2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

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She just loves being combative. It seems to give her a buzz. We have seen it during numerous interviews, swinging a hammer in her front yard, during depos and on the witness stand.
To CA a lot of this is about her own arrogance and feeling of superiority she gets when trying to outwit someone else. Listen to her voice message to TM and you will hear that she just revels in it.
When we first saw ICA arrested it was the smirk that drew attention to her-that was inherited from CA. When CA is being confronted and she feels she has the upper hand, watch her smirk.

BBM Yes, and *wink* with a smug smile. That's our Cindy! :sick:
I think that pic is of Caylee, but it has obviously been photoshopped. Glaringly obvious!
This is not quite on topic, but it is still about Cindy.
I just re-watched a Youtube video of the Memorial Service for little Caylee (I wanted to hear what Lee said to his sister CMA, since he pretty much revealed that it WAS for her and not Caylee by saying that at the time of the memorial, he didn't believe she was dead.)
I also heard what Cindy said. She shared that when she came home from work, she would tell Caylee about her day, and that Caylee would talk about HER day. Hmmmm, I wonder what she said, little Caylee! She can´t have talked about her NANNY, since she didn't exist. Why didn't Cindy deduct that something wasn't right? Did she listen to the little girl at all, or did she just storm frantically around the house with a duster and a Febreeze bottle - I can get a mental picture of that!
I don't see how this is going to help the defense because it's obvious to anyone listening to that testimony that she is lying!
I think that pic is of Caylee, but it has obviously been photoshopped. Glaringly obvious!

Well, I have worked with photoshop for over ten years and I have studied anatomy both in art and in medicine so I think I have a pretty good opinion on this. I do think the picture was photoshopped, if you notice, the right arm is fatter than the one reaching up. Now, if someone were trying to photoshop that arm to make it stretch all the way up there, they pull on it in photoshop w handle tools. An inexperienced photoshopper would pull only on the length handle and not the corner handle, which would result in a longer arm, but skinnier. The corner handle keeps everything related (in other words if you lengthen, you would expand as well), and to me, this is clearly showing that they didn't use the corner handle. This looks like a student or a hack did it.

At first I just thought someone cut out Caylee's arm and put this one in its place, but if you look at the way one of her sholders is down and the other one is up, there would be no reason for her to be in that gestural pose, unless she was reaching for it. If I had a better picture, I could look at the pixelation reall close and tell for sure. Does anyone have a better copy of this pic?
I have to go back and listen to cindy on the stand the first time .. for the SA//
I believe she talked about how mondays were her nutz day at work because of meetings.. and she was too busy on mondays to leave early or for ica to drop caylee off there...

but didnt she say march 17th was the day she came home and went on the computer when she took the stand for the dt..????

because march 17, 2008 was a Monday.... things that make you go hmmmmm
I would say Cindy has not perfected the art of lying as convincingly as her daughter.
I would seriously like to know why bother having trials when someone can go on the witness stand and obviously lie. I always understood that you would be charged with perjury if you lied under oath. All I hear from the MSM lawyers is that CA most likely will not be charged. How can they possibly charge her, any mother would lie to try and save their child's life. I say bunk! If you don't want to tell the truth, plead the 5th. There's always a way out of lying. Tell the truth or plead the 5th. What do you want to bet that GA gets on the stand next and falls on the sword for his beloved sick, lying daughter.
Actually, pleading the 5th would have been the better option IMO. If Cindy was asked if she searched for Choroform and plead the 5th, people would be wondering why SHE didn't want to own up to it!

The way it is now, she's just obviously lying.
I think the reason CA talked about the check fraud charges is to get the prosecution to question her about it, and therefore they could have a "mistrial"? I don't know. I do know that I never once felt much compassion for CA when she was sobbing and crying during her testimony, I felt like it was all an act to get the jurors to see her as the grieving grandmother. I am totally disgusting by CA and I'm waiting for the next bombshell, which is teaming up with LA against GA. I think everyone has had it wrong all along, ICA wears the pants in the family not CA. I just know the Anthony's make me feel proud to be part of my dysfunctional family LOL.
Well, I have worked with photoshop for over ten years and I have studied anatomy both in art and in medicine so I think I have a pretty good opinion on this. I do think the picture was photoshopped,

