2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Richard is a member of WS.He's linked all the time. :seeya:
At 04:08, CM is glued to his laptop, while JB and JA argue this mornings witness issue. The next thing to come out of CM's (09:08) mouth was a sidebar request, and everything else began from there... that was how the "big issue" surfaced, and became a "BIG issue". jmoo

He wasn't reading an e-mail - he was reading the real time transcript. Mason is hard of hearing. Mason is often glued to his screen, reading what's being said, especially during jury selection.
Huh? The Orlando Sentinel posted an article about Geraldo, and Geraldo was on the talking head shows yesterday I think. (I don't know, ever since I was young Geraldo's appearance freaks me out, I have never been able to watch him. Heebeejeebies. So I tuned out.) The fuss is Geraldo supposedly talked with the Judge. Whatever that means, the Judge may have just said hello for all we know. I don't know what is in vallhalla's blog, it has been overloaded and I cannot find my way around when I finally get there.


Thanx..but this video was posted this morning...so nothing new for myself as no one will ever know what went on behind closed doors...Sealed items are usally implimented to protect the rights of somebody..So therefore doesnt have a thing to do with any plea deal, or juror misconduct, nor anything else that directly effects the trial save council issues..which leads me to believe there is some sort of Issue regarding KC's Council..as SA were NOT involved one IOTTA!!..

Maybe Monday we may be able to figure it out..and just know IF we see Anne F. at DT table and NO CM..will explain it...It is my understanding that there must be a DP qualified council present to co-council JB who is the lead Attny who is NOT DP Qualified.. IMO and my thoughts at this point.. but sure do agree with Bill S.. has a correct impression!!! :crazy::twocents::banghead:
Did you forget to mention that his regret over Caylee was palpable on the stand?

I believe he was saying I wish this hadn't happened - I wish she hadn't killed Caylee. I wish Caylee wasn't dead.

That's what I took from "I wish we weren't here" He wants to go back and redo,which is part of grieving. He is an odd duck ,sometimes,but I think ,generally , a nice one.
From here @ the 7:30 mark until the end..Lee gets off the stand at lunch recess and is standing w/his parents and their attorney at the back of the courtroom..IF his emotions were not preplanned or contrived somebody tell me why neither parent reaches to comfort him..George hugs Cindy..Cindy hugs George not in this vid, but we've seen it many times..So which is it?..Cold as ice parents or they were expecting the emotion so it doesn't bother them? Someone PLEASE watch this and tell me whether you find it as troubling as I do..

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQjw2aVJ0Oo&feature=related"]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial - Part 5 - 6/24/11 (Cindy & Lee Anthony)‬‏[/ame]
Maybe his mom didn't hug him cause he didn't lie for KC?

with respect - or maybe his parents were sitting there in stunned shock? Because they already feel they failed ICA and Caylee, and now they are hearing in open court that their son believes they failed him also?
My 2 cents...

JB is not the idiot everyone would like to think he is. I believe he knows pretty much exactly what he's doing, and he's certainly doing it zealously. Did it occur to anyone that LA did exactly what he was supposed to do on the stand? Not answering IS an answer. Leaves the impression that he has something to hide, and of course we all know what that is (wink, wink). JB is no fool. He got the "evidence" in without anyone having to say a word. And that's smart.

Regarding the judge and court reporter: someone said earlier that the "business" they had to attend to was to dismiss the jury. Apparently the judge takes the court reporter with him to the jury room.

One last thing. Remember the exchange between JA and JB--"bring it on"? Maybe this recess is about bringing it on--that is, accusations of misconduct on the part of the prosecution and/or defense. I realize that HLN's talking heads (some of whom screech rather than talk) would like to make us all believe this is some kind of bombshell. Their ratings depend upon it. JMO.

I see JB as very inexperienced. He has made some horrible mistakes, he cannot question a witness at all, he has no idea how to authenticate a document, how to impeach someone, etc. I also see him as too arrogant to realize his ignorance and that is very dangerous. A good attorney must be humble and realistic enough to know when they need practice, assistance, whatever.

