2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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I laughed my butt off!
Agreed. KC, looked like she had been crying the night before, probably because of LA's non-testimony. So, the next day, she meets JB,says "I can't get a fair trial, the judge is ruling against us, the SA intimidated my brother with the objections and sidebars, they are being mean to Mom when she's trying so hard to remember. I give up -- I am just going to plead guilty."

JB takes it in stride, but she continues with the female DT, who then calls in CM, who then brings it to JP. JP talks to the DT and KC about the seriousness of the matter, then brings in the court reporter and that triggers the SA coming in. They close up shop because KC needs to "think it over - whatever." It's sealed for obvious reasons.

But, the hissy fit is not intended to her DT or the court; it's really to her family. They are the only ones that would be influenced by her hissy fit; it's her traditional way of controlling them. She's really saying "Get back on track, LA grow a backbone, if not, I may as well plead guilty now. I am going to do it ... I mean it!"

The only problem with this. I can't see either the SA or HHJP closing up shop to give KC time to think anything over. Unless the SA had a very specific profer in hand regarding a deal they would not go with shutting down for the day or even temporarily stopping the trial. They have a sequestered jury. They would not waste a day (again) on KC's mood swings. Plea deals can happen at any point until the jury comes back. The trial doesn't stop or wait to think on them.

Plus we get back to that ex parte meeting with the judge. The judge most certainly cannot meet with the defense to discuss plea deals. That is a HUGE ethical violation and simply cannot happen. The two sides reach a plea agreement away from the judge and then bring it to him. The judge cannot have any input in it. So if they are meeting alone with the judge it isn't plea related.

Don't forget that none of the talking head media chatter that seems so pro defense is giving anyone the idea that KC is going to walk or be acquitted. All it is is a debate about exactly which charges the jury will convict on. The debate comes down to 3 options. Murder 1, Manslaughter, or a hung jury from #4. The SA has minimal reason to be overly lenient in deals at this point. I know a few of our lawyers think that the Manslaughter 30 years with parole would be a likely deal. I don't think so at this late stage. The state will get that no matter what. They have no reason to bargain for it. They will hold out for LWOP and simply offer to take death off the table.
i think it's a picture from the baby shower.

That was my first thought but I am looking here a little late and wanted to see if anyone else already posted that first, and you did! Looks like a pick of the baby shower to me.
Originally Posted by 3doglady [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6765016#post6765016"]
Before this CM was yelling at the DT when they were in back with KC. When the PT is going in back with the DT, JB does not want it on the record but JA insists. CM motioned to DS to keep KC away. DS gets the female DT to take her in another room so KC cannot read the transcript on DS laptop. The two female junior DT's are reading the laptop. Their reaction looks like something big is going on and they do not look happy. Every time the door opens where KC is, the 2 female DT's jump apart and look at door like they don't want KC to hear what they are saying. The other male DT looks nervous. While this is going on, CA reads a text and looks up at GA with clear surprise on her face. GA looks at it and says OMG. CA gets up and leaves

How could they prevent ICA from seeing what was being said? I guess to keep her from blowing up on camera? Obviously they had to tell her???

I'm perplexed!
I'm new! Been following this case from the beginning. I've been reading websleuths for a long time, but I like to read more then give my opinion.

But here it is! Ha! Cindy Anthony lied on the stand and it was obvious. I believe JB is really screwing up and there is serious witness tampering going on by the defense. I think CM has had enough and isn't going to lose his reputation over these shenanigans. And that is what Sat. morning was about.

What we'll see the result of all of that tomorrow morning is anyones guess. Baez fired, Mason taking over, evidence in trial thrown out, etc. Who knows, but it's big. Not some small issue.
He said:

"Is there a plea in the works? Probably not but that's a possibility. Is Casey Anthony unhappy with one of her attorneys? That's a definite possibility. You saw Jose Baez start in the morning, there was a witness issue - again. And then all of a sudden Cheney Mason came up and approached the bench and they went in the back for almost an hour. And then they stated that Court was over. And then the third one which I've come up with - I've been researching actually this morning. Is it possible that the lawyers are filing ethical requirements? That they've found out that a witness may have, in fact, been less than truthful. And they felt duty bound under the ethics opinions to take it before a Court. Could that have happened? Possibly."

