2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

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I read my first 'crime novel' at 10, Helter Skelter (I know, heavy, snuck it from my dad's library; anywhooo) and I have NEVER seen anything like ICA.

I read that in high school and only got thru half of it then. Took me into my 20's before I could read the whole thing. Scared the bejeezus out of me.
Unfortunately I can speak from experience and the Mother worried about her little boy in the dark and rain....

I remember that very night after the burial realizing that the person who I loved most in the world would not be tucking in his sweet children for the night nor would the warmth of his body be curled up next to mine as we slept. My parents had my little ones that night and before it was light out, I drove to the cemetery, put our favourite blanket on the ground and laid down next to the freshly dug earth and flowers. I didn't care how it looked or how strange people would think I was, I just needed to be with my husband.

Grief is a long, exhausting journey and even though we all grieve differently, there is nothing in ICA's demeanor after her daughter was killed, whether by her own hands or an accident, that spoke of grief imo.


You sharing your experience reminded me of a photo (real photo not staged) that I saw early on after the war had begun.


Just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story.
Casey made these allegations...JB should have known better than to follow her bread crumb trail to nowhere...

Casey enjoys the attention and could care less if George blubbers on the stand...this is all a game to Casey...
Just now on HLN, they were showing GA's emotional testimony and ICA's expression along side. She seemed so cold with no emotion, until GA started crying so hard he could hardly talk, then.........I saw a "glimmer" of emotion from ICA. She was acting for the jury for the most part of that so they might see her as viewing her father as the "bad" father but, her knowing full well that is not the truth, she is now shocked that he believes that she alone is responsible for his grandaughter no longer being here.

oppps...clicked on the wrong post to quote...sorry
One good thing about the end of this trial. No more LKB for awhile! Can I get an Amen?
I have to run errands (it's half past noon here) Thanks to everyone that posted to the trial thread today!

Take care everyone see you in the AM!
IF KC testifies its going to be her decision..her defense has covered their assets in checking that she is "Fit"..so IF she does..it means she feels nothing to loose and they need to know her side of it ( lies lies lies)..but dont believe she will like the slaughter of her cross exam..although she will do what she does best!! Deny Deny Deny..NOT her faut, NOT her fault, Not her fault:floorlaugh:

IF KC tesitfies it will be truly a sign of her identity..She doesnt give a care about anyone or thing except herself!!..Hummm sounds like a defination of some sort of Disorder..however NOT Insanity..:floorlaugh:
LKB makes me a bit sick to my stomach. No...let me rephrase. She makes me very sick to my stomach. Her spin on things is just a bunch of hooey!
I am proud of myself for not saying the s... word.
BBM~~ I dont know if anyone heard this or not..But apparantly RC aka Ms Holloway was interviewed and according to JVM she said she was moved by GA's testimony and having watched KC's reactions..... she is NOW convinced that kC did this!!..

I realize this is hearsay since I dont have a link..sorry, but given that..I rather doubt DT will put her on the stand..IF they do..it would be yet another DT witness who becomes a SA Witness!!


How was she moved by his testimony if she was out in hall waiting her turn how does she know what even happened in the courtroom????? I think she's just looking for a way out.
or chicken...just say you cut up the salad on the same cutting board... forgot to wash it! it takes 8 hours to 3 days to "get sick" and lasts for 4-7 days
:puke:silly me! - yes I really did this! DUH!

I'm kidding! Don't do this Karma will get ya and you will get sick for real!

Tell them you have a case of diarrhea .... that always works!!! Just a little "mistruth" for a good cause!
I am trying so hard not to cry but the tears are welling up making it hard for me to type. Oops, there they go. The differences between the mother worried about her baby in the dark and the rain and the mother living the bella vita while her daughter was -- well, you know all the horrible things that poor baby suffered -- the differences are gigantic. I lost my husband last November and I thought I was doing well until this month when his birthday and father's day rolled around one week from each other. I thought I was doing well considering he was progressively ill with dementia since 1998, but I've been hit big-time with grief this month. I need to do something because I am slipping into somewhere I don't want to be. It surprises, angers, mystifies, and sickens me that KC can go live the bella vita after her daughter's death - even if she didn't do it (which I think she did). My heart is full of pain from a more or less natural death - and she sits there stone faced and angry during testimony that breaks the hearts of people who will never know Caylee Marie. I am not a saint, but I changed the diapers of a grown man, bathed him, comforted him, feed him, sang to him, read to him, loved him, and held him in my arms as he lay dying, pleading me with his eyes to not let go. When I finally had to, it was so hard. Because most of us have loved so much and have lost so much through the years, we are outraged at what this young mother has done and even more so at what she continues to do. With every lie she murders her beautiful child over and over again. She needs to rot in hell while her daughter plays games with my Papa Joe. He will love to tease her and make sure she suffers for nothing in their special place.

Oh Honey, help is coming :hug:
You know I recently nearly lost one of my adopted children, 12 y/o, who secondary to her abuse, had to undergo a hysterectomy, and unfortunately the hospital overdosed her with morphine coming out of recovery when we got her upstairs she went into cardiac arrest. I remember being dragged out in the hallway when the code team ran in and screaming at the top of my lungs, and know I frightened every child in that floor. The pain in the pit of your stomach is something you never forget. Today I remembered that pain with George.
My heart aches for him.
I read that in high school and only got thru half of it then. Took me into my 20's before I could read the whole thing. Scared the bejeezus out of me.

That was the first true crime novel for me as well. I was in my early 20s. I re-read that book yearly, it still has a chilling effect on me.
River Cruse(sp?) could be the last witness.

I think it's foolish for the defense to end with her. But I'm still interested in what she's going to say. In the end, I don't judge George for anything he did during that time, he was anguished and distraught. He wrote things in his suicide note that he couldn't say to Cindy face to face - that says a lot about their relationship. If he didn't feel the support from Cindy that he needed at that time, I don't blame him for latching on to someone who was willing to give him an ear and a shoulder to cry on.

That's all I have to say about that.
After watching today, I really think the Defense should have just gone with a drowning story, and Casey covering it up, and going into denial. They should never have brought the sexual molestation, GA's being part of the cover-up, and Kronk in. Know this has been said before, but feel it all came back to roost the last 2 days.

I think that was Casey's doings. Casey has never cared for her Dad. She wanted to punish him. IMO
LKB says defense needs to show us why ICA became a killer !!!! she accepts that it was murder???
Did JB say the Defense will rest tomorrow? Is he counting on no cross exam for Casey?

I'm not counting on Casey getting on the stand. If JA or LDB had their way, they would 'part the waters' of Orlando using her rear end.
I saw that and just immediately thought "She doesnt get it."

She doesnt get the story that had JUST been told was so completely at odds with ANYTHING she did - completely opposite, and somehow she thinks ANYONE would see her as a grieving mother...Oh my God.

A mother out sitting in the rain with a blanket and umbrella over the grave of her dead child, to protect him in HER OWN WAY, the only way she can now but still HAS to because it is so ingrained in her being, afraid his little soul may still need her, while Casey threw Caylee out to be rained on and heaven knows what else for 6 months and NEVER LOOKED BACK.

She is astounding.

I read my first 'crime novel' at 10, Helter Skelter (I know, heavy, snuck it from my dad's library; anywhooo) and I have NEVER seen anything like ICA.

RE BBM: Me too! Well, actually I remember reading about it in the paper as it was happening (oops gave up my age) I was about 8 or 9. Later when the movie was made I decided to become a lawyer after V. Bugliosi........well I never became a lawyer..........I enjoy playing with staplers so I became a legal secretary instead!!!! (I know, sorry Mom and Dad).
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