to see what the response would be on a child.


If she would have been giving chloroform to Caylee for months she would have had sores all over her mouth. Also there was no traces of chloroform or any other drug in the hair of Caylee. I doubt she was giving the dog chloroform.
I didn't hear the objection - she might have just been objecting to the pictures being published without the prosecution having seen them (or something), or for relevance - I didn't hear the specific objection. However, the interesting thing about them is that later HHJP said to the defense that their defense strategy seemed to be "constantly changing" and the only reason that he'd allowed those pool pictures in is because he was told their defense was that Caylee drowned in the pool. He said that any piece of evidence has to be relevant to prove or disprove something specific - that they could not just throw unrelated things out randomly and hope something sticks. (obviously that's a paraphrase, lol)

Okay let's get this straight: a photo of a child entering a pool via a ladder with her grandma is not proof the child drowned.

That's the same as if you showed a photo of a child getting on the tea cup ride at Disney would mean that's now she died.

I want to know where she buys her mirrors. I'd like one that makes me think I'm twenty years younger and forty pounds lighter, just like the one she is using.
Okay let's get this straight: a photo of a child entering a pool via a ladder with her grandma is not proof the child drowned.

That's the same as if you showed a photo of a child getting on the tea cup ride at Disney would mean that's now she died.


Too True! :floorlaugh:
but is there a search for chlorophyl?

Yes, there is. That was a given.

I was wondering the exact same thing, and discovered that the word CHLOROPHYL (or any variant) was NEVER searched for on the Anthony computer. This information was kindly provided by JWG in a terrific article entitled "The Google Searches and Cindy’s Judas Moment" which can be read here:


(Thank you so much JWG :great: !)

So, did Cindy search on the word CHLOROPHYL or did she not?
Once we are certain, perhaps the false information could be entered in the 'Myths' thread.

Chilly Willy, you state that she did. Mind sharing your source? TIA.
jmfstl, thanks for pointing that out. Cindy was very clear in stressing the work records would probably not be available now. It was as if she was warning the State not to even try checking.

But they will !


Another reason I'm glad there's an IT guy on the jury...sure hope he's not an alternate - I just thought of that possibility.

As others have written and I wanted to put in my :twocents:...
I'd like to know how CA's testimony about her searches raises reasonable doubt when the computer analytics show that these searches were all done fairly consecutively.
How was CA searching for chloroform at the same time that someone else was searching for shovel?
Was there a ghost in the room?
Was KC standing there saying, 'OK, you search for chloroform, then I'll search for shovel, then you look at a neck-breaking thingy, then I'll look for household weapons"
These searches were done at the same time because they were done by one person. If CA denied one, she should have denied all. If she acknowledged one, she should have acknowledged all.
Why would CA need to look up dangerous household items, like chems, to make sure Caylee could not be harmed, on the computer? Couldn't she just pick up the bottles and read the labels where the big fat "WARNING" is?

Hmmm, especially since Cindy is an RN...

You find your dog "sedated" and your first response is to look up the word "chlorophyll"?

If I were going to investigate the possibility that my dog's malaise could be caused by plant life, I can think of dozens and dozens of words I would search before I would get to "chlorophyll". It's a very odd word to look up under those circumstances.

I'm wondering if George is going to take the stand and testify that HE looked up "neck breaking", "making weapons from household items", etc.

My first thought would have been getting the dog to the vet, not looking up stuff online as others have noted above.

NG and Dan Abrams discussing that they feel if a juror were already leaning toward the DT (cough...#4) this might strengthen that, but that people are going to see it for what it is. They said it is absurd that memory gets stronger and more detailed over time, that one could suddenly remember exact details of a then ordinary day three years ago down to what pop up came up. I closed a pop up a few minutes ago and have no idea what it was. And I've NEVER had a youtube popup.

If she's called again, I betcha she'll say something like she may have had You Tube confused with some other site - she's not computer savvy, yanno!

That was quite the slip. Nothing had come out about the prisoners past criminal record and I wonder why Baez didn't jump all over this? Is this the passive/aggressive CA getting in her diggs with ICA? Was this meant for the defense to ask once again for a mistrial? Remember CA was the defenses witness this time and I am so very suspicious...the DT just let it slip by without bringing too much attention to it in the jury's presence...I'm still going :waitasec: JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I read somewhere here tonight (well, last night now!) that only if the SA had objected would this have been a problem; it's why they kept quiet.

Exactly..and if only hand sanitizer was the biggest worry a parent or grandparent had..and being a nurse she still had to search it?...I ain't buying that for a minute

That pesky RN thing again...I call BS big time.

Okay let's get this straight: a photo of a child entering a pool via a ladder with her grandma is not proof the child drowned.

That's the same as if you showed a photo of a child getting on the tea cup ride at Disney would mean that's now she died.


ITA - Cindy thinks she did a "gotcha" and I thoroughly agree they A's have been coached by Baez. Her recall was TOO precise (and just plain wrong in some instances) and Lee's was just too weird for words. He was really & truly upset to the point of crying that his family didn't share with him Casey's pregnancy when he admittedly suspected it early on? And he didn't notice all of the stuff being purchased for the baby before Caylee was born? With the dysfunction in that family I see him as shrugging it off at the time as another lie the family was expected to go along with.

MOO, etc...and time for bed.
i dont think cindy cares what happens to herself as long and casey is spared the dp.. she is desperate

Agreed. Unfortunately, by blatant lies that will soon be revealed because of technology, she will be proved a liar. Therefore, everything she has said will become suspect.

She is not doing Casey any favors. The truth would have served both of them better.

And, when one commits perjury, well, the law applies to all, not just the ones we don't feel sorry for. Not that I feel sorry for Cindy, not any more. She's beginning to come across as a person who has serious issues herself.

I think her hubs will leave her soon. So far, he's the only one who doesn't look totally nuts, but, still about him....is he a sex offender?

This wouldn't make a good movie. No one would believe it and we will never know the true facts of the case because Casey is a 100 percent bonafide lying sociopath, if not psychopath.
I saw Cindy smiling as she tried to confuse LBD. She would ask for the question to be repeated and give a little tiny smile... I saw it CINDY... I don't like you anymore. I hope you never get one nights sleep the rest of your life.
This wouldn't make a good movie. No one would believe it and we will never know the true facts of the case because Casey is a 100 percent bonafide
lying sociopath, if not psychopath.


We would find out what happened by a Hollywood mind ;)
In a perfect world when she says, "I performed the Chloroform searches", the prosecutor looks at her and says, "Oh really!" "So you admit you are an accomplice?"

She motions behind her and two officers walk up to the witness stand and drag her away in handcuffs.
I saw Cindy smiling as she tried to confuse LBD. She would ask for the question to be repeated and give a little tiny smile... I saw it CINDY... I don't like you anymore. I hope you never get one nights sleep the rest of your life.

She just loves being combative. It seems to give her a buzz. We have seen it during numerous interviews, swinging a hammer in her front yard, during depos and on the witness stand.
To CA a lot of this is about her own arrogance and feeling of superiority she gets when trying to outwit someone else. Listen to her voice message to TM and you will hear that she just revels in it.
When we first saw ICA arrested it was the smirk that drew attention to her-that was inherited from CA. When CA is being confronted and she feels she has the upper hand, watch her smirk.

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