2011.06.28 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty)

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Is anyone else watching the live feed here:


It was working the last few days for me and now when the trial is on all I'm getting is a black screen with sound but no images.

Thanks so much!

its working for me.....i hear the back ground noise as well.....the screen is the way it is always when we are at a break.....its not black though....it has the colors of a rainbow

It is my opinion that the "Parade of the Anthony's" in Court this morning was "absolutely" sickening !

Their testimony was "scripted" ... and went "according to plan" ... they are trying their damndest to raise "doubt" with the Jury ...

Also, NONE of them come across as "credible" ...

CA went from "grieving" grandmother to lying about her employment time cards, lying about computer searches -- "chlorophyl" and chloroform ...

GA went from appearing "somewhat" honest the first day he testified to clearly "hiding" something when questioned during today's testimony ... and I am sure the Jury saw through it.

LA -- who knows with him ... he is spinning like a top ! He doesn't want to get his sister the needle but he doesn't want to be on CA's "bad side" either ...

What a circus ! :banghead:

The Anthony's "real reason" for being in Court is ICA !

And NOT ONE ... NOT ONE of them is willing to tell the TRUTH for Caylee ... "absolutely" DISGUSTING !


After this Trial is over and ICA is CONVICTED ... I hope we NEVER see any of this crew again ...


Sooooo, GA hid Caylee's body for ICA because she had dirt on him and after all, this was just an accident per RC.

Then they both proceed to keep quiet about it FOR THREE YEARS while ICA sits munching Cheetos from the jail commissary because of an "accident". Because ICA, being the selfless individual that she is, would rather face the death penalty than tell LE that Caylee drowned and/or that her dad had sexually abused her.

Is that what you're saying?

:bow: :goodpost: :bow: Right on the money! If you want to buy the DT's koolaid, this is the recipe you'll be swallowing.

I reacted to that too but thought about it a bit and thought maybe the first day it really wasn't that big of a deal. He wasn't sure what he saw, the other guys poo pooed him, the snake took over and when he got home his GF told him to call because she knew more about the case and the area he was in.

You know, with as much notoriety as was being generated by the press and water cooler talk in those days - I think it's very reasonable that anyone in Kronk's position (out and about in the area) would "be on the look out" so to speak. (How many thousands of folks volunteered to search?) By the same token, I'd be feeling a little sheepish - "well, this is weird, and probably nothing, but it's weird, and if I don't do something and it is her then I"ll be more upset than if I do something perceived as dumb."

I totally get that.
The defense is showing, on purpose or otherwise, that all Anthonys lie, whenever it suits them. If I am a juror, I might be wondering if Cindy purposely called LE on July 15th, not because she smelled the odor from the trunk, but because she was ready for Casey to be arrested, she was that PO'd at her over some other craziness. I would not at all be sure of anything at all, as far as who knew what when or who did what when.

Or she possibly called because the tow yard manager might get to thinking too much about that pesky smell in the trunk of that car and pick up the phone himself........
On August 11th, Kronk said to his coworkers...

"Hey guys. I see a skull in here!"

Today, it's all about the snake? :waitasec:
Yes, then his friends snatched his attention to the snake, where it stayed, apparently.

Only to find out that it was a skull. Of a child, no less.

Yes, the dead snake would stick in my mind as pretty damned significant.
Does everyone realize how many T,D and Harrys came out of the woodwork during this time claiming one thing or another? Does it make it right that Officer Kane didn't take RK seriously? Absolutely not...but he got fired for it and that's that. LE was looking for a live Caylee in August...they were tapped to the max. Nothing about LE response really surprises me. My niece called LE @ 5x to get them over to my sister's apartment to check on her...and this was over a period of 2 months. It finally took a call from my sister's doctor to get them over there. In the end, it didn't make her less dead. Unfortunately, in that hot Florida weather, left in the elements...it would have already been too late to get evidence from Caylee's remains.

