2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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I really think it has to do with sex abuse again. The last time the judge sealed transcripts it was about that. It would also explain ICA crying. It was about her.

The reason for the delay has been sealed, though. Why seal that?

It may have to do with some sort of misconduct that need not be known to the public. It may be something that HHJP needs to research more thoroughly on how to handle. The list goes on.
NO way there is a plea coming. ICA WILL have a trial, that way it can always be reversed, she's not ready to face the music.
Did he say who called him from the DOD? Did he name a name?

Yes it was a "CPT" which to be honest surprised me. But what do I know? IIRC the surname was Edwards. Check the transcript though.
Lol, He did withhold that call. He asked for another day to review depo after that call
Why wouldn't he...he doesn't make the decision about who will ultimately testify, regardless of the DOD's stance...they don't employ Ashton...and if it wasn't this guy it would be someone like him...no doubt giving similar testimony...a lot to learn from a depo...especially one that is sprung at the 25th hour. JMHO
PS- JB had years to get a REPORT to the State...the State requesting an additional day, regardless, is IMO not a horrible thing.
I think it's interesting that he called Ashton. Wasn't this guy Baez's witness?

The whole world is watching this case and is aware of the players involved. I know *I* would call Ashton before calling Baez! Vasco Thompson had the good sense to call LE when Baez was dogging him. :floorlaugh:
Does anyone have that picture or could point me to a link where it is contained? I thought it looked a little off yesterday but couldn't devote much time to it at that particular moment. TIA!

Weird enough I can't find it online and I've searched twice now. Hmmmmm
After both Cindy and Lee says there is a stain that was already in the trunk when they bought it, do you think in the rebuttal they will bring in the person who had the car before them to explain the stains?
LKB on HLN blah blah blah

Did she forget to put on makeup, looks like she just ran in the studio put on a mic and started yaking
I think it's interesting that he called Ashton. Wasn't this guy Baez's witness?

JA, I believe, was in the process of deposing Dr. R when the call came.

Also--who would answer their office phone on a weekend---JA or JB? HMMMMM.

Go with what you know---I think the awful Dr. Phil said "The number one indicator of future behavior is PAST BEHAVIOR."
Wow - LKB on HLN looking as white as a sheet going blah blah blah - but thinks the DT has done something hinky...and ineffective assistance may be on the table.
Did Jean C say KC had also gone into Judges chambers this morning?
Could it have anything to do with Cindy blurting out the check fraud charges on the stand and now the DT thinks that will have an effect on the jury? And that a curative instruction wouldn't work because a curative instruction to disregard her testimony would hurt the defense?

I am wildly speculating, this is probably WAY off base. Anyone know if this is even a possibility?

The SA would have been involved with this and they were not in the meeting...
What was all the conversation going on with CA up in the seats this morning. CA was smiling from time to time.
Did anyone else notice JP after adjourning said Madam Clerk come on we have work to do??????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Does anyone have that picture or could point me to a link where it is contained? I thought it looked a little off yesterday but couldn't devote much time to it at that particular moment. TIA!

It was uploaded to the trial thread from yesterday. There are two posters that are pretty good about doing screen captures. I can't remember which one did it (I want to say Momtective but I could be wrong). Anyway the pic is on that thread. (I think afternoon session)
MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
All attys left somber as exiting closed door meeting #caseyanthony Have suspicion but will wait. Not discovery violation issue w #JoseBaez

MagpieFromHinky Pamela
pipitone says he could hear Mason screaming at other def atty & kc. but not what he was saying


Well, here's a theory. What if Baez knew the testimony Cindy and Lee gave was not true and he put them on the stand knowing it was lies. That is a big NO NO. Mason might have found out and said I will not be a part of this. It's one thing to know what a witness will say on the stand and have them testify but not know it is not true. It's quite a different and severely legal issue for an attorney to put a witness on the stand full well knowing that their testimony is a lie.

All just my speculation and opinion
Wow - LKB on HLN looking as white as a sheet going blah blah blah - but thinks the DT has done something hinky...and ineffective assistance may be on the table.

If she said it, I don't believe it. So we can rule that one out. :floorlaugh:
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