2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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I now believe ICA, not only killed Caylee but also her pets...I wonder what the jury thinks? JB should NOT have brought that up.
Haha I just had a thought...I think she was offered a plea after CA lied and she adamantly refused it, hence CM wanting her head examined! Lol A comforting thought.....
Here is what I think that whole pet burial testimony was meant to convey... Just my opinion and I don't think it worked. JB is insinuating that Caylee drowned in the pool. Casey went into her trauma/grief mode (based on yesterdays testimony) wrapped little caylee in her blanket, plastic bag and taped the bag shut and buried her in the backyard where the dog had alerted by her playhouse.
So, after the last sidebar, would the DT have to let the SA know if ICA was going to testify? In order to have rebuttal witnesses there?
omg JB has lost his darn mind! Why in the world would he just put the family on and bring that in?? omg, I'm not a lawyer and I know better than that.
These are the family dogs and cats, what about all the hamsters and stuff Casey took to the zone? I believe Kio's story more than ever now. The number of pets in such a short amount of time is shocking.

I do believe that DT has opened the door for SA Rebuttal regarding that "Pet Cemetary" in those woods...and that will link that "Heart Sticker" too..which was strictly her signature...Yikes..Did not hear any of the Anthony's mention placing heart stickers on their pets..only some sort of marker in stone to designate the area..

BTW..It is against the law here to bury pets in your backyard....It's only allowed in rural properties...so best NOT do that in our parts :innocent:
JA should have asked GA, CA and LA if they put duct tape over the nose and mouth of their pets...
Oh good grief - Judge Eaton just said he doesn't understand why anybody would think a family would have a tradition about burying family pets....

I don't think it's odd at all. My family had a tradition about burying our dogs when I was growing up. That was continued on when I was later married with my own children and we would bury our pets, even the hamsters and gerbils.

ETA - I am, though, quite shocked that JB thought this was a good idea to point this out the jury that the Anthony's tradition involved wrapping their pets in bags with tape wrapped around the bag. He just continues to make me shake my head even when I think he can't surprise me any more.
I had this conversation with someone the other day and he said 'what if the duct tape was on the bag and animals digging into the bag caused the duct tape to fall over the mouth'. I don't believe that for a minute but just putting it out there.

I see the point - but with enough force to keep the mandible in place? And the hair mat? and then wouldn't there be some bits of bag on the tape?
I now believe ICA, not only killed Caylee but also her pets...I wonder what the jury thinks? JB should NOT have brought that up.

I was thinking.. that's an awful lot of dead pets!
The jury has seen the in situ photos of Caylee's skull in the swamp from Dec. 11, 2008. They saw the superimposed video of the tape over her face. They heard that Caylee's mandible was held to the skull because of how the tape wrapped into her hair. They have seen pictures of the trash bags which did not appear to have duct tape or residue from duct tape, and they will be able to examine those up close. Plus, the State now gets their rebuttal argument to remind the jury of all this, and then they get the last word at closing.

Keep the faith, peeps!
If they put ICA on the stand, what will she testify to? Anything she says will become a he said she said. I really don't see a point as we know she is not going to tell the truth. The only thing good would be if she completely freaked out and confessed. Don't see that happening. jmo

as the IS th's love to point out

her testifying that bad daddy did it would be their only "proof"

i think she does

55/45% chance with a 10% margin of error
Go back and read DR. G testimony.

The mandible would have never stayed intact.

I agree with you but I'm just pointing out we never know what someone will believe, including the Jurors. This person also listened to Dr. G's testimony.

He made me mad beyond words. :maddening:

OSCaseyAnthony #CaseyAnthony pix during recess beckoning someone over from gallery. Not sure who. Another pix coming soon.

I wonder if that is the pic where she beckon that young guy over?
I'm going to go ahead & state the obvious: Caylee was not a pet. She was a child.

It's irrelevant to me how the A family buried their pets.

If I was a juror, I would NOT be swayed by the pet burial testimony.

There's plenty of reasons to allow this testimony to sway them though.
It sways them away from Kronk for starters.

#2 Adults have always know why Vets package animals in this way when they die. They do it to keep other animals from scratching the surface and trying to dig them up, something Casey obviously never thought of, else not only would she bag Caylee this way, she would have dug a deep hole for her and not throw her out there.

#3 If they are trying to imply that the duct tape was not the murder weapon, that it was used to wrap the body, then all the juror would need to do is use a bit of common sense and measure the tap vs the bags. I'm pretty sure the tape is much shorter than what it would take to wrap around the body bags.
No one throws a child in the woods without something criminal to hide. That's it.

OSCaseyAnthony Second #CaseyAnthony pix w/guy she beckoned over to defense table.
My head is about to explode! I keep thinking of all those pets. That is A LOT of animals! I had never thought of ICA honing her killing skills by practicing on the family pets, but it sure is looking suspicious. Good Gawd. And no doubt she was following "family tradition" by wrapping Caylee up like a golden retriever. At least the dogs got a decent burial. :(

Hey, Jose! Thanks for, once again, showing your client to be a cold-hearted sociopathic killer!
Here is what I think that whole pet burial testimony was meant to convey... Just my opinion and I don't think it worked. JB is insinuating that Caylee drowned in the pool. Casey went into her trauma/grief mode (based on yesterdays testimony) wrapped little caylee in her blanket, plastic bag and taped the bag shut and buried her in the backyard where the dog had alerted by her playhouse.

But that differs from their OS, where GA had the body, did something (we don't know what) with it and somehow (we don't know how) RK got ahold of it, ditched it in the woods, then came back to claim the reward money.
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