Word for word. I just rewound my DVR.


If this is indeed fact, than I'll bet CM is the only one that felt "duty bound".

CM - the only attorney on the defense respected in the legal community. The only one that has the unblemished record.

JB - CLEARLY did NOT want to go forward with whatever the problem was yesterday. His body language could NOT have been more telling. He practically begged CM to drop the whole matter and was completely dejected once they came out of chambers.

Now, whose testimony?

My bet is Cindy.
During the sidebar CM specifically looked at and pointed to FG. Thanks for your insight.

I've been mulling this over.

Since this episode happened at the end of the day, the day Lee testified for the DT, and since the brouhaha yesterday annoyed FG so much, I'm wondering if the "legal matter" has anything to do with the DT "witness tampering" with Lee? FG was the one who questioned Lee originally during the State's CIC, and would have been the one, I assume, to contact Lee prior to attempt to go over his testimony. Perhaps Friday, LDB stomped over to CM and said "2 words. Witness tampering" and stomped back? Maybe it was to give him a heads up that she expected him to get his "house" in order? Pointless to say anything to JB, KWIM? Maybe CM put his foot down good and hard yesterday after getting some info on Friday evening? :waitasec:

Just speculation. I don't know. That may be way off, as I cannot imagine that the entire Prosecution team wouldn't have been in chambers the entire time,

and I don't know why court would have needed to be recessed, but maybe CM wanted to read his team the riot act, and, being an officer of the court, report it to HHJP first before the State did? :waitasec:
I also think the fact that CA appears to be writing down every little thing that goes on in that courtroom is very very wrong. The deputy should be able to take her notebook away from her everyday. The jurors have to leave thier notebooks on the their seats everday when they leave. Why is this being allowed I wonder ?

Obviously I am WAY behind here, just coming on to catch up. I just really don't think any of the A's should be allowed in there at all. This is not anything personal about THEM at all... I simply don't think ANYONE who is being called as a witness in ANY case should be allowed in the courtroom where they can hear the testimony of other witnesses before theirs is given, that's all.

However...that said, in THIS case it really wouldn't matter since it is being televised. If they weren't allowed in, the A's could still sit right in front of a comptuter or TV and see the whole thing. (And take all the notes they wanted, too.) The only difference is they couldn't see the jury and their reactions.
He said:

" Is it possible that the lawyers are filing ethical requirements? That they've found out that a witness may have, in fact, been less than truthful. And they felt duty bound under the ethics opinions to take it before a Court. Could that have happened? Possibly."

Word for word. I just rewound my DVR.

you think? With this family and lead attorney, it could be that half of the witnesses have been coached to say things that may not be 100% truthful. I can tell you that I can't trust anything that the A family says.
I'm new! Been following this case from the beginning. I've been reading websleuths for a long time, but I like to read more then give my opinion.

But here it is! Ha! Cindy Anthony lied on the stand and it was obvious. I believe JB is really screwing up and there is serious witness tampering going on by the defense. I think CM has had enough and isn't going to lose his reputation over these shenanigans. And that is what Sat. morning was about.

What we'll see the result of all of that tomorrow morning is anyones guess. Baez fired, Mason taking over, evidence in trial thrown out, etc. Who knows, but it's big. Not some small issue.

I'm new! Been following this case from the beginning. I've been reading websleuths for a long time, but I like to read more then give my opinion.

But here it is! Ha! Cindy Anthony lied on the stand and it was obvious. I believe JB is really screwing up and there is serious witness tampering going on by the defense. I think CM has had enough and isn't going to lose his reputation over these shenanigans. And that is what Sat. morning was about.

