2011.06.27 TRIAL Day Twenty-nine (Morning Session)

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YM excused subject to recall.

Next up: Michael Vincent.
Bestill my heart: Yuri's nod to the jury. Rawr.

in other news: (Michael Vincent next)
So did the defense get anything out of Yuri? I don't think so.
6/27/11 (9:43)

Jury comes into the courtroom for the first time since Friday afternoon



He was called on Friday to testify and he misspoke regarding cell phone records. Regarding the cell phone records of RK, he was thinking of a different set of records. They subpoenaed June 1 to July 1 of 2008.

RK first called August 11, 2008


August thru December is the time frame of RK's involvement.

He did not seek phone records for the 8/08 to 12/08 time period.

RK lives in St. Cloud and works off of Curry Ford.

Had he gotten the August to December cell phone records, could have shown movement?


Yes, they would have given him movement of where the phone was.

He could have told if Mr. Kronk had gone to Suburban Drive on August 14?
Yes, but only a general idea.

He did not recall when RK had the Suburban Drive route other than August and December.


Is this the first time you have given


Are there any other times you have given misinformation to the Jury?


No. You are suggesting I intentionally misinformed the Jury - I did not. He did not recall giving any other misinformation.

Regarding GA cell phone records, he can't recall what he testified to. Couldn't recall if it was the home phone or cell phone and after he left, he determined that he had the records for June and July 2008.

He has not since subpoenaed more of GA's records.

Other people's records have been subpoenaed - including AH, JG, RM, TL, CS, and Diane Taylor. This was a number they found in ICA's phone while looking for ZG. Stephanie Kastakis - he recalled the name. JPC - he recalled the name. Ronald Westenberger, Troy Brown, Jenna Prentice - a shot girl at Fusion. Jammy Relander, Brittany Sheiber - both friends of ICA.

He has not reason to pull RK's cell phone records from August to December 2008.

Would the reason be he did not tell you.


He did not get RK's computer.

Do you recall a search warrant for Joy Ray's computer? Yes. She claimed to have taken photos off of Suburban and claimed to be a spy of George Bush. He did not recall OCSO Baker Acting her, but it did happen.

Mental issues?


He got RM's computer and that was how they found he was selling photos to the Globe.

On 12/13/08 he received an email from Joe Jordan - he didn't recall the date. He was giving info regarding the area?


When did you turn that email over? He doesn't recall.

OBJECTION - relevance of turn over dates - OVERRULED

YM - may I see the email in questions?

Was the email only tured over after the Defense had found Mr. Jordan? He did not want to answer any more regarding the email until he saw it.

LDB - wants the exhibit marked. JB agreed. E-mail was given Defense FA.

After reading email - did you only turn the email over after the Defense had found Mr. Jordan? He did not recall when it was turned over. Was it during the normal course of discovery?

OBJECTION - asked and answered - SUSTAINED - question withdrawn

Two search warrants of A's house. First included items to do with Winnie the Pooh blanket. He has to leave a copy of the search warrant and what was taken. That was done on December 11. On 12/20 - he did not recall what they spoke to the A's about when they executed their search warrant. It is not normal, in general, to share info with victims's families. He does not recall if he did. It was an on-going investigation.

Did you disclose any items that you found on Suburban Drive with the A's? He did not recall the specifics of conversation.

Cadaver dog used on other two cars at A's? No - never.

Did the issue come up that ICA may have driven CA's car? Yes - GA told him that. They weren't able to determine that it occurred, so they don't think it happened.

GA's E-pass records received. He did not recall if he requested them from GA?


He recalled getting the records from E-pass. They indicated to him...

OBJECTION - hearsay - SUSTAINED - questions withdrawn

He did not deploy a cadaver dog in the A's house.

He was shown Defense Exhibit EZ - a blow up map of the area.

LDB asked to look at the photo - subject to prior discussion - photo conditionally admitted as Defense Exhibit 57.

YM circled and initialled the area where the remains were found and where the A's home is.

ICA was arrested on 7/16/08. She was out on bond for a little over a month. She was subject to electronic monitoring at that time. There were media trucks outside her house. The only time she could leave was to check in with the jail and to her attorney's office. He can't say if the media followed her every time.

No further questions by JB. (Then wanted a moment becuase he forgot to confer with AF)

ICA has been in jail since the indictment on 10/14/08


Email was received 24 to 36 hours after remains were found. OCSO was very busy with the recovery effort. They had been receiving hundreds to thousands of tips that they had to wade through.

Did you ever receive a report that GA or CA's car smelled like a dead body had been in it? NO

Phone records of AH, JG, RM, TL - they all focused on the June-July 2008 time period - the critical time period of when Caylee had been last seen and then reported missing.

ICA's phone records were initially subpoenaed for the same time to determine where she was on any specific date during that time.

Initially, his effort was based on info given to him by ICA about ZG - info subsequently determined to be false. Also Rachael Farrel, Juliet Lews..


Regarding the email in question, this person had specific info?


This person had info?


Mr. Jordan had given them info before? He believes it was all thru email.

He was helping?

A lot of people were trying to help. He was one of many?