Respectfully disagree. Not doubting your experience as stated, it's just that two professional graphic designers who work in my team have closely examined the photo and outright dismissed the suggestion that the image was doctored. Just saying.
I think the reason CA talked about the check fraud charges is to get the prosecution to question her about it, and therefore they could have a "mistrial"? I don't know. I do know that I never once felt much compassion for CA when she was sobbing and crying during her testimony, I felt like it was all an act to get the jurors to see her as the grieving grandmother. I am totally disgusting by CA and I'm waiting for the next bombshell, which is teaming up with LA against GA. I think everyone has had it wrong all along, ICA wears the pants in the family not CA. I just know the Anthony's make me feel proud to be part of my dysfunctional family LOL.
CAdid the same thing when officers were at the home because Caylee was missing. CA wanted ICA arrested for stealing her credit cards- prioritites and all...
naw more like divert the attention from the real issue there....
If she would have been giving chloroform to Caylee for months she would have had sores all over her mouth. Also there was no traces of chloroform or any other drug in the hair of Caylee. I doubt she was giving the dog chloroform.

I don't know about the sores, but my friend knows about the hair analysis tests. She works in a drug counseling clinic and she is familiar with drug testing. She said that hair analysis is routinely inaccurate and can only pick up extreme long term and excessive use of certain drugs. She said that it would not have picked up chloroform ever, and probably would not have picked up occasional use of xanax or ambien either. Only a blood test would have been able to do so.
I just searched chlorophyll and then chlorophyll and bamboo. Interesting that first two pages of results on each do not mention chloroform at all. And it seems chlorophyll is a detox agent and used as a superfood.

I also did a search and am shocked with what I found. I pasted below and and highlighted some words that have me in shock. I have NO DOUBT CA lied on the stand and have NO DOUBT ICA looked up and made chloroform to use on Caylee

It is possible for you to make chloroform at home. But you need to remember that using this chemical should be limited to as a solvent and nothing else.
To learn how to make chloroform, you will need the following materials: acetone, water, pitcher, ice, and shock powder. The mixture of shock powder and acetone creates a mix that is potent and at the same time dangerous. Shock powder is Calcium Hypochlorite and is used for swimming pools. You can purchase this in hardware or pool supply stores.
To make the chloroform, you will need to put the water first into the pitcher. As soon as you have poured the water, put the shock powder, and use a wooden stick to help dissolve the powder. As soon as you are done, you will need to put some ice in the pitcher. And then slowly pour the acetone in. Slowly stir the acetone while pouring the acetone into the pitcher. You need to do this slowly since there will be a chemical reaction when the water starts to change in its temperature. Usually 135 degrees will keep the chloroform working.
As soon as you are done stirring, you will notice that there are 3 layers in the pitcher. The acetone, water, and the chloroform. When distilling the chloroform, you need to be careful, so you will need a funnel to help separate the layers. Always wear some protective clothing when handling the chemicals. Wear a mask as well since chloroform has intoxicating effects. Now that you have transferred the chemical in its bottle, seal the bottle well, and store it in a place out of children's reach. You will have to put a label outside the bottle just in case you forget its contents. Always wipe the spills with gloves. Use a dispersing agent to make sure the affected area is now okay. If you don't have any dispersing agent, you will need to shovel some sand on the affected area to prevent the gas from diffusing into the room.
If someone swallows chloroform, do not let the person take anything except for milk. Loosen the person's clothing and bring this person as soon as possible to the doctor to get some treatment. Take note of the person's contaminated clothing, and put it immediately in the washer to prevent further contamination. This is very potent, even small amounts of this chemical could lead to coma and even death.