What we'll see the result of all of that tomorrow morning is anyones guess. Baez fired, Mason taking over, evidence in trial thrown out, etc. Who knows, but it's big. Not some small issue.

<modsnip> I am thrilled with all of our new posters and great ideas and opinions.
<modsnip> there are posters here who have studied all the documents ,interviews,transcripts and hearings for almost 3 years now,<modsnip>.If you have only recently started following this case,you may have a very different view of the Anthony's,the defense,the SA's and the surrounding cast ,in this case.
If you've only followed it in the media ,well,they often get facts wrong.

It's a LOT of info to cover,but definitely worth going back and studying ,if you really want to know this case and what's going on.
Cindy Anthony's depos are particularly interesting,especially the one with Morgan and Morgan in the Zeneida Gonzalez civil suit.You will see a very different CA than what we've seen at trial. Her depo with the SA's is interesting also.
They are a very complex family and created this 3 ring circus ,along with JB,IMO.

You just can't make this stuff up!

Maybe those who have been here awhile should compile a list of the best or most important documents/videos to look at . Any takers?
I had never seen Caylee's memorial. Watched it yesterday. Creeped the heck out of me! That was no memorial for Caylee. That was a memorial for ICA. Creepy, creepy, creepy.

One comment Cindy made rubbed me the wrong way, "Everyone needs to get off their asses and go look for Caylee." Yeah that would make me want to run out and help.

Bold mine.

Also, remember the time that CA was crying and holding both sides of her head in 'misery' and said, "I will look for her (Caylee) in every little nook and cranny"? Yeah, right....the only crannies and nooks that Cindy looked in were the corners of the green rooms at the Today Show, Good Morning America, and Larry King Live. :banghead:

If this is indeed fact, than I'll bet CM is the only one that felt "duty bound".

CM - the only attorney on the defense respected in the legal community. The only one that has the unblemished record.

JB - CLEARLY did NOT want to go forward with whatever the problem was yesterday. His body language could NOT have been more telling. He practically begged CM to drop the whole matter and was completely dejected once they came out of chambers.

Now, whose testimony?

My bet is Cindy.

Exactly! I think Cindy Anthony is in trouble as well as Baez!
I'm new! Been following this case from the beginning. I've been reading websleuths for a long time, but I like to read more then give my opinion.

But here it is! Ha! Cindy Anthony lied on the stand and it was obvious. I believe JB is really screwing up and there is serious witness tampering going on by the defense. I think CM has had enough and isn't going to lose his reputation over these shenanigans. And that is what Sat. morning was about.

What we'll see the result of all of that tomorrow morning is anyones guess. Baez fired, Mason taking over, evidence in trial thrown out, etc. Who knows, but it's big. Not some small issue.

Obviously I am WAY behind here, just coming on to catch up. I just really don't think any of the A's should be allowed in there at all. This is not anything personal about THEM at all... I simply don't think ANYONE who is being called as a witness in ANY case should be allowed in the courtroom where they can hear the testimony of other witnesses before theirs is given, that's all.

However...that said, in THIS case it really wouldn't matter since it is being televised. If they weren't allowed in, the A's could still sit right in front of a comptuter or TV and see the whole thing. (And take all the notes they wanted, too.) The only difference is they couldn't see the jury and their reactions.

I agree,and really would like to see them sequestered ,as well,but HHJP was following FL law. :maddening:
He said:

"Is there a plea in the works? Probably not but that's a possibility. Is Casey Anthony unhappy with one of her attorneys? That's a definite possibility. You saw Jose Baez start in the morning, there was a witness issue - again. And then all of a sudden Cheney Mason came up and approached the bench and they went in the back for almost an hour. And then they stated that Court was over. And then the third one which I've come up with - I've been researching actually this morning. Is it possible that the lawyers are filing ethical requirements? That they've found out that a witness may have, in fact, been less than truthful. And they felt duty bound under the ethics opinions to take it before a Court. Could that have happened? Possibly."

Word for word. I just rewound my DVR.

Thank you for doing this, SuziHawk! Much appreciated! :)
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