2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

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I disagree. He operates this way because it's the only way he knows. He's as delusional and narcissistic as his client.
you may be right and i may be wrong. but i hope i'm right, because i want her to go away for the rest of her natural life. there will be appeals regardless, but i hate thinking that she may end up with even one bona fide reason for a reversal of a guilty verdict.
I want to take a moment and thank everybody for their posts - I'm having a horrible work day and am barely able to keep up listening - but the comments are helping me - thanks!
If any of the THs go on shows this afternoon and say this was anyway a win for the DT, they have no souls.
I couldn't agree more. Her HATRED is stronger than any love or affection she has ever possessed. I don't know how much the jury picks up on what we do, since they don't have the full dynamic or benefit of much information that we do......one can only hope and pray. Sadly the emotion of hatred seems the only emotion she really can convey with conviction....pun intended.

I was once provided with a definition of "projection" by a therapist, and KC's hatred towards GA seems almost covered by what I was being told.

That someone can "assign" another individual the actions or thoughts they themselves have committed. Additionally, these people often will villainize that same person, accusing them of various misdeeds and such, to bolster this action. Most also tend to come to believe what they've accused this person of doing, as well. Supposedly, it helps them to "deal with" what they have actually done.

I'm sure among our friends here at WS there is someone who could explain what I'm trying to describe much more accurately and succinctly! :)
What, they have a problem with the dessert lady or something? HHJP has been extraordinarily awesome with the jurors.

I am SO confused.

And I bet HHJP doesn't give a **** about what protestors think. He doesn't strike me as an insecure individual in the slightest.

At least the jury didn't see. Hey, now Baez has cause for his next mistrial motion or at least, ask HHJP to recuse himself. That's absurd but so is everything else coming from the DT side.
Deen and Hornsby on WESH

what i know from this case is that Dr. Vass is not a chemist, and GA has a gas can
Those guys on the Hornsby twitter are just way too funny. I wonder what it will be like when the trial ends and their paths cross with Jose. lol
Wow, looks like I picked the WRONG day to get busy with work! I'm going to have to go back and watch today's testimony!
One of the smartest things the Anthonys did, was not putting the house up to bail ICA out.

I doubt they could have borrowed enough even using the house, to get her out. Her bail was pretty high. moo
You are speaking of a conditioned response to being assaulted at night.

Not all suvivors of sexual abuse are preyed on at night in their bed. Some survivors are preyed on during the day while mom is at work. So that conditioned response would be a kid becoming combative and not wanting their mother to go to work.

Another example, a child that becomes upset when a particular person comes around that has preyed on them.

It boils down to conditioned responses to the time, place and person of the sexual assault.

Example, remember the rap song that had the words "lick it like a lollipop?" I worked with a girl that was assaulted while that song was being played and every time she heard it come on the radio she had a complete meltdown. It is a conditioned response.

Yes, Padua, you are 100% right...

I was referring to the Fact that ICA claims Lee has done some Visits at night while she was sleep and she awoke with him........

I have no Idea about what she is claiming GA did and what time of day or circumstances it was under..

you are 100% right...
From WFTV's "Live Blog":

Bill Sheaffer: We have video coming up of a problem with Judge Perry at lunch time. A group of protesters were shouting at him. A number of Orange Co. Deputies were called to assist. We'll show you the details coming up at 1pm

I have a question about prison (not that I plan on going there). Are inmates allowed medication? For example, I have panic disorder and claustrophobia, so being handcuffed or being in a jail cell would seriously make me want to LITERALLY kill myself (and I apologize if that offends anyone, but having gone through a recent 3.5 hour panic attack really did give me those thoughts) without a lot of Xanax.

Are they given these medications if they need/want them?
this is the day that my inner debate as to the humanity and morality of the death penalty was put to rest.

today was casey anthony in action....sending her dt out in an attempt to annihilate any sense of worth or purpose or dignity her broken father just might have been able to muster since his first suicide attempt.

death is the only just, humane, and moral sentence for casey anthony.

to sentence her to anything less, imo, is to help her prematurely seal the coffin on her father with the same callous disregard as she sealed that car trunk on the body of the beautiful, innocent, granddaughter she hates him for actually loving.
I can't watch the video. Who winked at who? ... Please

ICA winked at JB for the cameras -so people can watch her do that right after her father's anguish on the stand - and say, Wow that girl HAS to be crazy....
I agree. I know I've said several times I have no use for George, but today was brutal, and if he was in front of me I'd give him a hug.

Something else, and this goes to how uncivilized I am, this story about the gun also made me more sympathetic. I've seen GA and CA both rage against people, but what was missing for me is where is the rage towards at least who they think is responsible? If you can get that angry towards people trespassing in your yard, to me it just seemed odd they weren't going after whoever they suspected with a vengeance.

:tyou: Lanie :tyou: Yes! Some anger for Caylee, some showing of the desperation anyone who truly loved someone would feel. It makes more sense to me than anything and everything Cindy and Casey did put together.

JMO but when JB turns around and she suddenly looks contrite,I think someone must have reminded her she was on camera.I don't think she was scared for JB to see her snarling. But that's just me.

I thought she might have been snarling at Linda Drane-B as she walked by.
What, they have a problem with the dessert lady or something? HHJP has been extraordinarily awesome with the jurors.

I am SO confused.

And I bet HHJP doesn't give a **** about what protestors think. He doesn't strike me as an insecure individual in the slightest.

Agreed. Good Lord, it's always some kind of "issue" isn't it. IIRC, during jury selection, "most" seemed willing to participate in this trial knowing what it entailed. What's the problem now? moo

In deliberating the guilt or innocence and the sentancing phase of this trial are we allowed to return a "split verdict"? In other words can we recomend LWOP for the defendant and Death for the defense attorneys?


No really? Why not?

Thanks, and keep on rockin'

The Jury
I had to take a break. Just wanted to add,the reason I kept bringing up my situation when my son committed suicide is because everything GA was saying ,and the anguish on his face ,rang true to me.
He said much of what I felt after losing my son. I apologize if I sound like I'm all about me. That's not why I bring it up. It's to validate GA's testimony. Always,JMO.

Hugs to you Miss James.....God Bless you!!!!!
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