Thanks Luckygirl for looking up chloroform. I couldn't conjure up enough nerve to do it myself, although I must admit I was curious what in the world was in it.
I also did a search and am shocked with what I found. I pasted below and and highlighted some words that have me in shock. I have NO DOUBT CA lied on the stand and have NO DOUBT ICA looked up and made chloroform to use on Caylee

It is possible for you to make chloroform at home. But you need to remember that using this chemical should be limited to as a solvent and nothing else.
To learn how to make chloroform, you will need the following materials: acetone, water, pitcher, ice, and shock powder. The mixture of shock powder and acetone creates a mix that is potent and at the same time dangerous. Shock powder is Calcium Hypochlorite and is used for swimming pools. You can purchase this in hardware or pool supply stores.
To make the chloroform, you will need to put the water first into the pitcher. As soon as you have poured the water, put the shock powder, and use a wooden stick to help dissolve the powder. As soon as you are done, you will need to put some ice in the pitcher. And then slowly pour the acetone in. Slowly stir the acetone while pouring the acetone into the pitcher. You need to do this slowly since there will be a chemical reaction when the water starts to change in its temperature. Usually 135 degrees will keep the chloroform working.
As soon as you are done stirring, you will notice that there are 3 layers in the pitcher. The acetone, water, and the chloroform. When distilling the chloroform, you need to be careful, so you will need a funnel to help separate the layers. Always wear some protective clothing when handling the chemicals. Wear a mask as well since chloroform has intoxicating effects. Now that you have transferred the chemical in its bottle, seal the bottle well, and store it in a place out of children's reach. You will have to put a label outside the bottle just in case you forget its contents. Always wipe the spills with gloves. Use a dispersing agent to make sure the affected area is now okay. If you don't have any dispersing agent, you will need to shovel some sand on the affected area to prevent the gas from diffusing into the room.
If someone swallows chloroform, do not let the person take anything except for milk. Loosen the person's clothing and bring this person as soon as possible to the doctor to get some treatment. Take note of the person's contaminated clothing, and put it immediately in the washer to prevent further contamination. This is very potent, even small amounts of this chemical could lead to coma and even death.


Holy crap! i could never figure out why anyone would need to google shovel. Now I get it. Thank you!!!
I also did a search and am shocked with what I found. I pasted below and and highlighted some words that have me in shock. I have NO DOUBT CA lied on the stand and have NO DOUBT ICA looked up and made chloroform to use on Caylee

It is possible for you to make chloroform at home. But you need to remember that using this chemical should be limited to as a solvent and nothing else.
To learn how to make chloroform, you will need the following materials: acetone, water, pitcher, ice, and shock powder. The mixture of shock powder and acetone creates a mix that is potent and at the same time dangerous. Shock powder is Calcium Hypochlorite and is used for swimming pools. You can purchase this in hardware or pool supply stores.
To make the chloroform, you will need to put the water first into the pitcher. As soon as you have poured the water, put the shock powder, and use a wooden stick to help dissolve the powder. As soon as you are done, you will need to put some ice in the pitcher. And then slowly pour the acetone in. Slowly stir the acetone while pouring the acetone into the pitcher. You need to do this slowly since there will be a chemical reaction when the water starts to change in its temperature. Usually 135 degrees will keep the chloroform working.
As soon as you are done stirring, you will notice that there are 3 layers in the pitcher. The acetone, water, and the chloroform. When distilling the chloroform, you need to be careful, so you will need a funnel to help separate the layers. Always wear some protective clothing when handling the chemicals. Wear a mask as well since chloroform has intoxicating effects. Now that you have transferred the chemical in its bottle, seal the bottle well, and store it in a place out of children's reach. You will have to put a label outside the bottle just in case you forget its contents. Always wipe the spills with gloves. Use a dispersing agent to make sure the affected area is now okay. If you don't have any dispersing agent, you will need to shovel some sand on the affected area to prevent the gas from diffusing into the room.
If someone swallows chloroform, do not let the person take anything except for milk. Loosen the person's clothing and bring this person as soon as possible to the doctor to get some treatment. Take note of the person's contaminated clothing, and put it immediately in the washer to prevent further contamination. This is very potent, even small amounts of this chemical could lead to coma and even death.


WOW!! I wonder now if Caylee ingested the Chloroform? There would be no way for it to be detected since her little body was completely decomposed right? As far as the shovel goes, I think now it was used to get rid of the remaining Chloroform.....it says cover w/sand so the sandbox?? Oh, my head is spinning!!
My mind just won't let me let go about the Shorts Caylee was wearing. JB asking Cindy when Caylee last wore them, how long since Caylee wore the shorts,the size and then how big Caylee was. My thoughts are that JB is going to say that George dressed Caylee in the shorts because Cindy or KC would not have done it because the shorts were to small for Caylee.

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