2011.06.30- HLN News Shows Discussion - Casey Anthony Trial

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ok so what? now CA is selling off the vids of ICA? will it ever stop???
I only saw like 10 sec. "my name's CASEY" and she said it like 3 times. odd...

I bet we will be seeing alot of new videos and pictures once the trial is over. I am sure the A's are going to use this as their source of income.:banghead:
OK Vinnie Politan's juror (from the UK) when comparing Baez to Ashton said something? I did not catch it! Was is an English saying?
He said it's like "chock to cheese"?
chocolate and cheese?
I guess everyone across the pond is sound asleep!
Anyone catch what he said?


Glasgow Scotland here

the saying is, Its or their like chalk and cheese
meaning completely different

ie I have 2 girls they are like chalk and cheese meaning completely different characters hth x s

eta uk caller would be meaning Ashton fabulous lawyer Beaz well I think you know :)

Glasgow Scotland here

the saying is, Its or their like chalk and cheese
meaning completely different

ie I have 2 girls they are like chalk and cheese meaning completely different characters hth x s

k thank you!
I would have NEVER guessed chalk!
see I told y'all I'm deaf! I lip read and "chalk" looked like "chock"! lol
I didn't have my closed caption on!

ok makes sense
k thank you!
I would have NEVER guessed chalk!
see I told y'all I'm deaf! I lip read and "chalk" looked like "chock"! lol
I didn't have my closed caption on!

ok makes sense

LOL well you were quite right thats exactly how we would pronounce it in scottish lol see you can even lip read an accent :) x a
according to her, there are multiple texts, and that the police have them all.

Key words there being "according to her". I don't believe a word she says and the fact that no other texts were brought out in court or released in any of the documentation dumps tells me that there are no other texts.
Key words there being "according to her". I don't believe a word she says and the fact that no other texts were brought out in court or released in any of the documentation dumps tells me that there are no other texts.

Thanks and I also remember her sister on tv claiming they had an intimate picture of her and george then.......nothing

Im also sure I saw the sister in court today with a wig on jmo I think it was when the anthonys were out of the court room
Key words there being "according to her". I don't believe a word she says and the fact that no other texts were brought out in court or released in any of the documentation dumps tells me that there are no other texts.

:bow: Yep!

It's really difficult for some of us "veterans" who have followed this case from day 1, read every document, watched every video, looked at every picture, read every deposition, watched every hearing, spent hours watching the Anthony cam, etc., etc. There is soooooo much that is left out of the trial. I know I could never be a juror. I would be too aware that there is just too much info that isn't allowed.

I wonder why JA didn't ask River if she was at the Ants house during the protests and why? I swear I remember her being there.
CNN will be showing a picture of Casey as a child on AC360. It is a new video that looks like Casey is at someones birthday party.

Do you know if they already did? I have the show on now, and it is halfway through. I am curious to see Casey as a child.
The jury was present when the guy flipped off JA. Not present for the hearing.
LOL well you were quite right thats exactly how we would pronounce it in scottish lol see you can even lip read an accent :) x a

funny ~my roots are in Dumfriesshire, Scotland

:princess:lol until it's spanish or some other language...

i love learning new phrases from other countries!
my fav is from the outback.
"a belly full of paws and claws" = pregnant
OK Vinnie Politan's juror (from the UK) when comparing Baez to Ashton said something? I did not catch it! Was is an English saying?
He said it's like "chock to cheese"?
chocolate and cheese?
I guess everyone across the pond is sound asleep!
Anyone catch what he said?

Chalk and cheese ... The English saying is it is like comparing chalk to cheese ... Could not be more different!
Flipped onto Greta tonight and Lippman was on via phone. They were talking and he said something about Casey not saying GA molested her that JB did. Something like it never came from her mouth. Greta did stop him and tell that was a big allegation and would be completely unethical if he did that. Not a JB fan but I do think it was ICA that said it to victimized herself. I do however wonder if what the Anthony attorney expressed is how the Anthonys really feel. I wonder if they wanted it out there that they blame JB not their daughter for it.
Flipped onto Greta tonight and Lippman was on via phone. They were talking and he said something about Casey not saying GA molested her that JB did. Something like it never came from her mouth. Greta did stop him and tell that was a big allegation and would be completely unethical if he did that. Not a JB fan but I do think it was ICA that said it to victimized herself. I do however wonder if what the Anthony attorney expressed is how the Anthonys really feel. I wonder if they wanted it out there that they blame JB not their daughter for it.

I definitely think they blame JB. I really think they feel ICA is mentally ill and JB is taking advantage of her to further his own career.
I definitely think they blame JB. I really think they feel ICA is mentally ill and JB is taking advantage of her to further his own career.

If you remember early videos back to 2008 LA tells her JB out for himself not her and I think he also says something about not giving a crap what JB says. I don't think family like him since the beginning.
I definitely think they blame JB. I really think they feel ICA is mentally ill and JB is taking advantage of her to further his own career.

BBM ... Which is 100% correct.
you are right....but, he couldn't disprove the less-than-innocent texts. and he couldn't disprove going over her house. she said he lied about that at first until he heard Nancy Grace say there were surveillance cameras. these are all very suspicious events. I think, in affairs, where there's smoke, there's fire in 99% of the time.

but none of it matters, so what, he was in a horrible state, and sought comfort from someone other than his wife.

Maybe it was innocent, and maybe she's lying. But, she may indeed be telling the truth too. automatically trashing her because she is throwing something in the mix that is different than a clear cut path to Casey being convicted serves no purpose, IMHO

I think people are trashing her because she is making the death of a beautiful child all about HER. She says media runied her life..but she talks to media. She inserted her self into the Anthony situation. (padilla said she started as a protester..photo using name River Allen show her in street when remains are found, she went to tent daily, she "made the 1st move", she sucked up to CA, her sister was sucking up to ICA in jail ect ect) she complains to Vinne. What about me!!! My life is ruined! I also attempted suicide. me me me me me
its amazing the muck of people who have become attracted to the "celebrity" Caylee's death brings THEM.
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