2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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Regarding the video of that guy giving Ashton the finger, it did look like he gave him the finger, but I think if he wanted to he could have played ignorant to what he did. If the judge would have told him "It looked like you gave Ashton the finger.", he could have said it just looks that way but I never did do that. I wonder what the judge would have said.

The phrase "This isn't my first rodeo! 6 days and $600's. Next!" comes to mind.
if jean c says one more time that the duct tape could have been embedded in the hair mat by the RK moving the skull i will scream. hope the jury isnt this gullible. is she serious?

Better to ignore the THs on this stuff... It will help restore your blood pressure.
Does anyone have a ballpark figure they want to throw out when ALL will be over? TIA

It depends on the verdict. I think the jury will get the case next week at some point. I'm betting if they do a verdict will be back by Saturday. From there it depends on the verdict. If no 1st degree murder than it is pretty much over. If she is convicted on 1st degree it starts all over again, so expect another 2-3 weeks.
Was GA's suicide note shown or read in court today? Was it read to the jury? If so, what time around was it? The early part of the trial today?
I don't have the transcripts to the depositions so I will state this is in my opinion from what I recall. She did NOT say she looked up chloroform. She said she looked up chlorophyll. She did NOT say she was at home during the days specific to the searches on the computer. She said she was at work.

If that's not lying, I don't know what is. Wait. Maybe it's half truth or mistruth. Anthony talk.

Agree ~n/t~ that's what lDB was so annoyed about with CA when she did the cross. CA was much more sure SHE did those searches on those particular days in question when she testified with Baez.
I wish I could remember what legal page I was reading, but it's all a blur lately, that perjury charges are almost never pursued - and when they are it is with government officials and politicians. But the low numbers were really startling.

Apparently it is hard to prove and very time consuming because you have to prove intent and gain.

Sooooooo we must all remember that if we ever take that oath that it is ok for us to lie out rear ends off!
I don't have the transcripts to the depositions so I will state this is in my opinion from what I recall. She did NOT say she looked up chloroform. She said she looked up chlorophyll. She did NOT say she was at home during the days specific to the searches on the computer. She said she was at work.

If that's not lying, I don't know what is. Wait. Maybe it's half truth or mistruth. Anthony talk.
What seems to have happened is Cindy now claims her memory is better because of medication or some such. Do I believe that? No way, and I doubt anyone with an IQ above room temperature believes it.

But how does the State prove Cindy is lying about her own issues with memory recall?

Yes, common sense says Cindy is full of it, but the State needs more than that to charge Cindy with perjury.
It depends on the verdict. I think the jury will get the case next week at some point. I'm betting if they do a verdict will be back by Saturday. From there it depends on the verdict. If no 1st degree murder than it is pretty much over. If she is convicted on 1st degree it starts all over again, so expect another 2-3 weeks.

Remember we still have the penalty phase to get through before anyone starts counting expenditure totals....
Regarding the video of that guy giving Ashton the finger, it did look like he gave him the finger, but I think if he wanted to he could have played ignorant to what he did. If the judge would have told him "It looked like you gave Ashton the finger.", he could have said it just looks that way but I never did do that. I wonder what the judge would have said.

How 'bout - let's run that video!
Was GA's suicide note shown or read in court today? Was it read to the jury? If so, what time around was it? The early part of the trial today?

Jurors got to read it. Admitted into record. Will be on news site by this pm.
It depends on the verdict. I think the jury will get the case next week at some point. I'm betting if they do a verdict will be back by Saturday. From there it depends on the verdict. If no 1st degree murder than it is pretty much over. If she is convicted on 1st degree it starts all over again, so expect another 2-3 weeks.

The needle in 2031?
Here's the tough part about that and this is most definitely NOT directed at you my friend.

Human behaviourists tell us that judging is a form of personal ego-stroking as in I'm better than you are and this proves it. A way of "feeling good" about ourselves or "superior" when we actually feel "inferior"....for whatever reason.

And you know - judge not, lest ye yourself be judged...that sort of thing.

Anything can be overdone - but to me judging, as in "assessing against a standard", does not indicate anything about a person's ego but may indicate a lot about their values and character. imo
That's it? Wow. I have to say I'm really shocked. After watching the incredible going ons with this case before and during trial.....serious criminal activities by some, this guy gets 6 days in jail and a fine for an almost unnoticeable gesture?

It's laughable. :floorlaugh:

Canadian are you? :great: Little more lax up here?

Want to bet HHJP saw him?
I don't think it's a matter of physically getting the records. It's probably a matter of obtaining them legally (think "red tape") that's holding everything up... IMO, anyway.

Hi. IT guy here. It's probably a matter of actually compiling the information, pulling tapes or whatever, interpreting the data and verifying that it is complete and correct. Then physically putting it into a form that can be distributed and understood by Non IT people, and then verifying that is correct.

And even then, they probably can't just email the files. Burn them to a CD, put them in a pouch and overnight them.

That's where the time goes.

The bit about waiting past the weekend is bogus. Any infomration security or compliance guy worth his salt, who is in charge, having been subpoenaed will have someone do the work overnight or over a weekend if needed. And if it's necessary, will roll up his sleeves and do the work himself. Legal requests get top priority, even over making money. Or at least they should.
Was GA's suicide note shown or read in court today? Was it read to the jury? If so, what time around was it? The early part of the trial today?

It was shown to the Jury after lunch recess....later on in the day.
She'll do fine with all of her new pen-pals that she will aquire.

I had a cousin that was really taken with "prisoners".
She went as far as moving to Florida to be "near him".

These men, {at least the ones that she communicated with}, will make little notebooks and put their name and info in it for other inmates to send to their "penpals".

They tell these woman everything that they want to hear - pry info out of them on their wants, needs, etc.
Lo and behold, it isn't long, and these are the things that are promised to them as soon as they are released.
All innocent, all set up convictions, etc.
It doesn't take long for them to start asking for money, then, demanding it. It was always a matter of "Life & Death". If she didn't send him money out of her next check, someone was always after him for one thing or another.

He eventually had her cashing phoney tax returns for him. Tax return info are NOT allowed to be opened by the prison, and there was quite the scam of this taking place in about 10-12 states in the 90's, to which he was also included.
The returns, with phoney names were sent to her to cash and give to him.

When her living became tip-to-tip, and she was running a drop cord to her neighbor for electricty, and filling milk jugs for water, she told him that she just couldn't send any more money.

That was the end of their relationship. He accused her not loving him, and to not write anymore if she didn't send or bring him money.

Now, this was the 3rd guy in prison that she fell for ~ Same stories, all were going to buy her the car/SUV that she wanted, build her a log cabin in the mountians, etc.
She found out that 2 of them were married, and they all had numerous "loves of their lifes".

Casey won't have a problem at all cashing in.
She aldready has bragged about the men that were writing to her in jail, and, prison won't be any differant.
She'll just be more famous and will be able to demand more I'm sure, IMO.

Sadly,I know you're right,but we have to remember:

She will never get to pick her clothes out ,again
She will never be able to take a shower when she feels like it.
She can't text or phone 24/7 anymore.
She can't choose what she eats.
She will never get to travel anywhere wonderful.
She can't go for a run like she used to.
She can't have a normal relationship with a guy.(I know she can still have an abnornal one,but that just not the same)

I'm sure there's a lot more.She may make a life for herself ,but it's not by her choice,and that's okay with me.
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