2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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TY for answering..one last thing and I'll leave you alone, lol! From what you have seen so far..do you think it's enough to be overturned because of ineffective councel? Just your opinion..

I don't! It's very hard to get a conviction overturned on such a basis. You need something like the attorney failed to present exculpatory evidence that they actually had or that they slept during trial. Something like that. And remember that it has to be shown that whatever the attorney screwed up changed the outcome of the trial. In other words, they would have to prove that because JB did X, Y or Z, casey was convicted and would not have been otherwise. And that is VERY, VERY hard to show. The state provided enough for a conviction, IMO, without JB and CM's screw ups. Those were just icing on the cake.
Information gets twisted a lot from what people read and hear. Kathi Belich tweeted that she heard CM's raised voice in the backroom...but a couple mnutes later another reporter at the court tweeted that CM was laughing loudly enough for them to hear. Now it's going from hearing CM's voice (possibly laughing) to him screaming at JB and ICA?

No....the reported laughter was coming from the jurors in the JURY ROOM.
Last night I showed LA's testimony to Hubby. He looked and me and burst out laughing and said "How funny is it going to be when ICA walks and the rest of the A's are in jail for perjury?"

Yes, that's totally random...I'm avoiding going to clean the pool, so there may be more...........

Hmmmmm....that's one way Casey can move into her parents home with one of her friends.
There is stuff flying around about a Brady Motion anyone got any clues?

A Brady Motion is evidence that is favorable to the DT and may be used to impeach a gov't witness and a failure to disclose evidence to the DT and deprives the defendant a fair trial.
So there's a week left let's say. Why would anyone fire her lawyer. If it's CM like everyone is saying wouldn't they just not let him cross examine anyone. JMO

It could go to a Mistrial! I believe!
Her lawyers are incompetent!
JB faces Sanctions (contempt of court) and CM opened toooo many doors!
Yep, I think that's why LDB was asking her about when or if she called George about the ladder incident and from what phones..Cindy locked herself in now and there is no phone call to George on those dates..I can not wait until she is confronted on the stand about that!

IIRC Gitana1 does not think CA will be called back during State's rebuttal,rather the phone records,computer info and work hours will come in via other people,like the record keeper at CA's job.That person has been on the State's witness list for years! They have this covered ,IMO.
Gitana1 correct me if I got that wrong!
Her day is coming..The pundits seem to think she won't be prosecuted for perjury and she may not..but I don't believe that LDB is done with her..not by a long shot..I said the other day that IMO she's giving her enough rope..

ITA - LDB is not done with Cindy. Cindy has to realize she can't outwit LDB, not even close. LDB will come back and make her eat those lies in front of the jury.

BTW, I can't remember where I saw it but Cindy logged more than 40 hours the week Caylee died. Kind of blows CA's statement that you can't show you worked OT. I would love to hear from Gentiva because I've been a salaried employee before and even if I worked 10 hours a day, my timesheet had to reflect those hours even though I didn't get paid for them.

LOL LOL I was thinking the same thing!! Just took her a little longer then 3 days to get the house like she promised Tony. LOL LOL
I still believe this house stuff had alot to do with the case, but all in the background. Hope one day they write the book on it. Not sure this isn't where KC had the goods on CA. IMO
I think this has something to do with CM. IMO, CM acts like my Grandfather when he was in the early stages of Alzheimer's. I have only seen a program with CM defending Nelson Surrano (sp) and IMO he does not appear to be as sharp or coherent. Many times during this trial and jury selection I have seen CM appear to be lost in space (term our family used for my Grandfather) and then turns angry and lashes out. This is just MHO and what I have felt since jury selection.

Disclaimer that I will put in siggy: I am at least 30 pages behind so I know this is probably not being discussed anymore :crazy:

I've thought this from the start, never having seen him before...
Just logging in what about having to investigate allegations of juror misconduct.
aw man, I hope she's back on..I know it sounds awful, but I want to see Cindy Anthony squirm when she is confronted with proof of her lies!
My guess it was in opening the door to allow testimony about Casey being accused by CA of stealing her credit card. I heard someone say it that way about CM myself.

Yes thAT was one thing and the other was the way Dr G got the better of him!
Have there been in report from Mark Nejame about his opinion on what happened this morning???

