2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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First time poster, but I've been here reading from day one. I couldn't stand it any more. I live in Orlando and it really ticks me off that the Anthony family acts like they do. I am really upset that they act like this. I've gone back over and over the feed from WESH on today's short hearing, If I'm right Monday everyone better be ready. I think this whole thing is about George. I think he has put it in writing the he did the molestation(I think that's what the closed talk is about) If you go to the 49:30 mark right before that Cindy gets up goes outside (she was talking to the man next to her) George looks up and then takes a deep breath. Then looks at this guy, he said something to him (still working on trying to figure out what he said) then he say's to the man "I'M NOT SURE I CAN DO IT" I really think he was prepared to get on the stand today but it will be Monday. I think he keeps reading the bible asking god to forgive him for what he's about to do. If this is true and he does this I wonder if he can get into any trouble. But then again I don't think they care. There only focus is for Casey not to get the DP.

Just my opinion..............
Well if you have it right, it shows what a heartless and self-centered, unusual person CA is, as she gabs away with the friendly male next to her, barely giving GA the time of day before he is to commit hari-kari .....like he's just another little android soldier in her troop. ;)
Last night I showed LA's testimony to Hubby. He looked and me and burst out laughing and said "How funny is it going to be when ICA walks and the rest of the A's are in jail for perjury?"

Yes, that's totally random...I'm avoiding going to clean the pool, so there may be more...........
According to Mason he had been giving Baez tips and advice for months prior to joining and this would have been before Judge Perry was on the case, so I don't think Perry had anything to do with Mason joining. I do think Mason is not keeping up with the pace that seems quite obvious, he does not look well, he looks exhausted.

I'm sure he is exhausted. Heck, I'm exhausted and all I have to do is get up at 5:30 am to watch the trial then spend until midnight reading on WS. But it's lookin' like I may need to rent a backhoe to clean my house on Sunday. Ugh.
I'm not sure if this info has already been posted (I'm only on page 14 of 66) but haven't seen anything about it myself so I thought that I'd share. Apologies if this info has already been shared.

*From today's live chat located at http://www.clickorlando.com/news/28355538/detail.html

[Comment From CindyOrlando]
Tony-could you briefly summize Cindy's work /phone schedule in news report? Sorry I missed it

Tony Pipitone:
CindyOrlando, we found phone records showing Cindy did not call George at work after coming home from work on June 16, as she testified to, and that she did not just put down 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week on work schedule, as she testified she did during days of chloroform searches in March, when she now says she was home.

I'm certain the SA's have this and will be using it in rebuttal.
Can't imagine why Cindy thought she could get away with it :waitasec: She knows by now how thorough the SA's can be :woohoo:
IMO Baez looked like a school kid trying to bluff his way out of trouble.
He REALLY didn't want HH to read the depo and the report.
I don't think that's why HH recessed for today,but it may be connected to whatever CM wanted to discuss.
I also recall when Rodriguez was taken off the witness stand until a depo was done,HH told the jury that they were acommidating an out of town witness. That wasn't completely true..............I'm just sayin':innocent:

Miss James (edit, sorry!) :: that was totally my take on it too! JB tried to bully and bluff the powerpoint and testimony in, then when HHJP said he'd read the depo and the report given to JA and advise what he thought, JB was like, "I don't want to do that, I'm not going to go through that, I'll just take out the parts JA doesn't like..."

gitana, Q: is that normal? For a Judge to say he'll read it and give them a ruling and for an attorney to say no, I'm not going to go that route?
IMO Baez looked like a school kid trying to bluff his way out of trouble.
He REALLY didn't want HH to read the depo and the report.
I don't think that's why HH recessed for today,but it may be connected to whatever CM wanted to discuss.
I also recall when Rodriguez was taken off the witness stand until a depo was done,HH told the jury that they were acommidating an out of town witness. That wasn't completely true..............I'm just sayin':innocent:

I know right!? He knew he was busted and he wanted to let it go..then Judge Perry said something about reading it first and then they would go from there. Does Jose really think the Judge is going to let it go at that I wonder? At the very least..one more thing to add to his contempt charge list at the end of the trial..He got caught once again with his hand in the cookie jar..
Ok folks went for dip in the pool for awhile and had hope you all had this figured out !:sleuth:
A few comments about the sliding glass door picture. First off, it means nothing except Caylee (assuming it's her) was able to touch the handle.

Some sliding glass doors are really hard to open and a toddler would not have the strength to open the door. Secondly, just because the door was partially open doesn't mean Caylee opened it that far. We have four sliding glass doors in our home and we open them slightly sometimes just like the pic with Caylee, especially if it's really windy outside.

The pictures of Caylee climbing up the ladder don't mean anything either. I would expect her to be able to climb up the ladder. That ladder was small, it would have been very hard for Cindy to climb up the ladder while holding Caylee.