Sorry for your Loss RR0004
I missed Kronk's testimony this morning. Anything new come out before I go and try to get caught up?
what time is the lunch break over with today??

I *think* 12:30 central. Could definitely be wrong though!

Why do they get an hour and a half for lunch? Isn't lunch for the jurors served at the courthouse? If so and I were a juror, I would rather have an hour for lunch and get the show on the road. Especially being sequestered and missing family!
I think the jury responds well to LDB. I think when she became visibly upset at Cindy Anthony testifying to doing the searches for chloroform, the jury picked up on the fact that Cindy was lying. I am sure of it. Now... some of the jurors may have sympathy for Cindy trying to lie for her child... the crisis counselor on the other hand will see if for what it is... she has probably seen many parents who enable their selfish children.

Just sayin'
Ok so if DT is not going to go the molestation route, which so far seems like they are not. If I was the jury, I would be thinking...What about the molestation claim you made.
1:30 is what JP said. Beth K. said yesterday she thinks they are working late again today and tomorrow.
Baez and Mason will be having a huddle session at lunch. They will talk about how Kronk is answering in ways that are contradictory to his previous testimonies. The DT team may change strategies about how to deal with the way RK is acting now. I wouldn't be surprised if they end with "subject to recall" and go after him further later today or tomorrow.
They can do whatever they want...but unfortunately at this point it will look like they're bullying the poor guy which won't go over well with the jury AT ALL.

PS- and so what that RK looked for Caylee...I'm missing something here. IMO RK was always embarrassed by searching for her. It's a giant leap to assume he was holding on to a bag of bones to collect a reward that didn't exist.
O/T but after all the crazy dancing dogs (and thank you so much for the badly needed laughs) I call Equal Time for the Cat People.

A cornish rex having a bath, and in very clear English screaming "I'm WET!"



(Sorry Posted it twice cause not sure which version works. Mods, please feel free to delete but I couldn't help but share the funniest video I've ever seen).
Sorry I think they came to their conclusion (guilt) after watching the jail house videos and finding out that she didn't report Caylee missing until after 31 days. Of course they would never tell anyone that.

I hope the jury hasn't reached a conclusion about the defendents guilt or innocence yet. The defense hasn't rested. The closing arguments haven't been said. JMHO

It is my opinion that the "Parade of the Anthony's" in Court this morning was "absolutely" sickening !

Their testimony was "scripted" ... and went "according to plan" ... they are trying their damndest to raise "doubt" with the Jury ...

Also, NONE of them come across as "credible" ...

CA went from "grieving" grandmother to lying about her employment time cards, lying about computer searches -- "chlorophyl" and chloroform ...

GA went from appearing "somewhat" honest the first day he testified to clearly "hiding" something when questioned during today's testimony ... and I am sure the Jury saw through it.
LA -- who knows with him ... he is spinning like a top ! He doesn't want to get his sister the needle but he doesn't want to be on CA's "bad side" either ...

What a circus ! :banghead:

The Anthony's "real reason" for being in Court is ICA !

And NOT ONE ... NOT ONE of them is willing to tell the TRUTH for Caylee ... "absolutely" DISGUSTING !


After this Trial is over and ICA is CONVICTED ... I hope we NEVER see any of this crew again ...



Wow, I had a completely different take on George's testimony. He came across to me as forthright and p.o.'d that he was accused of having an affair. He answered every question so I'm not sure where you saw him being evasive.
The only thing Roy is guilty of is finding little Caylee's remains, without which, the possibility of a murderer going free could have been very likely.

Someone who never had any known contact with the victim has been persecuted and slandered by the defense team for nearly three years. I wonder what others would have done if they were in his place?

If it was me I would keep close tabs on Baez and sue the absolute pants off him given the first opportunity.
I really wished the Summer of Sam laws would apply to family members convicted of perjury in the trial of their murdering children. Hopefully Cindy will be tied up in too many lawsuits to get too rich off Caylee.
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