2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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This must have mentioned before, if so forgive me. Remember Cindy testifying that 6 wks ago she stopped believing there was a Zanny? Also remember Lee at the memorial saying he would keep his promise to "CMA? I believe the SA offered them a way to "stick to" prior testimony so that they could fulfill that promise and not suffer perjury charges, if they answered truthfully to subsequent events (rebuttal). I don't believe any of them knew about the sexual abuse charges in OS. They have now (in a way) verified all they have promised and have now fulfilled their promise(s) are ready to tell the turth in rebuttal (since they allowed the SA to open a lot of doors (ie credit card, etc). I also believe that Lee is devastated to know that the sister he know is ready to throw the entire family under the bus to save her *advertiser censored**.

In addition, I have seen footage of Ciney's ntestimony yesterday where Ashton is behind Baez (at the table with the AV guy) encouraging and supporting Cindy (though it was only shown ONCE locally).
So CM stands up and says he has something totally unrelated he'd like to talk to the judge about and that is when the whole thing pretty much came to an end for the day. Prior to that it appeared everyone, including JB, was prepared to get down to business. The DT goes into chambers, then comes out and there is a discussion with the SA. So definately this issue today has something to do with CM, we just don't know what. That said, while walking back to CM's office he and JB were side by side but the footage I saw seemed to show JB purposefully looking away from CM. JB also did not look troubled at all so that would be odd if he were walking next to a person who had just announced he would like to withdraw for health reasons. So for me I'm thinking he may withdraw because he isn't focussed on the case due to his health, and not because his health is deteriorating. This might also be supported by the fact that all the TH's on HLN keep talking about how he keeps making mistakes.
Did you know there is a wax that actors use under their eyes to make them cry, just wonder if this is why so many wipes under the eyes with the A's.
re: Dr. Rodriguez...they just played his testimony again on hln, and i think the reason the DoD laid the smack down was because he didn't tell them he was working on a private case. That's why he needed to disclose that he was an "unpaid consultant" on the witness stand. he probably thought that's all he would need to get him off the hook, but this is the Department of DEFENSE he works for...I'm sure there are stipulations in place regarding providing court testimony in cases that are not government related. Who knows what kind of information, classified technology, etc, he could give away while providing testimony? On top of that, he did commit perjury re: the Body Farm and perhaps the DoD doesn't want that to reflect on them, so they want him disassociated with this case totally.

Someone mentioned in this thread that Rodriguez pulled out anyway because after reviewing the facts (obviously Baez didn't tell him everything), he ultimately decided he agreed with the SA's assessments re: the duct tape. I read this too, but I'm not sure where.
And as I finish my cup of coffee, I'm recalling Dr. Vass' testimony about the "shocking" peaks of chloroform found in the air samples taken from the trunk, and CA's testimony that she searched chlorophyll and chloroform because her dogs were eating bamboo and were sleepy.

Methinks CA is a big fat liar who WAS at work that day.

*drains coffee cup and logs off* ;)
But wasn't the issue that Rodriguez was to SECURE PERMISSION from DOD before agreeing to testify and in THIS case, he did not?

That is how I understood it from phone call received by Jeff Ashton....

That's may be the question at hand... did JA receive or initiate a call?
Was he not in the beginning of time working for the A's as their lawyer, what happenedn to the lawyer who was in a wheel chair, as I notice another new lawyer, do they need a lawyer, and does that not cost money??

Just wondering

Yes he was their first lawyer who quit right before Caylee was found because they would not heed his admonishments :giggle: . Then along came Brad Conway, the one in the wheelchair, who quit early this year or late last year because Baez dragged him into some muck and he wasn't having any of it.
He did....at the beginning of him stating his qualifications to Baez when called as defense witness. Baez specifically asked him if he was co-founder and he replied yes...

TY and thats what I thought, but given all the "Chemists" JB has put on I kinda lost track who said what in their CV??? LOL

That little item alone should disqualify the man/Dr./Chemist..No wonder DOD kicked up a fuss:floorlaugh:
Was he not in the beginning of time working for the A's as their lawyer, what happenedn to the lawyer who was in a wheel chair, as I notice another new lawyer, do they need a lawyer, and does that not cost money??

Just wondering

Yes, Mark Nejame was the Anthonys original attorney but he quit in November 2008 (if I recall correctly).

Brad Conway (in wheelchair) took over after that...Anthonys eventually split with him over drama as well...

This attorney, Mark Lippman, their third, was actually the attorney who was handling the foreclosure on their home on Hopespring and who eventually agreed to represent them in this manner as well. So far, he is the only one who seems to have been able to control Cindy in the media.....so far....

cecy, I know B Scheaffer reported that K Belich heard Cheney Mason's raised voice right at the end..and I got the impression that he had just received that info but of course don't know that for sure. I just rewatched and the defense, SA and HJBP were behind closed doors together and came out of the room at the same time. Look at ICA's face at 20 min in..looks like she is looking at JA with the most stone cold stare.. this link may default to part 1..it's in part 2..gives me chills


Great Post btw~

I posted the tweet when KB tweeted it. I think it was in the trial thread.

Also just for a side note Mark Nejame also tweeted it is not for health reason HHJP said it was a legal matter.

