2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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It's possible they only had an intranet within the company, a lot of companies went that route to nix internet abuse by employees. I can't wait to find out the truth because we know she is LYING!

On the ambulance, all our dispatches, patient reports, internet, chat between units, etc were on "Toughbooks". Everything we did, in the truck or on a desktop computer at the office, went through a company controlled internet. There were just certain sites available, and any search engine was totally out due to risk of patient info being hacked.... that's why we had a library if needed for medical research.
They will throw any and everyone under the bus. It's their freaking MO:banghead:

I have been saying that repeatedly on the "CA :liar: and GA don't think ICA is Guilty" thread.
I will never forget what these people have done.There is no excuse. :furious:
* Cindy said that she may have been home when the chloroform searches were made, and she looked up chloroform
*She said she did so as she was painting Caylee's nails and using acetone-based nail polish, and she had concerns about alcohol-based hand sanitizers they were using on Caylee
*computer searches on chloroform were done in March, 2008
*She testified that she did not use Myspace until July, 2008
*LDB later able to establish from expert witness that one of the chloroform searches were performed within 20 seconds of the user accessing Myspace in March, 2008

I think LDB was able to discredit Cindy's testimony, but I wonder if Cindy was able to plant a possible 'innocent' motive for Casey searching for chloroform without Casey having to testify.

(And no, it doesn't explain the chloroform levels in the trunk.)
OMG what about Cindy's cell phone pings for that day???!!!! Wouldn't that tell us if she was at Gentiva or home?! Going to try to find those right now.

Okay. All upset and excited here am I. Not sure that we have ever gotten Cindys cell phone pings (have the inmates I know). Have to check the times of calls between Cindy and her inmate on these dates because surely they would not be talking to one another, or trying to contact one another, via cell phone if they were sitting "20 seconds apart" IYKWIM on the computer.
Not that I'm trying to defend Cindy, but most hospitals I've worked in do restrict the internet, and monitor employees usage.

I agree, there are limits, we can't go on Facebook, farmville or even websleuths, but searches are permitted for anything, it just depends on what it is whether or not you can gain access. :)

I dont see why this is a big deal, fwiw. This was no surprise-I have posted this on other threads but Cindy made her choice a while ago-she will have nothing when this is over, no George, no Lee, no ICA and most importantly no Caylee. She doesnt care if she faces ridicule and jail. The sad thing is that ICA will ignore her, and the others will move on with their lives. It was a given, imo, she would fall on the sword where she could for her daughter. There was only one person she cared about in that audience-it was a "see what I am willing to do for you" moment.

It will have been a waste, but it is going to be a while before Cindy realizes that. She is tragic, imo. And ICA is a user who will play games until the end because that is the soup SHE swims in. :twocents:
I agree, there are limits, we can't go on Facebook, farmville or even websleuths, but searches are permitted for anything, it just depends on what it is whether or not you can gain access. :)

Yep, same here!!!
I am so angry about the turnaround by Cindy, I remember her crying and asking for the monitor to be turned off because it hurt so much to see Caylee, the stagger from the courtroom aided by an attorney where she needed to go to the ladies room to recover.....UGH!!!! GRRRR!!!

I admit I totally misread her....I feel so used, she made me feel sorry for her..I just hope the jury feels the same way
Why is a statement a lie if it weakens State's case but true if it strengthens State's case? Even if those statements are made by the same witness? :)

When I learnt about Internet searches I could feel it's a dirty trick, it smelled fishy. Then as I researched as more it became obvious that it indeed is a dirty trick.

Guess what, it backfired. :)

Furthermore we were all so furious to see Baez treat witnesses with disrespect. I think we should all be furious at Linda and Jeff for doing the exact same thing now.
Today, CA got up on witness stand and testified to searching for chloroform on the computer,stating that though she was working on the two days in question in March, she might have come home to get on the computer, as she could not use her computer at work. She also testified that the stain in the trunk was there when they bought the car.

