2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

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GA looks so fake when he breaks on the stand. No wet tears. his tissue holds up. It is flat out sick. IMO.

They just did an extreme close up on IS and I saw tears running down his face.
It was quite clear.
GA looks so fake when he breaks on the stand. No wet tears. his tissue holds up. It is flat out sick. IMO.

WOW! That is not what I saw at all. He seemed genuine and I felt bad for him, making me want to slap the face off the defendant and her lead attorney then kick them both out the door and down the street.
I think she thinks this is a movie and she's the star and at the end she'll get top billing in the credits. When she leaves the witness stand, she expects applause.
In short, I think she's oblivious to reality. She lied so well to the psychiatrists and psychologists who assessed her competency the trial was allowed to continue but in reality she's completely oblivious.
It's the only explanation I have.
The ICAs of the world are the ones we should be sending to the front lines, not the young heros who would contribute to the betterment of humankind down the road. I'm so sickened today. I've never despised anyone or anything like this before and I'm scaring myself.

ITA, except fot the evaluation. Neither Sociopathy or NPD would be grounds to declare her incompetent. I doubt they they didn't recognize that she exhibits tendencies of both, but that wasn't the focus of their exam.

ITA. I would seem to me if I were a juror, that if I don't believe what the DT has put on in their case (IOTW, she's guilty but of what) that this would lead me to believe that to go to these outrageous lengths, she must be guilty of what the SA has said. I just think by taking this route you more convince people that you are guilty as charged.

Actually, it's weird, but it doesn't do that for me at all, at least not on the 1st degree murder charge. It makes me think that she cares so little for anyone that she would be perfectly capable of seeing a negligent death as an opportunity, rather than attempting to get help for Caylee.l I'm sorry, I know that's frustrating for a lot of you. :( MOO
I had to leave right before court recessed for lunch break. Is GA's testimony over?
I guess no one can really answer this, but I am dying to know WHAT CASEY IS WRITING? She never stops with that pen on paper.
Was it just me or did JB seem to be making a mockery out of GA's suicide attempt. He kept referring to six beers and blood pressure medicine. Who cares what avenue he tried? Suicide should never be taken lightly nor referred to in a condescending tone.

I agree - I suspect a bottle of blood pressure pills could kill you if a large enough amount was taken.
Was it just me or did JB seem to be making a mockery out of GA's suicide attempt. He kept referring to six beers and blood pressure medicine. Who cares what avenue he tried? Suicide should never be taken lightly nor referred to in a condescending tone.

JB lost his way on that line of questioning, IMO.

He brought up the suicide to point to George's feelings of guilt for being involved with the cover-up of Caylee's accidental death.

Then he insinuates that George didn't actually bring enough meds & alcohol with him to successfully do the deed.

Which was, they've said, was kinda the case.


Once again, thanks JB for helping out the prosecution.
I wish we had more shots of Cindy during George's testimony-- I have the feeling she may be cut from the same cloth as KC in many respects. jmo
I believe if you are going to listen to anyone's testimony, you need to set aside your beliefs about a person and your feelings about a person if you are going to "hear" their testimony.
If you listen to George, while thinking this man abused ICA and he is a liar, it will colour your reactions to his body language and his words. And all any testimony of his will do is add to what you already believe, because all information will be run through that belief basis first. IMO
Yes an later I will post a series of screen shot /and comparison photo's from Caylee's memorial. You can tell in his eye's as well as his expressions.

I'm sure you can find screen shots in which George wasn't crying yet on the stand. But what does that prove? Everyone else here watched tears flow. Why is it important to you to find pictures depicting the moments on the stand that he wasn't?
KC doesn't even have to take the stand to testify. Her stone cold face and demeanor during George's testimony is testimony enough from KC. This is all the jury needs to see from her.

Actions speak louder than words.
I believe if you are going to listen to anyone's testimony, you need to set aside your beliefs about a person and your feelings about a person if you are going to "hear" their testimony.
If you listen to George, while thinking this man abused ICA and he is a liar, it will colour your reactions to his body language and his words. And all any testimony of his will do is add to what you already believe, because all information will be run through that belief basis first. IMO

excellent, excellent point.
Is there video of Casey speaking today, thanks.

It was during the motion Ann F. called in at 8:30am this morning. So, if you see some video, it would be there. (she sounded singsongy sweet)
Well I know he went with Dr Lee that day he looked at it, but I'm sure the waft of his Aqua Velva overpowered even the smell of human decomposition. :loser:

Yes....he does seem to be an Aqua Velva kind of guy, doesn't he? :loser:
Although george seems to be more truthful today, I can't disregard all the lies he's told. As for suicide, people intent on that just do it, they don't talk about it.
IMO IMO This is an unfortunate myth. I don't have a link, but I have personal knowledge (not myself). Some do, some don't. Respectfully, bunchy.
I don't understand this defense team or their strategy - or how they thought it would work!
I think JB watched "Chicago" too many times!
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