I agree, this isn't about CM illness.
I thought the same..Also found it strange when she covered her mouth and her nose with the tablecloth and all that could be seen of her face was her little eyes...JMHO..

I thought she was just acting shy!
Probably dosent see the great grandfater very much!
That's may be the question at hand... did JA receive or initiate a call?

I believe I read today that it is in the court record that DOD INITIATED the call to Ashton after seeing Rodriguez on TV....even though Baez TRIED to insinuate that Ashton called the DOD....

But Baez discredited again.....
Okay sorry about that Wescott.
I'm going to take a nap see you all Monday AM :) :seeya:

No apology necessary Kat. I was just stating that I couldn't find any cases where he was testifying for the defense. I wasn't being snarky and if I came across as such please accept my apology.
I just finished watching today's proceedings for the second time and this is what I am predicting...

I think Monday is going to ANTI-CLIMATIC with us not finding out exactly what transpired today.

I find it interesting that HHJP sealed the ex parte...it is the weekend, not as if media could get copy of transcript before court on Monday morning and "break" the story before HHJP makes statement for court record. I don't think that record will EVER be unsealed.

It appears to me that Cheney Mason is leaving the defense team. I think the TRUE reasons were discussed during the ex parte, and I also think Mason is having some health issues which were discussed.

I think Monday morning is going to find us hearing HHJP announcing for the record that Cheney Mason has stepped down from the Defense Team due to health reasons, that Mr. Baez, Ms. Sims and Ms. Finnell will continue as Attys of Record, and that an instruction will be read to the jury....

I think when both sides conceded to this change in attorneys (Finnell will take over presenting defense witnesses Mason was scheduled to question) HHJP agreed to recess court for the remainder of the weekend in order to give Ann Finnell time to review depos, etc so she can continue with scheduled witnesses from today on Monday. Basically, HHJP negotiated giving up today's "work day" in an attempt to stay on schedule as much as possible next week.

I also find it interesting that Mrs. Mason attended court on Friday...first time it has EVER been mentioned she was in courtroom....perhaps to offer her husband support, but this morning was last straw for Mason?

I think we will hear announcement that Mason is out....Finnell will now be a regular attendee until deliberations...and that is all we will know.....until the first defense team member gets their book published!!!

If you watch CM during JB's little rant at the Judge he has his head in his hands and then they cover his face..it is after this that he gets up...I would bet that JB's disrespect of the Court is part of the reason he is stepping down...but I agree with you that we will just hear that he is stepping down for health reasons. ....and on down the road we go.
I just finished watching today's proceedings for the second time and this is what I am predicting...

I think Monday is going to ANTI-CLIMATIC with us not finding out exactly what transpired today.

I find it interesting that HHJP sealed the ex parte...it is the weekend, not as if media could get copy of transcript before court on Monday morning and "break" the story before HHJP makes statement for court record. I don't think that record will EVER be unsealed.

It appears to me that Cheney Mason is leaving the defense team. I think the TRUE reasons were discussed during the ex parte, and I also think Mason is having some health issues which were discussed.

I think Monday morning is going to find us hearing HHJP announcing for the record that Cheney Mason has stepped down from the Defense Team due to health reasons, that Mr. Baez, Ms. Sims and Ms. Finnell will continue as Attys of Record, and that an instruction will be read to the jury....

I think when both sides conceded to this change in attorneys (Finnell will take over presenting defense witnesses Mason was scheduled to question) HHJP agreed to recess court for the remainder of the weekend in order to give Ann Finnell time to review depos, etc so she can continue with scheduled witnesses from today on Monday. Basically, HHJP negotiated giving up today's "work day" in an attempt to stay on schedule as much as possible next week.

I also find it interesting that Mrs. Mason attended court on Friday...first time it has EVER been mentioned she was in courtroom....perhaps to offer her husband support, but this morning was last straw for Mason?

I think we will hear announcement that Mason is out....Finnell will now be a regular attendee until deliberations...and that is all we will know.....until the first defense team member gets their book published!!!

Interesting take. Wonder why he couldn't stick it out for another week of testimony?

I do have to say though, that Mrs. Mason has been in attendance several times sitting in that same area.
No need....Ann Finnell is already a member of the defense team and SHE IS DP qualified....
Oh yeah, thanks. And SIms too. iirc? (maybe not). If true that Mason is leaving, I do think HJJP is going to be very careful how he handles it so as to not cause an issue, in any case. Or maybe it already is an issue.

Still though, leaving one week before closing arguments? Seems .. err.. odd.
I posted the tweet when KB tweeted it. I think it was in the trial thread.

Also just for a side note Mark Nejame also tweeted it is not for health reason HHJP said it was a legal matter.

I agree, this isn't about CM illness.

Not to disagree, but Mark Nejame is also JUST speculating...he has NO inside information...he is strictly going by the words spoken by HHJP "...legal matter"...

Now that he is an HLN employee, and now that HLN had to scramble to fill a whole day of commentary thanks to HHJP recessing court, Nejame is doing LOTS and LOTS of speculating today......gotta say SOMETHING...

Even Beth K and Jean C said they spoke to their "inside defense sources" who in the past have spoken off the record when something was about to break...(why we get the "teasers")....

Today, both women said ALL their sources completely refused to comment at all....
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