Still reeling here...but:
1. CA had already testified to this in her deposition, right? So the State knew what she was going to say?
2. If so, was LDB prepared for this? Or was she rattled?
3. Will the state be able to prove her lies or will will this impeach her as their own witness?
4. If state knew what CA was going to do, is this a part of their bigger plan for rebuttal?

What else must we ask?

I wasn't shattered...I knew from the documents she stated she searched for cholorphyll...but today she embellished. The stain they said was there when the car was purchased but never stated how big that stain was...I don't think LDB was ready for what she stated but will recover from it. At least she got out of CA that CA didn't search for 'how to make chloroform' 84 times.

It appears if CA keeps this up, she will be charged with perjury. I'm wondering if the State will now look into CA's work to see if she actually worked those days or not...if she didn't, I'd say, she's up that proverbial creek without a paddle...

This is true to CA form. Give her a second to recover and she will still got to bat for ICA...I truly thought they would be Caylee's voice but apparently ICA still has the top billing in their minds/hearts. Shame on CA for embellishing or expounding on her answer...it might come back to bite her in the butt, really hard...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Only thing CA and I have in common are dogs. Out of all the dog lovers here, would you first look up cholophill if your dog was lethargic? NO WAY. We dog owners would look up symptoms for dogs. Besides, if you think something is wrong or you dog is sick, you call the vet. But being a long time dog owner, my first thought would be worms. Tape worms to be specific. My girls are on Heartguard year round.

Dog Mom here. She said she was concerned about bamboo. Why didn't she look for bamboo. She searched for chloroform?
Why is a statement a lie if it weakens State's case but true if it strengthens State's case? Even if those statements are made by the same witness? :)

When I learnt about Internet searches I could feel it's a dirty trick, it smelled fishy. Then as I researched as more it became obvious that it indeed is a dirty trick.

Guess what, it backfired. :)

Furthermore we were all so furious to see Baez treat witnesses with disrespect. I think we should all be furious at Linda and Jeff for doing the exact same thing.

You need to link an example before we can contest a statement such as this.
When I was watching Cindy testify today, all I could think was "This is the reason your daughter is such a liar. She learned it from you."
Oh....I SO agree. It's "Anthony double/triple speak."
So, Cindy did the searches, huh? Oh well, I guess Casey is not guilty of this crime. Glad grieving grandma could point that out. With the way Cindy broke down on the stand, I wouldn't want to have a judgemental thought about her... :nono:

Thank goodness Cindy does not have to lose both her girls. Cindy and George should have Casey out of jail here real quick, and they can all be together again.

I remember there was a warning about using too much hand sanitizer on kids bcuz of the ALCOHOL in it! Not chloroform!!!!!!

I heard that too but it was recently. Not back in March 2008. Not saying warnings weren't out there about all the alcohol back then.. Just not an official warning. ITA your main point though... Never heard anything about anything but alcohol in hand sanitized.
I have a sick feeling, CA made sure her work record for that day won't turn up.

I don't think she CAN make sure of that. As powerful as Cindy believes she is, Gentiva is much more powerful. And she just threw that entire corporation under the bus. She said that the supervisors routinely LIED and CHEATED on employees time cards, as a matter of unspoken policy. She may have just gotten her own boss fired actually. Cindy may have woken a sleeping tiger by trying to trash that company as a way of protecting the baby killer. imoo
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Anthony family attorney Mark Lippman speaks outside the Orange County Courthouse. Watch it at http://goo.gl/SVZV5.
I never fell for her "costume change" the past few weeks and I glad she lied her butt off today because when it IS SHOWN in court in front of the jury
it will make it look soooooo riduculous and so obvious that she is covering for ICA. This is what she has been doing her whole life.


BBM:floorlaugh:and the rest of your post is right on the money.
Someone just brought this up on twitter:

"Cindy's former employer is in trouble too, they HAVE to pay you overtime if you work overtime!"

Cannot wait for rebuttal.

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