2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Morning Session)

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CM doesn't even know there was no 911 call from RK.
He is going to say 'skull' as often as JB said 'affair' to GA.
Wonder how they came up with that brilliant idea?
I have NO idea why he is minimizing the first sighting of the skull....especially knowing that bus is headed his way.
Why, why, why?????
He's only answering the questions posed to him, which is the smart thing to do.
what is going on,mason doesn't seem to know the facts?
MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
#roykronk is being criticized for calling 3 times. Thankfully he was diligent and kept sticking to his gut intuition. He found @caylee
MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
#RoyKronk is a simple guy thrust into this. His story is true. Met w him and I'm convinced.#caseyanthonytrial #caseyanthony @vinniepolitan
Ha. Mason's bombshell moment is thwarted by the SA team.
I'm not familiar with Kronk other than he found Caylee's remains and is being blamed for horrid things. If he doesn't tell the truth, regardless of how bad it may look, he could blow the state's case. I hate to say he does not appear all that forthcoming so far.

Remember,the DT has been trying to blame him for Caylee's death ,now for moving the remains.They did some really hinky interviews with his ex-wife and and she refused to be deposed by the state.
He has every reason to be wary of the DT.
Why is CM confirming that RK did not say the word skull when he's been insisting he did? Huh?
They should take all the money that the Anthony's have made off of little Caylee. Give 3/4 of it to childrens organizations and the rest to this man. He deserves it.
Good grief! CM implying RK could have gone to relieve himself at a gas station/store! WHO CARES? He had to go. I know THAT feeling all to well!

Hmm. Does that open the door for the state to show the picture of ICA peeing in a car park? :floorlaugh:
I have a theory...

kc found the rattle snake in the back yard..got scared...borrowed a shovel from the neighbor in an attempt to kill the snake...didn't work...casey got her chloroform and the snake accidentially died...kc tossed it in her trunk and that's where we get the decomp odor...case solved...

but who killed caylee?
Wonder why Baez didn't do this direct. He slammed Kronk in OS, the least he could do is face him with those accusations. Coward, IMO.
CM is not getting the answers he wants to hear. So confusing.
And ICA sits there, listening to all the skull talk like its some TV show!!! sick
Kronk doesn't seem 100% truthful. It's like he is afraid of getting in trouble. He said he didn't call 911 on Aug 12, but he did call them on Aug 12. I just don't get it. He is being evasive and I just don't find him believeable. I do believe him, and I don't think he did anything wrong. However, I think a juror who hasn't followed the case as closely as I have may find him a little suspicious. I was just hoping he would come across as forthcoming and confident, and like he had nothing to hide....I am probably not making any sense. I am typing this as I listen to the testimony. He just seems almost scared to me. He is probably just afraid at all the accusations that DT has been throwing around.
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