2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Afternoon Session)

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So JA can't ask the question if someone deliberately killed their child could they also experience grief???
:waitasec:I thought magical thinking was something 5 yr olds do!

I also thought it was that they wished something then it happened...

Am I wrong?

if a child wants very much for something to happen, and it does, the child believes he or she caused it to happen. If your daughter is mad at her brother and wants him to leave, and he then gets sick and goes to the hospital, your daughter may think her brother's illness is her fault.

Interesting so if one wants to be child free and their child drowns in a pool and she does,they would still feel guilty and greif and at fault.

Well there goes the diagonosis for Casey. Even magical thinking wont work for her.
Is anybody watching this lady? She's probably talking to the jury.:floorlaugh:
I wish ( for entertainment value) that JA and LDB could SPLIT the cross exam of ICA....just because I'd love to see her try & handle either of them....I can't choose, except if she made her 'angry face' at LDB Friday, then I will settle for my boyfriend not getting to yell tough questions at ICA.
Sidebar when JA tries to add the "hypothetical" that the mother deliberately killed the child.

He had better be allowed to add this to his "hypothetical" because all of the DT's hypotheticals were not supported by any evidence and were allowed in.

Also - I noticed that the DT NEVER ADDED the sexual abuse to the hypotheticals they listed.

It doesn't matter if it is allowed or not, he scored the point that we wanted just by putting it to voice. (the jury is still in the room, right?)
I want JA to bring in her lies before Caylee died. What is that called. She is testifying to grieving.
Wow, you should be proud of that! Utne Reader is highly respected!

:lol: BS saying he must be watching a different trial than the one DCS is watching!

DS has lost it, maybe this is what happens to people who want money, fame and preach "compassion" to the world. People like her don't understand the difference between real compassion and fake compassion.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Sims left out the supposed drowning! What the???

This person was hired by the defense, and will turn every hypothetical situation into something caused by grief. I don't know how the DT managed to get her up on the witness stand. I believe that everything she utters is going to benefit ICA.
I think that HHJP sometimes just gives the DT enough rope to hang themselves.

BTW it's 3 to 1 and JA can still hold his own without his colleagues there with him.
ICA is so not a happy camper. Boo hoo.
Grief expert says there is such a thing as "magical thinking" when people convince themselves something isn't true
by amandaoberwesh via twitter at 4:12 PM
I wish JA had added the fact that the "young Mother" had an imaginary job for years before she killed her daughter. Now that is magical and I do not mean in a Magic Kingdom kind of way!:banghead:
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