2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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As for finger-flipper...for 2 years I spent 2 days a week in our county's Family Court, we saw all kinds of unusual behavior that had little to do with the case being heard. Judge would hammer it down, and afterwards judge and attorneys for both sides would have a good laugh in chambers. I also spent many nights in municipal courts, same thing.

Judge has to have control of his/her courtroom, thus they'll throw the gavel at a disruptor. Lawyers on opposing sides can be congenial with each other outside of the case at hand. That's the nature of the profession. Additionally, most Attys are into dark humor. Maybe not in this case or other high profile cases, but it happens.
So on HLN a few minutes ago CH/RC admits to being intimate several times with GA...then says 5 or 6...then 6 emphatically. I don't know what this woman hopes to gain...but shame on HLN for even giving her an interview. JMO

I agree that it's a shame to even give her an interview. Aside from that I don't know how she even holds her head up and WANTS to be interviewed, to tell the whole world that she slept with a married man? Not that I would ever do anything like that but hypothetically if I did, I certainly wouldn't be going around telling everyone about it.
Crystal Hollway is on HLN being interviewed by Vinnie Politano. Oh wow! Vinnie asked if she made eye contact with George today. She said that as she left the courtroom, she didn't make eye contact with GA or LA, but her eyes locked onto CA's and they stared at each other as she walked out of the courtroom.

CH says she knows what she did was wrong - sleeping with a married man, but says her life has been crazy ever since. She said people kept calling her and she changed phones and they'd get her new phone number and she'd have to change again. She said that during the time GA was coming to her house..............he had 4 telephones! This makes the existence of the bat phones more credible.

She's saying she wants to set the record straight. She says she's not a criminal except for a traffic ticket. She says GA told her he couldn't get a job and had to pay bills, so she gave him money. She says she doesn't have anything to say to GA, that she's been truthful and he hasn't been truthful about their affair. She says she feels bad for his loss of Caylee, but he needs to tell the truth about their affair.

In spite of myself... I beleive her! I really really wanted to believe that she has been lying all along, but after listening to her now with Vinnie, geesh... She sounds quite credible. Dang. And she's not nearly as unattractive as I first thought--she's got a cute personality and it's beginning to show through. JMO.

ETA: This doesn't mean I think GA is guilty of anything other than having an affair. I think he did fool around with this woman, but so what? Despicable, certainly, but not necessarily criminal. At least I don't think it is. Anyone know Florida law?
Great. She has been watching the trial. I have to turn this off. Poor Caylee....another vulture feeding off her. Vultures....River and Vinny.
Nova..they got them all this morning..although (DT) were given a Headsup they were coming..and NOW DT wants Their IT person to verify authenticity..LOL..Barking up the wrong tree, however they DID "Stipulate" to "Time Cards" already..Hummm..

D Simms has had most the day to depose the Geneva person who "Controls" those records..so doubt they can put this off until next week..After all it was their questionings and elliciting testimony that even brought this out..so No way is SA at fault or negligent..

BTW..The SA started seeking right after CA's tesitmony last Thursday or Friday..and we all know it takes time to obtain suppoena's..and for the Suppeana'd party needs to research and obtain those records..Thank Goodness..they keep records like this!!

Thanks LL. Just a stall tactic it seems.
Here's the tough part about that and this is most definitely NOT directed at you my friend.

Human behaviourists tell us that judging is a form of personal ego-stroking as in I'm better than you are and this proves it. A way of "feeling good" about ourselves or "superior" when we actually feel "inferior"....for whatever reason.

And you know - judge not, lest ye yourself be judged...that sort of thing.

I would agree with that statement. We need to be able to assess certain things, such as a juror must do. It just gets to be over the top when it becomes personal and an investment of "I'm right, must be right and always am."
Yes, but we're talking about perjury charges.

Of course the State will have no problem sinking Cindy's "testimony" wrt the searches.

just my opinion, they aren't going to pursue perjury charges, it's rarely done and would be a public relations disaster.... Sad to say, almost EVERYONE lies in court:sick:
Nope, I like stroking my own ego. :great: OK, gosh' if ya wanna get all serious about it........I think having and opinion and judging someone is a thin line to walk. Yeah sure here on this board we may go over board with the judging but it's a crime board for sweet baby feets sake. Do I care what some "expert" thinks about that.....nope. Not one little bit. I don't care what the reason is either.....now, wanna split this box o' wine with me????????? :floorlaugh:

Well, I can come up with a better reason for it. It's a survival mechanism.
Shame on Vinnie and shame on RC for making herself the victim here!!!! I am thoroughly
I don't know. Did he?

Yes, I believe so.


At the time he was talking about holding JB in contempt and further stated he would take it up with the Florida Bar.
I have my concerns about her and I now have concerns about the younger guy on the jury. After today's drama with that 28 year old flipping JA, I wonder if the young adults have a problem with the truth and putting one of their "peers" in prison for the rest of their life or sentencing them to death.

here are my thoughts, the young guy - if he says NG, they will bully him and clam up and keep him there, he doesn't want that, I think he's outnumbered and will lose that battle. #4, wildcard.... Honestly, I hope she has the sense to not make the family go through this again, NOW THAT's CRUEL
Krystal Holloway about to step into HLN studio in Orlando with Vinnie.

Well, that didn't take long at all. Too bad the jury won't know how soon she went to the media again. :maddening:
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