I have no idea of CA is lying, I tend to think she believes that her searches for choraphil could have triggered the chloroform fiasco. Its not like CA got up there and said "yes I searched for chloroform 84 times". And I do think its possible her memory is better in hindsight. If you have ever had a traumatic event, you know that as time passes you can remember things you didnt focus on before. I am a nurse, work for a big company and we actually do not ever see our "timecards", as a salaried employee, its not as crucial as other employees who actually punch in. Our office assistant sends in our "time card" but because we cannot do overtime, we simply tell her the hours we have put in and we can "take some time back" when we are not busy, etc. So I dont think the time card thing is as nefarious as it sounds..I do concede I could be entirely wrong about CA and she is lying, Im just not entirely convinced her testimony was as lying and egregious as some think. Time will tell....I hope..
It could have happened that way in one possible scenario, so I get what you're saying. But the evidence pretty much shows that it's just not so.
I mean I have always understood when someone on the stand or being questioned by police has changed a statement when something else triggered a memory they didn't have before, or when they sat and thought about it when they weren't 'under the gun' and had a memory or realization that allowed them more clarity. I'm certainly like that myself. My long term memory is actually better than my short term, for some strange reason. So I get how that could happen.
However all of the associated "hard" evidence, ie computer hard drive memory, cell records, etc, disprove a lot of the things Cindy said on the stand that helped the defense. Her cell records showed she didn't call George on the 16th when she claims she came home to find the ladder up.
And her excuse for fudging the time cards was that they sometimes worked overtime and had to claim to have only worked 8 hours, then made up for it later by going home early ... okay, I buy that, I work in a research lab sometimes 80 hours a week while claiming 40, so if I want to take off Wednesday I will and might still claim 8 hours to make up for the extra I worked last week, sure... however her time card for the first day the chloroform searches happened was a day her timecard said she worked MORE than 8 hours - the opposite of her reason for coming home early and the very thing she claimed she couldn't do (work overtime). The week the searches happened she DID work overtime - the opposite of her stated reason for coming home early (in other words, instead of only working 30 hours that week while claiming 40, to make up for overtime worked but unclaimed - she DID claim overtime that week, including that very day she said she came home early.)
I cried along with Cindy when she was a sobbing mess during the 911 calls. My mother's heart went out to her, reliving that. I was more shocked than anyone at her new claims on the stand. She had a smile on her face as she asked LDB to repeat her questions multiple times. She was being locked into testimony that directly conflicted with hard evidence, and she knew it, yet she smiled as she did it. That's eerie. That (IMO) is mental illness akin to ICA's. Lie to get yourself through this minute without any regard for the piper who must be paid 5 minutes from now for your lies. It's beyond my comprehension.