2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

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HELP- what exactly did she testify to? And what did she lie about? I can't get thru all these pages...

Cindy claimed she was home from work on the day the chloroform searches were done, and she did them herself.
Perjury can get you up to 15 years in prison apparently. Could CA be charged with perjury?

Perjury charges are accusations brought against a person for knowingly making false statements after taking an oath to tell the truth. As a general rule, perjury charges are filed regarding a civil or criminal case in which the false statements materially impacted the investigation or the case at hand. The act of perjury is criminal in nature and is usually considered a felony. If perjury charges are proven, the defendant may face hefty fines as a perjury penalty. The defendant may also be sentenced to serious prison time – up to 15 or more years in some cases.
In order to prove perjury charges, the prosecution usually needs to show that the defendant gave a false statement under oath. In addition, the prosecution must also demonstrate that the defendant knew the statement was false. Typically, the defendant must have lied about an issue that was material to the case. If a witness to a murder case lied about his or her birth date, for example, perjury would not have been committed because the birth date would have nothing to do with the murder. On the other hand, if the witness lied about finding the murder weapon, a perjury may have been committed.
Can you imagine what the jury will think if CA gets proven wrong? She MUST be guilty if her mom is lying for her.

If I were a juror and found out CA lied on the stand today, you better believe I would start looking at all the physical evidence CA might have covered up for her daughter.
CA has made me so nervous I just ripped off my fingernails. Grrrrr..............
I had my jaw to the floor so I might have missed it - did anyone ask Cindy of Casey was home on the days of the computer searches? If they did and Cindy said Casey was home, I wonder if they can cross reference their cell phone records and see if they called each other during that time. If they were in the house at the same time there would be no reason to call.
Another person chiming in about corporate intranets...I work for a v. large bank, and every page we view, every application we use, EVERYTHING is date & time recorded. Same rules apply to health care----because of liability issues regarding unauthorized access to patient/customer personal info. We keep our visit info FOREVER.

And Cindy went into great detail about how no one else had her password.
Gosh the secrecy... If I was sitting in the jury I'd rather see complete documents than documents with pages ripped out with no explanation. Things in their context and so on.
Or it may show that she isn't lying and the State fumbled the ball early on.

If that's true I will buy you a 2012 loaded Corvette. I couldn't afford to do that now but if I win the lottery in the interim I will.
HELP- what exactly did she testify to? And what did she lie about? I can't get thru all these pages...

She said she could have been home making those computer searches on those days...she said the car came with a stain in the trunk...those were the main things...
I am really upset that people can just get up on the witness stand and lie with no repercussions. I think the State is going ot have a hard time refuting Cindy's testimony. Doesn't sound like they did a very good job in her depositions if she mentioned the chloroform at that time.
Been in meetings all day. What did cindy say?
Found it!!

From 2011.05.28:

"LDB: you testified you left for work on june 16th 2008 and worked a normal shift?

for a monday yes

LDB: did you talk to Casey at all on June 16th?

through out the day we left messages, as far as speaking with her I think we had a brief convo in the late after noon fourish maybe lasted a few seconds.

LDB: include her plans for that day?

she was going to spend the night as zanny's she knew she couldn't drop Caylee off at work with me...but on mondays are difficult I have a staff meeting and she told me she was going to take Caylee to zannys and she would crash when she got off work because she had an early day at work and that made sense to me. monday can be a late night depending what was going on but typically out by six on mondays."

Thanks to Chiquita71 for the transcription.

This is gold if in fact those dates LDB asked about are on Monday's.
Why would Cindy, a nurse, need to look up alcohol?She would already know whether or not it was harmful to a child. Puleeeze, her testimony denied belief, I wholly disagree with BS that it was a torpedo.

The other thing was she needed to look up neck breaking, for her friend? who had a injury? WTH?
How is anyone from her work expected to remember for sure a Friday afternoon more than three years ago? Something big and verifiable would have had to have happened on that day...

Not necessarily. The medical field fucntions are based on case notes, signatures, chain of command on lab results, etc. There should be multiple incidents of documentation of her activities on those days.
This is total BS... when George was being interviewed by police and FBI.... he reacted as if the stain was something new.... why woiuld he make a point of it to lean down and smell and old stain. He talked about the stain as if it was a new thing. I am so mad right now I could spit !!! SPIT !! :maddening::maddening:
It seems to me the Anthony's like to wash and clean everything. GA washed all cars every week. If they purchased a car with stains GA would have drove himself nuts to get it clean and so would Cindy. Even to the point of replacing the carpet.

I believe they are all obsessive compulsive!!!!! JMO
I believe LDB was blindsided. At one point this morning I saw her get up and go down the aisle and speak to someone sitting in the gallery. I believe it was close to where the A's sit. Did anyone else notice that.

I agree,she was seen talking to CA,then CA went and spoke to JB..SA was blindsided today!!
Or it may show that she isn't lying and the State fumbled the ball early on.

Which time?

When she stated she searched for Chlorophyll???? (2009 depo)

Or when she stated she searched for Chloroform???? (today)

I am going to guess the latter since she actually SPELLED the first for LDB during the depo....so no language misinterpretation there?
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