2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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Can anyone, in a nutshell without going to too much trouble, recall how many pets died?

Approx what ages the pets were?

If a cause of death was given (via actual vet)? (Or "provable" accident like hit by car etc)

And the age of ICA at the time of the pets' deaths?

I didn't get much but here's what I wrote down

1) Mandy (1980's) CA buried - buried in Ohio

2) Beau - was GA's dog. No bred or age or time mentioned

3) Cinnamon - Cocker Spaniel (part of a mother and daughter dog set that both died within 6 months of each other) KC was a Senior in HS and assisted in the burial

4) Ginger - cocker spaniel (part of the set mentioned above) dont' know who died first

5) Misty

6) Penny - died in 2009 (KC in jail) CA buried in Caylee's hooded bath towel
I don't know about that, but I have always believed Baez truly knows what happened to Caylee. Of course, he is entitled to attorney/client privilege. He didn't excuse himself from the case because he is what he called Mr. Kronk.

Then JB can't put ICA on the stand if he KNOWS she is going to lie. :twocents:
Im no atty, and have missed bits of this trial, but did they ever have an expert describe how (and/ or if) an average Joe-blow-citizen, non-chemist, etc could make chloroform?
OK...I know that we will have rebuttal and then a possible surebuttal (if warranted by new evidence ) and then closing arguments....

the jury deliberates and decides guilt on which charges....

then (if necessary) we enter the penalty phase

I heard someone say that the penalty phase will take 2 weeks???

does this mean that the sides will present in a day or 2 and the judge will take up to 2 weeks to decide?

Does the jury need to be present that long???
I didn't get much but here's what I wrote down

1) Mandy (1980's) CA buried - buried in Ohio

2) Beau - was GA's dog. No bred or age or time mentioned

3) Cinnamon - Cocker Spaniel (part of a mother and daughter dog set that both died within 6 months of each other) KC was a Senior in HS and assisted in the burial

4) Ginger - cocker spaniel (part of the set mentioned above) dont' know who died first

5) Misty

6) Penny - died in 2009 (KC in jail) CA buried in Caylee's hooded bath towel

George denied having a pet named Misty. Cindy was not asked about Misty.
Of course I cannot find this picture of the collage in ICA bedroom! It is a smaller collage (she had like 5-6 of them) with a picture of George and Cindy (I think they are in the pool?), an older group family picture and a small picture of 2 shaved tan cocker spaniels, I remember the picture of the dogs stood out to me because she didn't have pictures of any other animals in her room. I asked a long time ago if we knew who's dogs they were.

We found out today they were the Anthony's pets and their names were Cinnamon and Ginger, mother and pup who died within 6 months of each other while Casey was in high school. I think the picture was a trophy for ICA.
1 more hour folks

Oh thanks - I was trying to puzzle that one out in my poor tired brain as I am three hours behind Orlando time.
Dashed out to the corner store with my sweatshirt on inside out ...sigh...think I'll take a few minutes to have a shower, and walk my pups before what I hope are fireworks this afternoon.....
After hearing about the pets, it made me think KC killed them. Don't sociopath killers often start out killing animals?
omg JB has lost his darn mind! Why in the world would he just put the family on and bring that in?? omg, I'm not a lawyer and I know better than that.

maybe to erase the River disaster from the juror's mind
At this point, I think it's quite possible that ICA was experimenting on the "sleepy dogs" - how much chloroform, or whatever, could she give them to knock them out without straight-up killing them? She miscalculated when she attempted to knock out poor little Caylee. Taped her mouth shut, knocked her out with the chloroform, laid the cloth with chloroform over Caylee's face once she was unconscious, and left her there. The poor baby vomited, is asphyxiated, and the vomit leaks from her nose. ICA finds her, realizes that moving her makes the vomit leak more copiously, ripped off a new piece of duct tape and slapped it over her nasal airway.
I just have 2 problems with this. Number one, I don't see how Casey could manage to make chloroform and not accidentally knock herself out or even kill herself with it. Number two, would she need to knock Caylee out with it in the house? Couldn't she just give her a Benadryl or let her run around while Casey played on the computer?

Am I the only person who has mixed emotions about Casey testifying? I want her to, but she is such an effective liar, and I don't want her planting the least hint of reasonable doubt into the minds of these jurors. Especially the all important Juror#4.

When she spoke in court yesterday, I was really taken aback. And I really don't know why. I believe wholeheartedly that Casey Anthony is 100% guilty (and have for 3 years), but when she spoke yesterday, she didn't sound like I thought she "should". She didn't sound like how I thought a murderous mother would sound if that makes sense. She sounded a little more humanized to me, and I don't want the jury to feel that way too.

I see your point, but I don't see how Casey could hold up under the barrage the prosecution would deliver to her. She HAD to admit she didn't work at Universal when push came to shove, for example - she wasn't able to snow the detectives. She wasn't even able to keep snowing Cindy, who finally refused to give her "one more day" and called 911. I also think that if given free reign on the stand, she would probably forget herself and get mad or blurt something out that would not help her case.
So was Lee ever asked about any sexual abuse by the DT? If not, whyyyyy?
I didn't get much but here's what I wrote down

1) Mandy (1980's) CA buried - buried in Ohio

2) Beau - was GA's dog. No bred or age or time mentioned

3) Cinnamon - Cocker Spaniel (part of a mother and daughter dog set that both died within 6 months of each other) KC was a Senior in HS and assisted in the burial

4) Ginger - cocker spaniel (part of the set mentioned above) dont' know who died first

5) Misty

6) Penny - died in 2009 (KC in jail) CA buried in Caylee's hooded bath towel


I can't believe on the last day of their case the defense brought in facts concerning those two dogs. They opened it up. 2 dogs dying within a short period of time when KC was a senior (a point that while not mentioned at trial we know that she started to go more publicly off the rails so to speak). I mean why not just directly compare your client to Jeffrey Dahmer?

JB "Now has my client ever shown you any of the recipes she has for eating people? No! Good! You must acquit!"
I believe that CM is only lead counsel on paper so JB could lead the DT per ICA request. She wanted JB doing this-end of story. She is running this show and it is showing by how the DT is doing it's job.

HHJP has repeatedly referred to Jose Baez as Lead Counsel in this case in court throughout the trial....:waitasec:

Doesn't want a respected old lawyer like CM tarred with the same brush maybe? :innocent:
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