This is what a true drowning looks like. The father tried to revive him until the paramedics got there even though he was blue:


gitana, that was totally my take on it too! JB tried to bully and bluff the powerpoint and testimony in, then when HHJP said he'd read the depo and the report given to JA and advise what he thought, JB was like, "I don't want to do that, I'm not going to go through that, I'll just take out the parts JA doesn't like..."

gitana, Q: is that normal? For a Judge to say he'll read it and give them a ruling and for an attorney to say no, I'm not going to go that route?

I almost had to laugh because it was like JB was telling Judge Perry how it would be handled..I was waiting for the Judge to tell him that it wasn't his courtroom!
I had a similar thought. Mason is the one that said he had an issue that needed a sidebar. He and Baez looked to be arguing, while JA and LDB were covering up smiles. Casey was weepy.

Mason, unlike Baez, is smart enough to realize that the SA will eventually gain access to info from Gentiva about Cindy's work history on those days.

Mason also picked up on SA's questioning of Lee, when he asked what it was Lee was bringing to the DT. If Mason looked into it and found something illegal then I think he would want to get far away from it now. I mean if Lee made a deal, drop the accusations against me, and I will point the finger at my dad, for example.
Just had a thought while reading this.
In the DT OS Baez stated that Lee followed in his father's footsteps,"but not as much" (paraphrasing).It was as though they had to throw Lee in there ,probably because of ICA's prior claims,but didn't really want to damage him.
Then you have ICA crying while Lee is on the stand.
Maybe she really does care about him ,somewhat.Or maybe he did some things early on to cover for her and she's grateful.I don't think he hid the body ,but I think he tampered with the laptop ,at the very least.
On the legal thread, a lawyer said that Cindy bringing it up the way she did is not opening the door...because she just said it on her own, not the same as if a lawyer says it, like CM did...

LOL. So I could read what happened as Cindy was trying to help the Prosecution, in a backwards kinda way and JB was smart enough not to ask more questions. Yeesh. Whodathunkedit.
I'm not sure if this info has already been posted (I'm only on page 14 of 66) but haven't seen anything about it myself so I thought that I'd share. Apologies if this info has already been shared.

*From today's live chat located at http://www.clickorlando.com/news/28355538/detail.html

[Comment From CindyOrlando]
Tony-could you briefly summize Cindy's work /phone schedule in news report? Sorry I missed it

Tony Pipitone:
CindyOrlando, we found phone records showing Cindy did not call George at work after coming home from work on June 16, as she testified to, and that she did not just put down 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week on work schedule, as she testified she did during days of chloroform searches in March, when she now says she was home.

I heard a few times yesterday, don't recall where, that CM really messed up but now I can't find this info anywhere. Does anyone here know about this and if so what was it about?

I'm certain the SA's have this and will be using it in rebuttal.
Can't imagine why Cindy thought she could get away with it :waitasec: She knows by now how thorough the SA's can be :woohoo:

Her day is coming..The pundits seem to think she won't be prosecuted for perjury and she may not..but I don't believe that LDB is done with her..not by a long shot..I said the other day that IMO she's giving her enough rope..
OT - I was watching the video of cindy talking to media about the kidnapping, and I noticed that the shelf in the garage with the trash bags and ice chest are arranged different than when the evidence photo was taken. Not that it matters except CA threw in the ice chest too many times to me, once about cleaning the doll and also about KC's shamrock necklace or something that she put on it the night all this started. Which to me was just her way of telling KC they took care of covering up ice chest.Imo same thing about doll outfit standing in crib without the doll, just a way to tell KC about.

I'm certain the SA's have this and will be using it in rebuttal.
Can't imagine why Cindy thought she could get away with it :waitasec: She knows by now how thorough the SA's can be :woohoo:

At least one lawyer said that the state would not be able to produce evidence now that could have been obtained earlier...I wonder if this is true. I also wonder, knowing the Anthonys, why the state would not have covered their butts and done this further research 3 years ago to be sure that Cindy was at work and get all phone records, etc...
I almost had to laugh because it was like JB was telling Judge Perry how it would be handled..I was waiting for the Judge to tell him that it wasn't his courtroom!

I'm just amazed that the Judge patiently watched JB throw his fit with the same interested, attentive look he always has, then shook his head back and forth a few times, pursed his lips and then told JB what was actually going to happen. lol
I just hope him being part of the team is enough to keep that from happening..

To be honest, JP is up against so many devious attorneys that I don't see how he can stop all the appeals headed his way. There are so many little helpers in the background not exactly keeping a low profile. I don't know how large a staff JP has but I hope it's huge since this case is being assaulted from all directions.
HLN is into reruns from this morning, FWI, just so everyone knows...not "Live".
IMO Baez looked like a school kid trying to bluff his way out of trouble.
He REALLY didn't want HH to read the depo and the report.
I don't think that's why HH recessed for today,but it may be connected to whatever CM wanted to discuss.
I also recall when Rodriguez was taken off the witness stand until a depo was done,HH told the jury that they were acommidating an out of town witness. That wasn't completely true..............I'm just sayin':innocent:

Well Dr. Spitz was in from out of town so not completely false either..he just omitted a Few details about Dr. R
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