Did you use any of his info? He doesn't recall.

Do you recall him giving CA's brother's blog? He didn't recall if it came from Mr. Jordan or if he put him in contact with CA's brother.

CA's brother told you about the wedding?


Regarding CA and GA's car not smelling - he had never got any info if there was any garbage in their car - he never had any reason to ask.

He was present when Deputy Forgey and dog examined the Sunfire. He was shown Defense Exhibit EM - a drawing YM made at a previous hearing (3/23/11). He believes he was drawing the forensics bay garage and ICA's car. He only put one car originally. Then, after the fact, JB had him put a second car.


He only recalled Deputy Forgey being deployed on one car.

This drawing was marked as Exhibit 58 with no objection

No recross

Witness excused subject to recall at 10:21
lol you can hear how LDB thinks JB's line of questioning was absurd. lol esp when she said I have no objection to the drawing.
JB – asking about email from Joe Jordan…YM refuses to answer questions under oath until he can review email…..turn this email over after DT had called JJ? Don’ t recall…was this normal course of time or (object – sustained)
After 12/11/08 search the A home, in first search knowledge what was found on Suburban including WTP blanket….as part regulations of what you confiscate and search warrant…done on 12/11…..indicated items having to do with WTP and what confiscated from home should be listed in warrant and report…..Is it normal for detective to share information ? Normal to share info with victims of crimes…..ongoing investigation….confidential? don’t understand question…..tell A we found this we found that….can’t remember…..don’t recall conversation and won’t speculate on what I could have said….general what I document on police report….light conversation like hi or what time is it would not be put in report…

Did you employ cadaver dog on GA or CA car? NO….kc may have driven CA car @ one point came up from GA during conversation…..later find out not true? Were not able to confirm with epass records….obtained epass records…..did GA provide them (object-sustain) I recall getting them from epass…object-sustain….

Did you ever deploy a cadaver dog in A home? Don’t recall….I believe two were there …..didn’t request the dogs to go thru the home to pick up any scent…..DT exhibit EZ…..would this make it EZier to show A home and where remains were found…..the general area is correct ….aerial map of the …..LDB asking to look @ photo to see….subject to ….conditionally admitted
Please circle general area where Caylee’s remains found and circle area of A home……initials….JB asks for a moment…..KC was arrested on 7/16/08 out on bond for a short period during late Aug thru Oct….about a month or little over…don’t recall dates ….house arrest/electronic monitor….5-10 media trunks outside her home? There were from time to time….where ever she went media followed….I wasn’t there I don’t know if they followed her everytime or not…..Since indictment of Oct 14 2008 kc has been in jail…yes
LDB w/YM – email received on 12/13/08 – 36-48 hrs after remains were found….OCSO was extraordinarily busy….generated lots of information you had to wade thru….receive report from GA or CA had smell of dead body in it? NO! Phone records AH,JG, RM, TL etal….did they also focus on timeframe of June & July 2008 – critical time Caylee last seen and then reported missing by her Grandmother….
June 1 to July 15….records subpoena ..initially effort based on info given you re: ZTN ….info later determined to be false…..to find babysitter reference or contact these records subpoenaed as well as Ms. A’s….unable to locate ZTN, Juliette Lewis, another Jeff Hopkins, Raquel Ferrell, and other people who had connection to this babysitter…..

JB – you were busy with remains on Suburban this person had specific information (object-sustain X3)
I recall previous information from Mr. Jordan….a lot people trying to help out…tell us where to look…recall him giving you blogs from CA brother….you don’t recollect he gave you blogs….(object-sustain)
Hadnt got any information regarding car smelling….any info that trash in their car for 3 weeks…no never had reason to ask no…..Jb asks LDB a question…she points to evidence table…JB grabs large paper?
Present when Forgey canine handler on 7/16 or 7/17 – yes …approach witness with drawing..familiar with drawing from 3/23/11 that YM testified to …..drawing of what he recalled the date of Forgey’s dog and Ms. A car…..on that drawing just put one car …..JB asked him to put a 2nd car….Forgey only deployed dog on KC car (object sustained) only 1 car dog deployed on? Yes….drawing entered into evidence….
No further questions for YM
No recross – witness excused subject to recall.
I loved the way LDB had no objections to 'those drawings' - she said it in a wonderful tone
Well dang, JB, there was only ONE car that reeked of decomp. And that was the woman who was last had possession of her missing daughter, whom she never reported to be missing.

You're not suggesting that gave them every reason to be suspicious of ICA, are you? :wink:
We used to say that they have an inadequate personality...covers a lot..
Not sure if JB should have reminded the jury that Casey spent three years in jail for an accidental drowning.
Yuri recalls only one car sniffed by cadaver dog....dog dude said two cars. Big deal....I'm certain Yuri was focused on Casey's car
Will JB enter his own "skul with manible" picture into evidence? Stay tuned....
Not seeing what JB's point of the drawing by YM is...but if had a dollar every time i said I don't what the JB's point is, I'd be a millionaire now
Well, that with Det. Melich was pointless. Other than to show how professional and how much of a great witness Det. Melich is!
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