However, I agree with you that JB is not a total idiot. After all, his sneaky efforts to make a point to a jury that he otherwise would not be allowed to make due to discovery rules or rules of evidence or the court, show a level of intelligence. An idiot could not do that.

But truly proficient attorneys do not need to resort to dirty tricks to do their job well. JB needs a personality adjustment or I do not see him becoming a better attorney. He needs to realize that having a JD and passing the bar do not make one truly qualified to try any case, especially not one of this magnitude.
With respect - how would you know Lee is just fine? He hasn't been just fine for the last three years and if he had a complete breakdown immediately after leaving the courtroom, how would he be just fine today? What has he aged in physical appearance since three years ago in the jail videos? Ten years?

Cindy has always had the ability to turn on and off when she talks to someone she doesn't know. I saw that man start a conversation with Cindy when he asked her a question - the camera at wesh was on them, and it was like a light switch when she answered him. And off when she turned away.

I was replying to the poster who speculated Lee might be suicidal and the reason for the delay today. I doubt his parents would be sitting in the court room if that were the case.

I watched the wftv video. The link is posted on this thread. Cindy was chatting with the man sitting next to her. She didn't look distraught.
One great thing about Geraldo - he's always wrong, in my book, and his discussions of incest say far more about HIM than anyone else. Sort of like Casey, "When G's mouth is movin', I know it's ain't right."
Ok Pal will try..

He was spouting off again about a pro prosecution judge, the trial will go on Monday as planned, talked about they could possible finish it up by next week..
to many ruling against the defense..same crap Kiddo, different day.


I believe it is about Lee, they wanted him to go into more detail and they think the judge stopped Baez from going further. Casey did appear to have been crying when she came back into the courtroom after the first meeting. It certainly would be sensitive enough to seal the record knowing the media was going to go after the transcript.
I can't think of anything else that makes any sense why trial would be called off today, maybe they want to work on Lee a little more to take the fall...
who knows.

Thank you! I think Baez was expecting a bombshell, he got the bomb!
Forgive me if this is the incorrect thread to post under.

I have had this question from the start as far as to what extent the Jury is sequestered.
If anyone knows any of the following will they please post.

Does the Jury stay at the same hotel? Are they allowed to socialize if it is not discussing the case? The phone calls to their family how easy would it be for the family to tell them what is on the news.. in other words are calls recorded? The television is limited in the rooms? Can they go to the store if they needed to? Can they sit by the pool at hotel and talk to other guest that have nothing to do with the trial?

How isolated are they? What extent does the court go to in order to keep them sequestered? I would think that IF they wanted to get information they could somehow.. especially a phone call to family or friends... even internet.. is it blocked from their phone.

Again forgive me if wrong forum but I see that this one is the most general one to post.
Thanks for any answers.
My 2 cents...

JB is not the idiot everyone would like to think he is. I believe he knows pretty much exactly what he's doing, and he's certainly doing it zealously. Did it occur to anyone that LA did exactly what he was supposed to do on the stand? Not answering IS an answer. Leaves the impression that he has something to hide, and of course we all know what that is (wink, wink). JB is no fool. He got the "evidence" in without anyone having to say a word. And that's smart.

Regarding the judge and court reporter: someone said earlier that the "business" they had to attend to was to dismiss the jury. Apparently the judge takes the court reporter with him to the jury room.

One last thing. Remember the exchange between JA and JB--"bring it on"? Maybe this recess is about bringing it on--that is, accusations of misconduct on the part of the prosecution and/or defense. I realize that HLN's talking heads (some of whom screech rather than talk) would like to make us all believe this is some kind of bombshell. Their ratings depend upon it. JMO.

First, please don't overlook what was revealed regarding Lee's testimony. Specifically, that Lee approached Baez after the trial started. Which means that when Baez gave his opening statement, he was basically winging it and hoping that he would be able to get out testimony that would help him, he wasn't sure.

Second, Yes, the business was to release the jury.
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