2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

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when I watched the wink, I'm sure she was telling JB that she was sitting alone this morning....can anyone else see that?

Speaking of her sitting alone, I was just shocked beyond words that her entire Defense Team did not show up in time for Ann Finnell's telephonic motion this morning and ICA was sitting at the Defense table alone.

Bless HHJP for carrying on regardless. He has given the Defense Team enough breaks with his morning starts.
If I recall correctly. GA put the verdict into plain basic math: 1 + 1 = 2!

If I might paraphrase: The smell in the trunk of that car was human decomposition and my daughter (ICA) was the last person seen with my granddaughter in that car. 1 + 1 = 2.

I'm going to add:

JA: Did you tell law enforcement officers you thought that your daughter murdered your grand daughter?
GA: I didn't believe that at that time, sir.
I might have to break my own rules and go watch HLN...

I did this a few nights ago. It was the night NG showed the video of KC being very angry, the same night NG showed video of KC smiling at JP and looking him up and down and he walked past her, she was smiling, she looked very scary!
I've been following this case from the very beginning, but Baez' obsession with the duct tape on the gas can is going right over my head. I don't understand it, because Casey had the same access to any duct tape in the house or shed that George did. Can someone help me out?
Wish I could. Other than the fact he hasn't got a case or a clue and after this trial won't have a license to practice law, I have no idea.
Hi all, watching some of the testimony recaps as I was gone all morn.

Wow, from the little that I've seen of GA he sure was holding Caylee in his heart and arms.

I'm crying just reading the posts and watching the recaps.
I could be wrong, but I don't think the Defense gets a rebuttal. I could be waaaay off on this, though.

Closing Arguments? State, Defense, State rebuttal - Judge's jury instructions - to the Jury.

Bill Sheaffer: "We have video coming up of a problem with Judge Perry at lunch time. A group of protesters were shouting at him. A number of Orange Co. Deputies were called to assist. We'll show you the details coming up at 1pm. They are apparently the group that has issues with his handling of jurors because he's the Chief Judge. We are still getting details right now."

Did anyone see this? What was it about?
MarkEiglarsh Mark Eiglarsh
Thank goodness Judge Alex called me. I needed to bond with someone who thoroughly understands how horrible Baez did with George.

I love love love Mark Eiglarsh's take on this case
ok so I missed the whole morning and I am trying to catch up here at lunch....haven't gotten very far. But I'm guessing I missed A LOT given WFTVs headlines. Anyone have any advice whether I just watch the morning tonight and watch the afternoon live or what?
Hi all, watching some of the testimony recaps as I was gone all morn.

Wow, from the little that I've seen GA he sure was holding Caylee in his heart and arms.

I'm crying just reading the posts and watching the recaps.

And it's not finished....
In my opinion, all this "truth" coming out of the anthonys is a direct result of being thrown under the bus by ica and they now need to cover their asses. When this all first started they could have told the truth or said "no comment". They decided to tell many lies to try to cover for the murderer.

Caylee is dead and the person responsible needs to pay. Anyone who had a hand in any kind of cover-up also needs to pay.
@JimLichtensteinJim Lichtenstein
"The Judge is now on his way back 2 court. This time with 2 deputies. The screaming lunatic is nowhere in site. #caseyanthony #VelvetHammer"

BBM - Good One! :floorlaugh:
Has this case made anyone else start using legalese with their friends and loved ones? I swear to God, I said both "I object" and "asked and answered" to my boyfriend and best friend recently.
Today has been the most damaging day for the defense. It leaves little doubt how vile Casey is. If a juror came into this trial with an objective, open mind what have they seen that would lead them to believe George molested Casey? What evidence is there? If they rely on the evidence then they cannot buy into the DTs allegations toward George, Kronk or Lee.
If I recall correctly. GA put the verdict into plain basic math: 1 + 1 = 2!

If I might paraphrase: The smell in the trunk of that car was human decomposition and my daughter (ICA) was the last person seen with my granddaughter in that car. 1 + 1 = 2.

Perfect post, thanks :)
You are speaking of a conditioned response to being assaulted at night.

Not all suvivors of sexual abuse are preyed on at night in their bed. Some survivors are preyed on during the day while mom is at work. So that conditioned response would be a kid becoming combative and not wanting their mother to go to work.

Another example, a child that becomes upset when a particular person comes around that has preyed on them.

It boils down to conditioned responses to the time, place and person of the sexual assault.

Example, remember the rap song that had the words "lick it like a lollipop?" I worked with a girl that was assaulted while that song was being played and every time she heard it come on the radio she had a complete meltdown. It is a conditioned response.

Thank you for your insightful post. Ok, longtime SA survivor here........sometimes there are no reactions, no meltdowns, nothing - EVER. There are no rules, no checklist, no absolutes. There is behavior that can be typed, but lack of that behavior is not an indicator that there is no abuse or trauma as a result of abuse. For example, without going into detail of my own experiences, I do not meltdown when I think about how and when I was abused. When I meltdown is when I get in a car. I have anxiety attacks. It took me 42 years to figure out that I was not having an anxiety attack simply because I was often molested in the car, I was having these attacks because I tried to tell my mom once while in the car and I was unable to get words out of my mouth. So to this day I have anxiety attacks in a car. I guess my point is that there is nothing that exists that can say with certainty that a person was or was not abused. I am really on the fence as to whether there was abuse in this family. I know my stepfather could sell ice-cubes to eskimos and would probably be more convincing that he didn't abuse me than I could convince you he did. JMHO. Not sure where I was going with this post. I guess I just wanted to vent a little and explain that we speculate on behavior that really can't be speculated on with too much certainty.
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