2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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Look at Cindy's work records (page marked 2561 on bottom right), the March 17th day has the "homework" marked for JB. Too bad the Prosecution didn't mark the 21st for him.

Harmless chloroform searches marked on the 17th, and "intent to kill" wasn't marked on the 21st.

A quick thank you to Cindy:innocent: for not lying. Thank you to their family lawyer too. He confirms her story hasn't changed.
Where oh where does the state go from here? While they wait for the defense to call it's witnesses, what can the state do?
Can they legally get Cindy's testimony retracted? I still can't get over today............

Get prepared for their rebuttal case....and they've got a lot to work with.
I am astonished by the lack of empathy for Cindy. Her life must be a living hell. I cannot imagine a worse position for a parent to be in. I cherish honesty and integrity as much as anyone, but I know I would lie in a heartbeat, and never regret it, if I thought it was necessary to save my child's life. Unless, that is, my child were on trial for murdering my grandchild, or my mother, or my wife, or anyone else I loved as unconditionally as I love my child. The conflict that would create in me is so great I think I would explode.

I agree. And I tried hard today to try and imagine how she must feel. I do not have grandchildren. But I have a son and a daughter, roughly Casey's age.

The closest situation I can come up with would be [ God Forbid] if our son murdered his little sister, then duct taped her face, dumped her in our neighborhood, and told us she was fine, she was just on a road trip with her mystery 'boyfriend.' Let's say he strung us along for a month, saying he talked to her all the time, she is on a beach vacation, and she will be home soon.

How would it feel to find out there was 'no boyfriend?' And to find out our son's car trunk smelled like DEATH? And a hair matching our female family DNA, with a death band, was found in his trunk?

I have to say that I would have a very hard time feeling the same way about my son if I found he had done something like that. EVEN IF he told us it was an accident, I would be FURIOUS that he would dump her like that, and lie to us all like that. I WOULD NOT LIE FOR HIM. I wouldn't. I have lied for both my kids, admittedly, to cover their ditching high school for the beach, or to employers to say they were to sick to work, or something. And I know it is wrong. But I would never do that in a case like murder. I would probably, not sure though, plead for mercy for him, if there was some reason he snapped. But I would never try to lie and have him acquitted IF he had actually done the awful crime. And if he had accused my husband of abuse, to try and save himself, FORGET IT. I would probably lose any respect and sympathy at that point. I love BOTH of my kids with all of my heart. They ARE my heart. But if one murdered the other, or killed the other accidentally and lied to me and threw the other in a dump site---I would probably let the chips fall where they may. [ GOD FORBID. They are actually going to dinner together tonight. Thank Goodness.]
Appreciate a little help here. My brother doesn't follow the case, he calls me every day for a little update, but he isn't watching the trial or HLN or anything. So after I got done ranting about Cindy and basically explained what happened, he asked if there actually were searches for chlorophyl (sp?) on the computer? I can't remember ever hearing one or the other...so does anyone know if they found Google searches ... or I guess even Yahoo searches for Chlorophyl? And if so...wouldn't it show the date and time? And if not, wouldn't that negate basically everything Cindy said today? I would love to know...I hate when my brother comes up with something I didn't think of!
Could not be more true.
At the bottom of this case is the fact that ICA loathed CA and Caylee was her revenge.

I believe it is 100% true that Caylee died because of Cindy and they way she raised KC and because of the jealousies there. I also think this is why CA is going out of her way to protect her sociopathic daughter, because she knows it, too, and she bares the brunt of the guilt over what she did.
I have a question for Mr. Lippman. If all the A's want is the truth how does lying accomplish that when she isn't being truthful ?

I think Lippman seems like an amiable sort of guy but doesn't he seem to be morphing into Brad Conway. Poor thing.
cindy did a favor for the prosecution, she opened the door to them by mentioning the theft!

So that was a win for the Pros.

Also don't you imagine the a Prosecution team was there at her old office doing forensics on her PC?:great:

How cynical am I? When I heard Cindy say Casey was arrested on "check charges" I immediately thought she did it on purpose to dig at her daughter and let her know who was in charge. It was not necessary for her to say that at all. I think that dysfunction runs deep.

Appreciate a little help here. My brother doesn't follow the case, he calls me every day for a little update, but he isn't watching the trial or HLN or anything. So after I got done ranting about Cindy and basically explained what happened, he asked if there actually were searches for chlorophyl (sp?) on the computer? I can't remember ever hearing one or the other...so does anyone know if they found Google searches ... or I guess even Yahoo searches for Chlorophyl? And if so...wouldn't it show the date and time? And if not, wouldn't that negate basically everything Cindy said today? I would love to know...I hate when my brother comes up with something I didn't think of!