I have looked everywhere!

He was on HLN a few minutes ago and seems to think it's most likely something involving CM.
Wasnt HHJP given a motion for aquittal or appeal yesterday at closing?
Obviously we are all just speculating, but on the WESH video of today's session, around the 36:20 mark JA, LDB, FG, JB, and CM are all shown meeting for a couple of minutes without the judge there. Body language is really interesting at the end of this to me...to me it looks like Baez starts to walk away and then comes back to CM and the group and almost seems like he's asking if they really want to do whatever they are about to go into chambers about... Just found it very interesting and maybe a clue to what is going on...what kind of clue I'm not sure :), but Baez seemed uneasy with what was about to occur...MOO
What a morning to oversleep! I just finished watching Part 1 of this mornings procedures & I must say, it was strange indeed! These things I happened to notice right off the bat....

The minute JB began talking to HHJP, CM began rubbing his forehead with his hand...it was almost apparent that he's had enough of this guy!

When someone reported on here in an earlier post that the only thing ICA did today was "blow her nose", I don't think so, it appears to me she was either crying or almost in tears...after coming out of the chambers with the DT. She truley appears worried or scared...not her usual cocky,, i got this, self!

Whatever it was, JB did not agree with, notice the "neck exercises" & rolling of the eyes during the time CM was talking to JA, LDB, & George. Then, after that was another roll the eyes time & a turn away....

Also, (and I feel like a peeping tom saying this), but if you look to the right side of the door while they were in the judges chambers, the darker part of that wall has a see-through tint to it...and you can see hands moving & papers being shuffled. Something was either being looked up or signed and agreed upon before bringing the SA into the mix.
My guess it was in opening the door to allow testimony about Casey being accused by CA of stealing her credit card. I heard someone say it that way about CM myself.

Why did CA tell a police officer of KC stealing her credit card for in the first place? I thought CA originally called 911 and said different things just to get them to the house before she finally called and said Caylee was missing. So, why did CA tell the police officer that KC stole her credit card once he got there if she only said that just to get him there? Did I miss something?
ITA - LDB is not done with Cindy. Cindy has to realize she can't outwit LDB, not even close. LDB will come back and make her eat those lies in front of the jury.

BTW, I can't remember where I saw it but Cindy logged more than 40 hours the week Caylee died. Kind of blows CA's statement that you can't show you worked OT. I would love to hear from Gentiva because I've been a salaried employee before and even if I worked 10 hours a day, my timesheet had to reflect those hours even though I didn't get paid for them.


see, I'm thinking that's why LDB was asking her about her vacation time too..about was she SURE that she worked those hours and was she SURE that her time card was correct..she asked several times..Made me think she was setting Cindy up to dispute the March 17th date..and setting her up about the phone call to George that she says she made about the ladder incident as well..(that there's no record of)
...almost seems like he's asking if they really want to do whatever they are about to go into chambers about...

Respectfully snipped by me. That is exactly what my instinct was -- JB turning to CM and saying "You really want to do this? Really?" And then shaking his head with disgust. Funny that you read that as well.

(But then who really knows? I'm probably projecting my thoughts on my visual interpretation...)
This case is the polar opposite of KC's case. I learned so much about Ann F. by watching this movie and was moved to tears repeatedly.

This case (in the documentary) embodies the motivation of "SOME" defense attorney's....BUT not all!!!!

Just finished watching it. Yes it is the polar opposite of KC's case, and filmed only from the defense point of view.

That being said, may I agree that (ETA: Some defense attorneys, please apply to further lines) defense attorneys do just what this documentary was about. They are here to make a difference, to change outdated laws with Amendments, to save the innocent, to help the guilty, and so much more.

They are nothing like what we have seen from JB. I place blame on JB not the entire DT. If you have noticed, most of those attorneys sit back in wonderment, probably wishing they were not there, or wishing they could just get up there and do the job. JB is the downfall of this case.

There are good defense attorneys out there, but just like everything else, be it doctor, mechanic, grocer, cashier, maid, there are some that are not so good.

Thanks for the recommendation SOTS, I have always liked AF, like her more now. I guess I should look up what she is doing these days besides the KC case.
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