2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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If they put ICA on the stand, what will she testify to? Anything she says will become a he said she said. I really don't see a point as we know she is not going to tell the truth. The only thing good would be if she completely freaked out and confessed. Don't see that happening. jmo
Seems to me Jose kinda proved Casey was too lazy to dig a hold in the backyard when she borrowed that shovel. Kinda proves Caylee's dead body was right there where the dogs hit.....
Letting the jury leave for 2 hours thinking about how ICA learned a burial method was stupid. If that was a bombshell it was a dud.

I believe it's food for thought for the jury. This is how she learned to dispose of her pets.....would she do the same for Caylee since she had detached and disassociated from her or only looked at her as a pet...Sorry Caylee..didn't mean to suggest that, just that's what was your biomom, felt you were, after the novelty of being a good natured mommy wore off her bones and felt you were in her way in her new bella vita...:maddening:
Is it possible that ICA will take the Stand after lunch, Hence an early lunch. Starting her testimony and then having to STOP 30 minutes in would not be as affective???

Why else would they have stopped early?

I agree! I think the inmate is next and needs a long lunch to prep!
Baez really should invest in golashes to wear over his shoes, cause he sure keeps stepping in it.
How does everyone think it went? I really wish I was a mock juror - I can't help but thinking it is SUCH a slam dunk for the prosecution. That makes me nervous. What am I missing?? Is the molestation crap actually believable? Did the state not clearly prove she killed her (they don't have to prove the method - think SP) but is it not crystal clear she was in custody of the baby the last time she was seen alive? What am I missing? Is there any way this chick is innocent?!?!?

No way is she innocent. 31 DAYS. NOT an accident. No 911 call which would occur in the event of an accident. No proof of molestation whatsoever. No doctors visits, GA said NO he'd never molested his daughter. ICA herself on jail tape said "Oh you have been the best dad EVER!." The entire DT OS is an immense configuration orchestrated by ICA and her creative lies and manipulation of everything and everyone.
BS just pointed out that Casey may be insisting she testify so the judge is giving the DT 2 hours to talk her out of it.

Now THAT would actually make sense. I think if Casey wants to tesify NO ONE will change her mind.
except that it was wrapped around the skull

whereas the dogs had the tape wrapped around the plastic

I had this conversation with someone the other day and he said 'what if the duct tape was on the bag and animals digging into the bag caused the duct tape to fall over the mouth'. I don't believe that for a minute but just putting it out there.
except that it was wrapped around the skull
whereas the dogs had the tape wrapped around the plastic

And to add the dogs were BURIED

Caylee was thrown in woods and left to ROT.
i think the duct tape was placed on the deceased after she died. casey wanted to discard of the body but wanted to cover the orifices, possibly out of the morbid thought of bugs entering. also, this may explain the heart sticker over the mouth. i think this was a bad mother who used chloroform on her child to make her sleep, found her dead, and tried desperately to cover it up.
I will never forget the first time GA was on the stand and asked if he was there when this "accidental drowning" happened-GA stated if he were they would not be here right now- That sticks with me, I believe him 100% end of story, he was not there!!
Heres the thing - If I was running this show, I would have put her up there before lunch. Ask the questions I think make her most sympathetic....get her BAWLING...then have the jury sit with that for an hour and a half.

Well actually, if I was running the show, she'd have pled out and led them to the body so she could get just a few years on improperly disposing of a body or some chit.

OSCaseyAnthony #CaseyAnthony pix during recess beckoning someone over from gallery. Not sure who. Another pix coming soon.
The A's buried pets in YARD!!! ICA, according to Kiomarie, would bury hamsters, etc...."close" to dump site....although, NOT at that specific location....don't want to start any rumors
I think it's all dramatic effect. I don't believe she'll testify. I honestly believe she's too chicken chit. I could be soooooo wrong, but I just don't see it happening.

My feelings exactly. She will not testify. But JB and ICA like the drama, and like to keep JA & LDB guessing. I think she is too afraid of them to testify. She is a coward at heart. And no way she wants to look bad on the stand, she is too narcissistic for that, imo.
Fast forward to the 4:20 mark and you can see Casey lure in the new guy.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URdkU3sdsw0"]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony Trial, Come Here Good Looking Man‬‏[/ame]
omg Baez just made it clear why ICA borrowed the shovel and why the dogs hit over by the playhouse and not the pool....
I had this conversation with someone the other day and he said 'what if the duct tape was on the bag and animals digging into the bag caused the duct tape to fall over the mouth'. I don't believe that for a minute but just putting it out there.

Go back and read DR. G testimony.

The mandible would have never stayed intact.
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