I twittered about it to a few attorneys following the case, I had the very same question after today.. I want to know if the state is now burning the midnight oil looking to see IF she searched for Chlorophyll And to find out IF she really has a friend that was in an accident and sustained head and chest injuries around that time frame..and what is his/her name and what hospital were they treated at. I want to know if they will corroborate any of her testimony because Chlorophyll was not picked out in the searches they show us, no.

weird... i hope they are fast working behind the scenes!
snipped.....I've read in a few previous comments, and completely agree, that poor baby Caylee never stood a chance of surviving in this family. In my opinion, her fate was sealed from day one in this world.

Respectfully snipped......I agree totally.

Makes one wonder what Caylee would have been like as a teenager if she'd been raised in that family--another Cayce? :sick:
How cynical am I? When I heard Cindy say Casey was arrested on "check charges" I immediately thought she did it on purpose to dig at her daughter and let her know who was in charge. It was not necessary for her to say that at all. I think that dysfunction runs deep.


I wonder if the jury is going to understand what the check charges were about. I know it was brought up once before but I don't remember it it was explained enough so that the jury will understand it.
I am astonished by the lack of empathy for Cindy. Her life must be a living hell. I cannot imagine a worse position for a parent to be in. I cherish honesty and integrity as much as anyone, but I know I would lie in a heartbeat, and never regret it, if I thought it was necessary to save my child's life. Unless, that is, my child were on trial for murdering my grandchild, or my mother, or my wife, or anyone else I loved as unconditionally as I love my child. The conflict that would create in me is so great I think I would explode.

Does empathy for her situation equate to "its OK to lie"? I don't equate the two. You are right, her life must be hell and I think that is so sad.I feel bad for anyone in that situation. She will probably never be truly happy again and no one deserves that at the hands of another.

And yeah, I'd probably explode, too. But at some point, the truth is the truth.

But no, I would not go out of my way to make up a story to take the blame for evidence to cover for someone. And if it was the truth, I think I could give a truthful answer like "I didn't do the chloroform searches" instead of making up a huge story.
Makes one wonder what Caylee would have been like as a teenager if she'd been raised in that family--another Cayce? :sick:

I have wondered what ICA was like as a teenager. I have not seen anyone commenting on her life prior to this sad event. Do we know what her life was like. Was she a cheerleader, in the pep squad, or just someone no one knew? What was her life like before? tia
Her normal calm demeanor changed today with strategy, not aggravation:great:, which was completely brilliant!

I took at look at those dates for the 17th and the 21st of March. It does make a lot of sense. If CA was lying she would of took the blame for the searches on the 21st and she did not. This is putting the wind back in my sails.
On that note I am going :eek:fftobed:
I wonder if the jury is going to understand what the check charges were about. I know it was brought up once before but I don't remember it it was explained enough so that the jury will understand it.

Now they know she got popped for writing bad checks. They also know there could be other bad stuff. Sticking with good jury vibes.
I have to say that I would have a very hard time feeling the same way about my son if I found he had done something like that. EVEN IF he told us it was an accident, I would be FURIOUS that he would dump her like that, and lie to us all like that. I WOULD NOT LIE FOR HIM. I wouldn't. I have lied for both my kids, admittedly, to cover their ditching high school for the beach, or to employers to say they were to sick to work, or something. And I know it is wrong. But I would never do that in a case like murder. I would probably, not sure though, plead for mercy for him, if there was some reason he snapped. But I would never try to lie and have him acquitted IF he had actually done the awful crime. And if he had accused my husband of abuse, to try and save himself, FORGET IT. I would probably lose any respect and sympathy at that point. I love BOTH of my kids with all of my heart. They ARE my heart. But if one murdered the other, or killed the other accidentally and lied to me and threw the other in a dump site---I would probably let the chips fall where they may.

Thank you for this post! I'm extremely concerned about how many people have said they'd lie on the stand to cover up such a heinous and disgusting act for a loved one. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a huge part of parenting TEACHING your children right from wrong. How in the world could you ever support these actions??? You give me faith in humanity :)
Now if the prosecution had just asked CA for the NAME of the friend who was in the terrible accident that she had to search on line for information then CA could have answered....Zanny the Nanny of course.

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