2011.06.30- HLN News Shows Discussion - Casey Anthony Trial

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NG keeps saying that guy flipped the bird in front of the jury. the jury WAS NOT present when he did that.

Yes, the jury was present when he did that. HHJP even mentioned that fact when he was talking to the guy.
Flipped onto Greta tonight and Lippman was on via phone. They were talking and he said something about Casey not saying GA molested her that JB did. Something like it never came from her mouth. Greta did stop him and tell that was a big allegation and would be completely unethical if he did that. Not a JB fan but I do think it was ICA that said it to victimized herself. I do however wonder if what the Anthony attorney expressed is how the Anthonys really feel. I wonder if they wanted it out there that they blame JB not their daughter for it.

Well...wonder how that will go on her appeal? Sounds like the bus is already warming up with its GPS set on Baez.
I think that the bearing on the case is that she is saying he said "it was an accident." If this is true it has HUGE implications, IMHO. I know I am in a minority here, for sure, but I always thought it was 100% Casey now, I wouldn't bet my life on it. and, the only reason is that I now believe he is a liar. anyone can trash me if they want...I just found her credible (isn't it ok to state that here?) And, it takes two to tango.

If you read that note (link posted on this thread), George speculates about the friends Casey had. He believed at that time someone(s) had it out for her, which also explains the gun.

Him saying it was "an accident" was protecting his daughter. That suicide note speaks volumes.
Well. He said she told him she had a brain tumor. She said she never said that.

She also said that the police had ALL the texts. So, there was more than one. They just picked that one out for court. guess we will never see the rest of them

You say she PRETENDED to care about Caylee? How do you know that? I am not saying it isn't true but how can you be so sure?

The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. I am not saying she is 100% truthful. It appears you think GA is 100% truthful. Not much more to say about that. we differ. she did say GA lied to the police at first that he never went over there. wonder if there's a record of that?

Here is an article that talks about her previous criminal history. She has quite a past. And she is inconsistent in her storytelling. She tells different versions of the same stories. She changes key facts from version to version.
According to this investigative reporter she has arrests for burglary, and jewelry theft among other things.


Why do I say she did not care about Caylee? I say that because of her vile actions. She targeted George when he was so vulnerable. Caylee was missing, she was SUPPOSEDLY volunteering to help the search efforts, yet she is actually coming on to the grieving grandfather. At the same time she betrays Cindy, while pretending to be her friend, bringing her flowers to her home. That is so creepy.

And the brain tumor story? She had been in the hospital and had some sutures for some reason and has had some seizures apparently.So there WAS some talk of her medical issues. What did she tell George? I don't know, but she did tell him something as she tried to explain by discussing her hospital stay.

IF there were more texts given to LE then we would know about them if they were in any way incriminating. And as I said, WHY would he go through a guard gate and sign in in broad daylight if this was some secret sexual affair?

Just because George went there does not mean it was sexual. She supposedly has 3 children. Where were they at the time?

I am not saying George was 100% truthful. I am just saying that his story makes more sense than hers, imo. Her sister being in the same jail, and befriending Casey, at the same time she was PURPOSELY going to hang out at the tent with George every day. CO-INKY-DINK?

And she may 'say' that George lied to the police, but i have seen every single statement made by George to the cops that has been released. I never saw him deny going over there. AND WHY WOULD HE? He is a former detective. He KNOWS he went through a guard gate each time and signed in. Why would he deny going there knowing he went through that gate each time?

She is a con artist. She and her sis were playing games, imo/ Maybe they had sex, maybe they didn't. But either way, SHE was the predator imo. She even admits she was the one who went after him. She is disgusting for doing so, imo. But we can agree to disagree.
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